

市场效率的狂热者认为,价值溢价应该是投资者承担基本风险的结果。行为学家一直认为,价值会带来更好的表现,因为投资者最终会犯错误,比如为增长支付过高的费用(Montier, 2009, p. 57)。许多研究人员研究了成长型和价值型股票的相对风险。有人认为基于时间变化的风险接近于解释价值溢价的正确方向(Gubellini, 2011)。参考这一观点,本文的目的是讨论价值是否比增长风险更大。将对实证证据进行批判性评价,对该陈述进行讨论,以证明本文所设定的主要论点。现代金融的一个里程碑是风险和回报之间的联系。在这种观点下,人们很好地接受了增长型股票的回报率低于价值型股票的观点。关键的解释是时间变化带来的风险(Fernandez, 2004)。这种时变风险描述了价值扣除增长的策略在危机期间的风险很高。

在危机期间,预期的风险溢价很高。另一方面,在有利的经济条件下,风险溢价较低,而预期的风险溢价较低。然而,许多研究表明,风险不能被认为是产生价值溢价的有用来源(Zhang, 2005a)。Lakonishok等人(1994)报道说,在经济景气时期,贝塔值比经济增长贝塔值高,但在经济危机时期则低。这一结果与风险假说存在直接矛盾(Lakonishok, 2004)。增长和价值已被确定为金融领域的突出标签。这些被称为基于风格的投资,用于购买成长型股票(高倍数)和价值型股票(低倍数)的企业,尽管这些标签有时被称为高价对帐面价值的购买和低价对帐面价值的购买(Coxe, 2002)。在历史事件中,价值往往在平均基础上跑赢增长,但伴随着风险,这一点得到了突显。一个有价值的头寸最终可能对投资者不利。


It has been argued by the zealots of market efficiency that value premium should be the result of fundamental risk taken by investors. It has been argued by behaviourists that value delivers outperformance, as investors end up making mistakes such as overpayment for growth (Montier, 2009, p. 57). A number of researchers have studied the relative risk of growth and value stocks. It has been claimed that risk on the basis of time variation approaches the right direction to explain value premium (Gubellini, 2011). In reference with this statement, the aim of this essay is to discuss whether value is riskier than growth. A critical evaluation of empirical evidence will be conducted for discussion of the statement to prove the main thesis set for the paper. One of the landmarks in modern finance is the nexus between risk and return. Under this claim, there is a good acceptance of the claim that growth stocks present lower returns than value stock. The key explanation is risk due to variation of time (Fernández, 2004). This time-varying risk depicts that risk of strategies in which value deducts growth is high during crisis.

During crisis, the premium for risk expected is high. On the other hand, it is low during favourable economic conditions, while the premium for risk expected is low. However, it has been suggested by a number of studies that risk cannot be considered as a useful source for the generation of value premium (Zhang, 2005a). It had been reported by Lakonishok et al. (1994) that value betas are higher in comparison with growth betas during favourable times but are lower during crisis. This is a result which has direct contradiction with the hypothesis of risk (Lakonishok, 2004). Growth and value have been identified as prominent labels within the dimensions of finance. These are referred to as making style- based investment for purchasing business firms with growth stock (high multiples) versus value stock (low multiples), even though these labels are referred to as the purchases of high price to book versus low price to book at times (Coxe, 2002). It has been highlighted in historical events that value tends to be outperforming growth on average basis, but with the involvement of risk. A position of value can end up turning against the investor.



麦格雷戈Y理论指出,一般来说,员工应该在内部受到激励。这种内在的激励导致了个人和公司员工的成长。这种动机可以从几个动机理论来理解。科学管理的泰勒理论强调了对员工所提供的服务进行补偿的必要性。除此之外,还有其他激励因素会导致员工的工作效率。马斯洛的需求层次理论认为,员工主要需要基本的生存工具。一旦生存需求得到满足,员工们就会寻求安全感。为员工提供合理的工作保障。其次是人民的尊重需要。应向员工提供适当的奖励和认可表格(Yang, Liu,and Wang, 2013)。



McGregor theory Y states that the employees in general should be motivated internally. This internal motivation leads to the growth of the individuals as well as the employees of the company. This motivation can be understood from several motivational theories. Taylor theory of scientific management stresses the need to compensate the employees for the services rendered. Apart from this, there are other motivational factors that lead to employee productivity. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs states that the employees primarily need basic tools for survival. Once the survival needs are met, the employees are looking for security. There should be reasonable job security provided to the employee. These are followed by the esteem needs of the people. There should be a proper reward and recognition forms provided to the employee (Yang, Liu,and Wang, 2013).

Once, the KPI has been defined the high performing employees should be provided with rewards and recognition. The employee who are not meeting the objective should be given training and mentoring. In this case, the employees need to have a proper KPI defined for them to meet the objectives. Apart from this, the company is going to expand once the newer projects are starting to materialize. The company should develop a module for change management to prevent employee turnover and resistance. This can be again achieved by setting clear targets and employing motivational theories to enhance performance of the employees.The supervisor states that the right people are not hired for the job. The newer employees who need to be hired should be done so by utilizing competence based recruitment model.




Zoozoo add在消费者中非常有名。成功可以显示在facebook的粉丝页面。Zoozoo广告通过沃达丰公司的服务成功的吸引了消费者。顾客总是被新的、吸引人的事物所