

聚丙烯的这些特性被认为是半刚性、半透明和良好的耐化学性。这可以是坚韧的坚固材料,具有良好的抗疲劳性。它们具有整体铰链性能,也具有良好的耐热性(Doran & Cather, 2013)。聚丙烯不会出现这些问题,在复杂的温度下,它提供了更高水平的电阻和耐化学性。聚丙烯所表现出的性能与聚乙烯相似。然而,有一些细微的先天差异。这些包括较低的密度,较高的软化点。它们具有较高的刚性、非弹性和硬度。这些添加剂应用于这些商业生产的聚丙烯树脂。这些用于在加工过程中保护聚合物和增强这些最终用途。聚丙烯被认为是一种易于注射的材料,尽管它是半结晶的性质。有一些机械性能导致较低的熔体粘度。值得讨论的是,在较高剪切速率下,聚丙烯增强了这些冲击。在这种情况下,注射成型的熔体温度在200和250℃左右。除此之外,还有一些阻燃等级只有在220℃时才能正常工作。熔体流动指数表示关于熔体流动行为的更粗略的指导Haque等人,2008)。


Polypropylene (PP) is considered to be a linear polymer hydrocarbon. It is denoted in the form of CnH2n. The compounds Polyethylene and polybutene (PB) is a product that is a polyolefin or saturated polymers. The Polypropylene is estimated to be one of the most versatile polymers that are available in applications. These can be in the form of plastic or of any fibre. This is used in ubiquitously all plastic end-users.

These properties of Polypropylene are deliberated to be semi-rigid, translucent and good chemical resistance. This can be tough robust material that has a good fatigue resistance. They have the integral hinge property and also a good heat resistance (Doran & Cather, 2013). The Polypropylene will not present with the problems and it offers higher level of electrical and chemical resistance at the sophisticated temperature. The properties that are exhibited by PP are similar to the Polyethylene. However, there are some minute innate differences. These include lower density, higher point of softening. They have a higher level of rigidity, inelasticity and hardness. These additives are applied to these commercially produced polypropylene resins. These are used for the protection of the polymer during the processing and for the enhancement of these end uses. Polypropylene is deemed to be an easy material for the injection of the mould that is used in spite of the semi crystalline nature. There are some of the mechanical properties that lead to the lower melt viscoscity. It is noteworthy to discuss about the pseudo plastic nature and the polypropylene enhances these impacts at higher shear rates. In this case, the melt temperatures of the injection moulding are around 200 and 250oC. Added to this, there are some of the flame-retardant grades which will operate properly only when it is 220oC. The melt flow index indicates about the rougher guide for the melt flow behaviour Haque et al., 2008).

These results form the pseudo plastic nature of polypropylene. Moulding shrinkage by the polypropylene is perceived to be around 1%. The prediction of the values is difficult as it is based on the kinds of polypropylene mouldings. Three kinds of polypropylene are currently available in the markets. These three kinds of polypropylene are currently visible. Each of the suits is a particular specification that is costing. Homopolymers is pondered to be a general-purpose grade that can be utilized in a series of different



英国essay代写:超市行业的经济分析。超市行业是现代商业的有效组成部分,如今该行业发展迅速。超市行业的销售额一直在增长,这就是为什么食品杂货市场的机会一直在日益发展。另一方面,超市行业是澳大利亚最具竞争力的行业之一。然而,澳大利亚市场上有各种各样的超市,如Woolworths, Coles, Aldi等。像Aldi和Woolworths这样的超市的快速发展或扩张是分析中最有趣的部分。接下来英国essay代写将对超市行业的经济进行以下分析。


经济学家对超市行业的结构进行了有效的分析。一个行业的结构可以被认为是一个行业的预测行为。主要是一个行业的结构可以有效地影响该行业的盈利能力。在这种情况下,可以看出,超市行业的每一项活动都可以依赖于结构。然而,在这个行业,这些公司一直在相互提供高水平的竞争。因此,企业的营销策略和定价策略是企业经营过程中非常重要的一部分。在澳大利亚市场上,有一些主要的超市,超市的名字有Aldi, Coles, Woolworths, IGA等。除了澳大利亚的超级市场,市场上也有一些非超级市场。非超市企业获得了11.8%的市场份额,但除此之外,超市行业还获得了其他部分的市场份额。


在过去五年中,Woolworths、Coles集团和Aldi一直在有效增长。在这种情况下,非常重要的是要确定Woolworths已经获得了32.7%的市场,Coles集团有28.8%,Aldi有172.1% (Van Thuong, Thanh & Le Khang, 2019)。因此,这些都是澳大利亚超市行业的主要市场领导者。与此同时,还有其他超市,如IGA, Star Mart,他们在市场的其他部分有一席之地,但他们的效果不太好。因此,他们需要更多地关注他们的商业战略,以增长他们的经济因素。此外,通过下面的分析,可以对超市行业的经济结构进行详细的分析。


这是微观经济分析的形式,基于经济部门之间的相互依赖。基本上,为了发展业务,Woolworths和Coles集团降低了产品和服务的价格。这样,他们才能在竞争激烈的市场中获得适当的相互依存的机会。除此之外,行业运营商一直在降低运营成本,并接受较低的利润率(Choi, Rabinovich & Richards, 2019)。这就是他们如何有效地在现代商业中保持竞争力。超市一直在开发新店,这可以帮助他们提高销售额。

因此,这是超市行业的主要市场结构,为了发展业务,公司需要正确地了解这种结构。这可以促进他们的商业战略,他们的利润率可以发展(Wu & Qiu, 2019)。

Analyse and evaluate the market structure of the supermarket industry

The economists have been analysed effectively regarding the structure of the supermarket industry. The structure of an industry can be identified as a predict behaviour of the industry. Mainly, the structure of an industry can effectively influence the profitability of the industry. In this case, it can be seen that the each and every activity of the supermarket industry can be depended on the structure. However, in this industry, the companies have been providing high level of competition to each other. Therefore, the marketing strategy and the pricing strategy of the companies is very important part of their business process. In the Australian market, there are some major supermarkets and the names of the supermarkets are Aldi, Coles, Woolworths, IGA and so on. Along with the supermarkets of Australia, there are some non supermarkets in the market as well. The non supermarket companies have gained 11.8% market, but apart from this, other parts of the market have gained by the supermarket industry.

Social cost-benefit analysis

In the last five years the Woolworths, Coles group and Aldi have been growing effectively. In this situation, it is very important to identify that Woolworths have gained 32.7% market, Coles group has 28.8%, Aldi has 172.1% (Van Thuong, Thanh & Le Khang, 2019). Thus, these are the main market leaders of the Australian supermarket industry. Along with this, there are other supermarkets like IGA, Star Mart who have the place on other parts of the market, but they are not much effective. Hence, they need to take care of their business strategy more in terms of growing their economical factors. Moreover, the detail of the economical structure of the supermarket industry can be identified with the help of below analysis.

Input-output analysis

This is the form of the microeconomic analysis and this is based on the interdependencies between the economic sectors. Basically, for developing the business Woolworths and Coles Group cut their prices of the products and services. Like this, they can proper get the chance of interdependence their business in the competitive market. Apart from this, the industry operators have been decreasing their operation costs and accept the lower margins also (Choi, Rabinovich & Richards, 2019). This is how they effectively stay competitive in the modern business. The supermarkets have been developing new stores which can be helpful for them to enhance their sales.

Therefore, this is the main market structure of the supermarket industry and in order to develop the business, the companies need to understand the structure in a proper way. This can boost their business strategy and their profit margins can be developed (Wu & Qiu, 2019).




该国的经济自由度得分为72.3,截至2018年,其经济自由度在世界上排名第30位(Heritage, 2018)。总体得分上升2.7分左右,说明财政状况良好。然而,由于不灵活的劳动法和高度管制的招聘系统,全球企业在该国面临问题(Thelen和Kume, 1999)。平均关税为1.4%,而且还存在阻碍贸易的非关税壁垒。


与日本等工业化国家相比,单亲家庭的情况并没有改善。单亲家庭贫困率高达50.8%。与其他经合组织国家相比,日本的数字较低。经合组织的平均水平为13.3%,日本为11.4%。单亲母亲家庭被贷款压垮了。法律援助不仅仅是经济上的,还帮助儿童接受教育。此外,全球化引入的一体化劳动观念的缺乏使这些单身母亲不断面临风险。在没有足够就业机会的欧洲和北欧国家,有针对失业者的公共援助计划。然而,在日本,这部分“不稳定的工人别无选择,只能接受不充分就业。这些不稳定阶层在恶劣的工作条件下从事非自愿的兼职和临时工作,部分或完全被禁止获得社会保障(Bhalla和Lapeyre, 2004年,第71页)。这在经济上耗尽了单身母亲的精力,让孩子失去了社会地位。事实上,这种不稳定的工作需求迫使日本单身母亲从“约舍场”(yoseba)或临时劳动力市场中作为临时工工作,转向由管理者控制的剥削性劳动力市场,称为“nunpudashi”或工人寄宿公寓(Webster, 2001)。对全球化机遇的不充分利用导致国家和工人与资本主义增长进行斗争,这反过来阻止了经济中的涓滴效应,并将斗争的责任放在了工人身上。因此,在需要采取法律措施加以纠正的情况下,儿童贫困成为一种不希望出现的结果。

Globalization effects have been observed in Japan, but Japan was not a champion of globalization or of making use of it to such an extent to have a greater trickle-down benefit in economic stratum of its society. This makes Japan a sceptic in the different perspectives of globalization presented by Fitzpatrick. FDI flows were at the highest globally in 2007, however in Japan, it was observed that the country missed out on the FDI boom and its overall contribution in FDI was around 2 percent in GDP only. There were less mergers and acquisitions (around 2 percent in world value) which puts the trade of Japan at the outliers. The share of imports is low. In terms of tourism which globalization is said to have impacted in a positive way, Japan has less than 10 percent foreign tourism compared to China and the Eastern Block. Very little Japanese study abroad and inflows and outflows in immigration are quite low. Net immigration is nearly zero (The Japan Times, 2018). In this context, the influence of globalization with respect to addressing child poverty situation for any country as understood conceptually would not be great.

The economic freedom score of the country is 72.3 and its economy is the thirtieth freest in the world as of 2018 (Heritage, 2018). The overall score increases of around 2.7 shows its good fiscal health. However, global businesses face issues with the country because of inflexible labour laws and a recruitment system that is highly regimented (Thelen and Kume, 1999). The average tariff rate is 1.4 percent and in addition, there are non-tariff barriers that impeded trade in the country.

In this context of globalization being not so well received within the country, the child poverty rate shows slower improvement. Around 3.5 million Japanese children belong to a household that is in relative poverty (as per OECD comparison guidelines). Their household income falls below the median national disposable income. As of 2015, there was some improvement as compared to 2012 when the Health Labour and Welfare Ministry stated that the country was at its worst with respect to child poverty. However, the improvement shows that there is scope for more.

Compared to industrialized nations similar to Japan, the situation has not improved for single parent homes. Poverty rate in single parent households were at a high of 50.8 percent. Compared against the other OECD countries, Japan has a lower figure. OECD average is 13.3 percent and Japan’s falls at 11.4 percent. Single mother households are held down by loans. More than economical, legal aid was brought into effect to help children receive an education. In addition, the lack of integrating labour concepts introduced through globalization puts these single mothers at continuous risks. In European and Nordic countries where there is no adequate employment, then there are public assistance schemes available for the unemployed. However, in Japan, this “precarious segments of workers have no alternative but to accept underemployment. These precarious segments are occupied in involuntary part-time and temporary employment under poor working conditions and are partially or fully barred from access to social security (Bhalla and Lapeyre, 2004, p.71). This drains the single mothers economically and leaves the children social bereft. In fact, such precarious needs to work pushes Japanese single mothers from working as causal labourers in the “yoseba” or the casual labour market to the exploitive labour markets controlled by managers, called the “nunpudashi” or worker boarding houses (Webster, 2001). Underexploiting the opportunities in globalization has led the country and its labourers into a fight with capitalistic growth and this in turn stops trickle down benefits in economy and puts the onus on the workers to struggle. Child poverty hence becomes an undesired outcome in the situation requiring legal measure to correct it.



英国essay代写:新艺术。新艺术(Art Nouveau)是一种摆脱世界传统艺术思想的自由精神,是为了更好地利用传统艺术,使其在世界范围内适用。新艺术运动的目标是平衡主要和次要的艺术形式,并引入一种适用于所有情况的艺术形式。换句话说,这种艺术形式具有一种社会信息,即将实用与美丽相结合。这种艺术形式的优势在于对一个人的思维过程没有限制。它恰好是在其他地方看不到的独特结构中有趣的设计思想的中心。接下来英国essay代写专家对新艺术的分析。




新艺术是一种借助于多种材料的装饰风格。作为工业革命的结果,新艺术被压印在钢、铁、玻璃和陶瓷上(Horth pars。8 – 12)。这种风格也被用于灯饰和混凝土的制造。艺术运动以其形式而闻名,如突然的暴力曲线,雕塑在不对称的形状,杂乱的形状,抛物线和双曲线。有许多元素吸收了洛可可风格,其中包括贝壳纹理。

新艺术的自然形式包括自然元素和象征动植物的符号。这类似于象征主义风格(Eadie 9-13)。然而,新艺术的不同之处在于它具有独特的外观。风格和形式根据目的的不同而不同。例如,很少有艺术家使用这种形式来创作绘画、雕塑和珠宝,而许多人则将其用于商业目的、建筑、时尚和家居项目。

Art Nouveau indicates the spirit of freedom from the traditional thoughts of art in the world and is meant to utilize conventional art in a better way to make it applicable throughout the world. The objective of Art Nouveau is to balance the major and minor art forms and to introduce an art form that is applicable on all instances . In other words, this art form has a social message which is to mingle utility and beauty. The advantage with this art form is the absence of restrictions to one’s thought process. It happens to be a hub of interesting design ideas in unique structures that are seen nowhere else.

Art Nouveau was initially termed as new art as it was found to combine the arts and crafts movement of Britain and also clutter the existing designs formed during Victorian era. It originated during the times when Japanese art and Victorian art form were famous. Victorian art typically means the development of art colonies in this instance. It started with patterns and floral backgrounds and then extended to wooden blocks. It was addressed as an ornamental/decorative art in US and Europe due to the long lines that were widely used in interior designs, posters and architecture. Soon after it gained recognition, it underwent changes and new blocks and patterns such as typography and lettering were introduced.

Art Nouveau is called a movement of art with no limits on one’s creative ability as it can be applied to any need and it also encourages free flow of designs and ideas. While many Germans made use of this form, it rapidly spread to other countries and extended to architecture in smaller cities like Darmstadt and other European locals. Germans called it Jugenstil. It assured grandeur and changed the way the contemporary architecture used to be. For example, many buildings in Paris used a combination of tiles and terracotta to make the house unique. It undoubtedly became a hit and regarded as the choice of artists. Art Nouveau has then been used for business branding, jewelry and other visual forms of communication.

Forms and styles of Art Nouveau assimilated by artists

Art Nouveau belongs to the ornamental style that was used with the help of a number of materials. As a result of industrial revolution, Art Nouveau was embossed on steel, iron, glass and ceramics (Horth pars. 8-12). The style was also adopted in the manufacturing of lights and concrete. The art movement is known for its forms such as abrupt violent curve, sculpture in asymmetrical shapes, cluttered shapes, parabolas and hyperbolas. There were many elements that imbibed the Rococo style and these include shell textures.

The natural form of Art Nouveau included natural elements and symbols that denoted flora and fauna. This resembled the symbolist style (Eadie 9-13). However, Art Nouveau differed in the point that it had a unique appearance. The styles and forms differed based on the purpose. For instance, few artists used this form to create paintings, sculptures, and jewelry, while many others used it for business purpose, architecture, fashion and home furnishing items.



英国essay格式:新西兰的社会契约。在大多数政治社会文献中,社会契约的定义是,政府与人民签订的契约,人民声明他们将如何被管理的条款。在当今时代,新西兰的社会契约已经为政府和毛利人以及其他新西兰人之间更好的关系铺平了道路(Rivers, 2014)。社会契约不仅对教育系统有用,而且对国家的其他经济福利方面也是必要的因素。这表明,即使政府是国家所有政策的中心,人民也有一些自治权。因此,它为不同社区的人们和土地之间带来了更好的联系。接下来英国essay格式专家将为同学们分析下新西兰的社会契约。



“双文化教育政策被认为是解决义务教育部门Māori学生教育成绩不足的持续挑战的一种手段”(Codd, 2005, p.193)。双文化教育政策确实改变了毛利学生的社会状况。

特别是在过去的20年里,人们观察到,从新西兰的单一文化体系到双文化体系给毛利人带来了许多有益的影响。现在有许多毛利教育工作者,他们是毛利儿童的过渡和教育激励者。一个尊重tereo(毛利语言)和nga tikanga毛利(毛利文化)的教育系统并不存在(Thrupp, 1999)。

根据Peters和Marshall(1989)的研究,支持毛利人和更多新西兰人口的教育政策制定历史在四个州进行。根据本研究,这两个阶段分别是同化阶段和负离子阶段、文化差异阶段、多元文化主义和双文化主义。现在在同化阶段的教育政策制定中,重点是要有一个主导系统,教育规则是由主导种族制定的,其他所有人都被同化了。这里提出了更好的聚合。然而,这导致了文化剥夺的情况,学生,特别是毛利人,失去了对文化和传统的接触。人们再次看到,新西兰通过解决毛利儿童的问题和引进对非白族文化的白族容忍的概念,来应对其在教育方面面临的社会挑战。当时,对其他宗教或少数民族的宽容是社会学的一个重要概念。然而,随着时间的推移,这个国家开始理解双文化主义是改善教育的一种方式。目前,毛利人开启了教育的双文化阶段,对毛利人教育的框架理解变得更加容易(Robinson et al., 1996;Spoonley, 1999)。作为教育社会契约的重要组成部分,双文化主义带来了四个主要的好处。这些都被认为在教育系统中发挥了非常积极的作用。

In New Zealand, an explicit social contract exists because of the Treaty of Waitangi. It has improved the quality of education in New Zealand as people are able to learn from their culture. In sociology of education, the connections to culture and tradition of the land are studies. General traditions in sociology and historyare drawn into context so that students in that educational system respect their traditions and are still open to newer experiences.

Lourie (2014) stated the bicultural policy development in the country was indeed a strong one. It was developed as early as in 1984 by the Labour Government which was observed to have created better social justice in education for the Maori people. In the beginning of its inception, the focus was to acknowledge the injustice that wassuffered by the Maori people and ensure that any social or economic inequality which they faced as a consequence was adjusted for through the policy. The bicultural education policy was in essence a form of helping aspect for the Maoris and for better integration of the New Zealand society.

“Bicultural education policy is thought to be a means of addressing the ongoing challenge of educational underachievement of Māori students in the compulsory schooling sector” (Codd, 2005, p.193). Bicultural education policy did indeed change the social landscape for Maori students.

In the last 20 years in particular, it has been observed that from the NZ monocultural system to the bicultural system has resulted in much beneficial impact for Maoris. Many Maori educators are present now who serve as a transition and educational motivator for Maori children. A schooling system that respect the tereo (the Maori language) and the nga tikanga Maori (the Maori culture) are not present (Thrupp, 1999).

The history of educational policy making for supporting the Maoris and the greater New Zealand population has been carried out in four states according to researchers Peters and Marshall (1989). According to this research, the phases are assimilation phase and interanion phase, the cultural difference phase, multiculturalism and biculturalism. Now in the educational policy making in assimilation phase, the focus was on having a dominant system where educational rules were made up by the dominant race and everyone else was assimilated into it. Better aggregation was proposed to be achieved here. However, this led to cultural deprivation situation where the students, especially the Maoris in particular were losing their touch of cultural, their tradition etc. Once again, New Zealand was seen to rise to meet its social challenged when it comes to education by addressing the problems of the Maori child and introduced the concept of Pakehatolerance of non-Pakeha culture. This was a time when tolerance for other religions or minorities and for the others was a big concept in sociology. However, over time, the country came to understand biculturalism as the way to improve education. In the current, Maori initiated bicultural stage of education, it has become easier to frame understanding of Maori education (Robinson et al., 1996; Spoonley, 1999). Biculturalism which is a major part of the social contract in education has resulted in four key benefits. These are considered as having played a very positive role in educational system。




工程师应向利益相关者传达真实的信息,并应作为忠实的代理人和受托人向雇主或客户(Borenstein & Arkin, 2016)。要求工程师确保自己不沉迷于欺诈活动,因为它可能导致对方以货币和非货币的形式遭受损失。工程师应在工作中确保公平、诚实、公平、公正,为客户提供服务,以保障公众的安全、福利和健康。工程师的职责是只从事他们能胜任的工作。当工程师获得专业资格时,他们需要承担或执行任务。工程师应维护客户提供的信息的机密性和隐私性,在得到客户同意之前不应披露。工程师应该在不批评其他工程师的情况下抓住就业机会,不以错误的方式呈现其他工程师的做法(Burgess, 2017)。


工程师应该遵守道德规范,因为它有助于防止组织中员工之间发生冲突。除此之外,它还强调重视整个组织的利益,而不是个人的目标。这有助于提高公司的整体绩效,并在公司的利益相关者之间建立信任。工程师有必要以真实的方式开展这些活动,为接受者提供最大的货物。如果工程师以诚实的态度履行他们的职责,那么这可能会改善公司的品牌形象,客户会被这样的组织所吸引,并愿意支付溢价,因为它为他们创造了价值(Kirkman, 2017)。

除此之外,工程师应该为那些其服务被用来有效地满足其客户需求的个人或企业提供适当的信用。同时,工程师也需要为客户提供真实的建议,而不是误导客户去实现他们的个人目标,因为这会降低利益相关者之间的信任。工程师们的实践和遵守道德规范导致了公共福利的提升,因为他们为该地区的基础设施发展做出了重大贡献(Kirkman, 2017)。

Engineers should communicate the truthful information to the stakeholders and should act as a faithful agent and trustees to an employer or client (Borenstein & Arkin, 2016). Engineers are required to ensure that they should not indulge in the fraudulent activities as it may result in incurrence of the loss to the other party in the form of monetary and non-monetary terms. Engineers should provide services to its clients by ensuring fairness, honesty, equity and impartiality in the work for the purpose of protection of safety, welfare and health of the public. It is the duty of the engineers to perform only those activities in which they are competent. Engineers need to take or carry on the assignments when they attain a professional qualification. Engineers should maintain the confidentiality and privacy of the information provided by the customers and should not disclose it until the consent is taken from them. Engineers should grab the employment opportunity without exhibiting criticism for other engineers and does not present the practice of other engineers in a false manner (Burgess, 2017).

Impact of engineering ethics at workplace

Engineers should adhere with the ethical practices as it helps in prevention of the conflict that occurs among the employees in the organization. Besides this, it also emphasizes on giving importance to the interest of the organization as a whole rather than on individual goals. This helps in improving the overall performance of the companies and results in building trust among the stakeholders of the company towards it. It is necessary for the engineers to carry out those activities in a truthful manner that provides greatest goods to the recipient. If engineers perform their duties in a truthful manner, then it may result in improving the brand image of the company and the customers are attracted towards such organizations and ready to pay premium prices as it creates value for them (Kirkman, 2017).

Besides this, engineers should provide proper credit to the person or business whose services are being used to fulfill the requirements of its customers in an effective manner. It is also a requirement of the engineers to provide true advice to the customers and does not mislead them for fulfilling their individual goal as it results in lowering of the trust among the stakeholders towards it. The practice and adherence of the ethics by the engineers results in the upliftment of the public welfare as they contribute in the significant manner towards the infrastructure development in the region (Kirkman, 2017).




这些数据是由一些警察观察员维护的监控网站收集的。有关郊游、抗议和其他活动的数据被制成表格供分析。采用访谈法从警察问责积极分子处收集初步资料。面试结构松散,但都包括有关动机、技巧和身份的核心问题。在可能的情况下,这些记录是通过电话进行的,没有进行记录、转录,并在没有使用计算机编码软件的情况下“手工”分析所有的现场笔记(Bock, 2016,第7页)。访谈法是最适合这项研究工作的方法,因为数据是从现象的行动者的探索角度收集的。当用调查问卷来限制研究时,只会收集基于假设的具体见解。访谈法的使用减少了限制,使研究能够收集他们以前不会不知道的数据。



This data was collected by monitoring websites maintained by some of the cop watchers. Data on outings, protests and others are tabulated for analysis. Primary data was collected form police accountability activists by means of interview method. “Interviews were loosely structured but all included core questions about motivations, technique and identity. They were conducted in person when possible through telephone when they were not recorded, transcribed and along with all field notes analysed “by hand” without using computer coding software” (Bock, 2016, p.7). Interview method is best for this research work given that data is collected in an explorative angle from actors of the phenomenon. When restricting research with a survey questionnaire, only specific insights based on a hypothesis would be collected. The use of the interview method reduces the restrictions and makes it possible for the research to collect data that they would not have been previously unaware of.

The research data was collected from many sources. Some of them are the citizens identified in the cop watching initiative that posts or leads the posting groups. Some are volunteers and some are the viewers. Now data collected form these different sources are insightful giving an exploratory understanding of cop watching and the benefits associated with it. Concerns of the other are raised frequently but this link cannot be assessed completely. While the strength of the data is that it is diverse and rich and there is more data that can be collected through any other means, the con of this research is the same. The diversity of data collected form such a diverse set of public makes it impossible to come to a definitive conclusion on certain aspects. For instance, in the research, the motives for the policing were analysed, and it was identified that the group was very ambivalent on what motivated them. Some were inspired in neo-liberal ideas and some in police abuse concerns as related to race issues.

The data were analysed and interpreted by means of critical discourses on grounded theory, ethnography and study of Focult. The work concludes with information that would be useful to conduct specific studies in the future. The authors conclude that “The embodied narratives of ‘sousveillance’ draw power from the activists’ bodies working in concert with technology to balance police officers’ law enforcement authority” (Bock, 2016, p. 34).





哈利·波特总是很勇敢。正如前面提到的,他没有等待别人的回应。相反,他决定成为榜样,为了更大的利益采取所有必要的步骤。这是一个负责任的和有潜力的领导者的理想宗旨(Solomonsz, 2017)。在这个系列中,有一些神奇的生物,如巫师、精灵和女巫。他总是努力公平地对待他们,从不觉得自己高于他们。这种态度让这些动物感觉很舒服。




Harry Potter is a great leader for various reasons. He chose loyal companions over people who can make him successful. Further, he is always attentive about things that happen around him. This act of Harry Potter made him lead his followers by setting himself as an example. He prefers to conduct deductive reasoning before he informs a decision.

An effective leader is the one who can utilize the abilities of his followers and delegate tasks based on the abilities in the right manner. Throughout the series, it is possible to see him identifying the talents of every individual and allocating task accordingly. This attitude is very important to keep them motivated about the assigned work.

Harry Potter was always brave. As mentioned earlier, he did not wait for others to respond. Instead, he decided to become the role model and took all the necessary steps for greater good. This is the ideal tenet of a responsible and potential leader (Solomonsz, 2017). In the series, there were several magical creatures such as wizard, elf and witch. He always tried to treat them fairly and never felt that he is above them. This attitude made those creatures feel comfortable.

Harry Potter can be called as a democratic leader as he closely works with his followers and takes their views before he makes a decision. In the chapter Goblet of fire, Harry Potter was a part of a competition where he competed with 3 more people. Despite the competition involved, he continued to inform his competitors on the challenges to be faced and went back to aid his main competitor despite his victory.

Unlike others who can ignore the competitors in a challenge, he was particular to ensure that he should aid his competitors with the knowledge he has got. Similar challenge was seen in order of the phoenix when he had to accept the fighting challenge to enable the students to learn the necessary skills for their protection. It was not mandatory, but he preferred to do it for the common good.

He was selfless and always wanted to try his hands first on a challenge before his followers. He regarded other followers as his partners and transformed them into leaders. His positive way of influencing others has made him a great leader in the series and for the viewers to get inspired.







-有益的细菌再次被处理形成黄油,但在人造黄油的情况下,任何不必要的分子(有益/无益)被拒绝(Chan, 2013)。



-两种产品的质量控制过程是不同的。例如,美国农业部检查员给黄油打分100分(GIAPO, 2015)。它们根据颜色、含盐量、味道、身体、质地和包装等方面进行评分。人造黄油所需的基本脂肪含量是80%。检查人员特别强调生产中使用的维生素应经过巴氏消毒。同样重要的是,要确保合成的人造黄油适合人类食用。这是质量检查员选择和评估人造黄油的关键。人造黄油的含水成分、油脂、乳化剂、防腐剂、着色剂和维生素在送往市场之前都要单独测试。很明显,质量检验过程更加严格。

-人造黄油的整个生产过程是人工的,关键是使它更接近黄油(Collins, 2013)。


There are a number of differences in the physicochemical events to produce butter and margarine.

– No artificial vitamins are added in butter unlike margarine since butter evolves from animal fat which has lots of nutrients in it.

– No catalyst is used to develop butter but nickel is used as a catalyst to produce margarine.

– Helpful bacteria are treated again to form butter but any unnecessary molecules (helpful/ unhelpful) are rejected in the case of margarine (Chan, 2013).

– Butter does not need colorization process as everything is natural. On the other hand, the grey colour presented in the production of margarine requires decolourization to produce a product that is close to butter in terms of taste and smell.

– There is no milk solid involved in margarine unlike butter that solely depends on milk.

– The quality control process differs for both the products. For example, USDA inspectors grade the butter for 100 points (GIAPO, 2015). They are scored based on areas like colour, salt content, flavour, body and texture and packaging. For margarine, the base level of fat required is 80%. The inspectors are particular that the vitamins used in the production should be pasteurized. It is also important to ensure that the resultant margarine is fit for human consumption. This is the key to selection and valuation of margarine by the quality inspectors. The aqueous contents, oils, emulsifiers, preservatives, colouring agents and vitamins are all tested individually before margarine is sent to the market. It is evident that the quality inspection process is stricter.






Janie Crawford, the central protagonist of the text, is determined to find her true love and establish her identity as she falls in love with different men at different points of her life. The experience had not been an easy one for Janie. She had to move from town to town, from one failed marriage into another within the confines of a conservative society. She was a non-believer in the traditional marriage system. In her opinion, love can happen only in a true union between men and women. She defied the conventional orders and wanted to assert her individual liberty. She braved the odds of the society against the ceaseless odds, insinuations, insults and judgment and perceived each of her marriage experiences as the harbor where she could anchor her dream of love, happiness, and equality. It is only in her marriage to her third husband, Tea Cake, that she finds her long-coveted freedom and happiness. The novel opens with the descriptive narration of the differences between a man’s and a woman’s desire. The narrator has poignantly pointed out the position of men in society as they reign under the patriarchal hegemony. It is the power play between genders that will largely determine Janie’s success on her quest of true love. Men need not dream because they can have what they desire without undergoing the pain and pleasure of dreaming. Unlike women, men are the masters of their fate, while the fairer sex must hold on to the fleeting pleasures of dream to derive a pseudo-satisfaction of all that they cannot have in their living experience. Black women had no independence of their own. Hence, they held on their dreams. “Dream is the truth” for women as they can achieve their desire only after an arduous struggle. “Women forget all those things they don’t want to remember and remember everything they don’t want to forget. The dream is the truth. Then they act and do things accordingly” (Hurston 1).

In the light of this context, it is to be noted that idea of “dream” has rendered a different paradigm to this novel as Janie ventures on to dream an ideal life and love. It is her dream and desires to find a true love and liberty that becomes the guiding motivation of her quest. Janie’s community perceives love and marriage as an important segment of a woman’s life that completes her role as a woman. It need not have an emotional attachment. Women must not harbor ambition. It could prove fatal to her social existence. She must survive on the simplest dream and fulfill the subservient roles to her husband. Her roles are confined to her domestic duties as she would run daily chores and look after the children.
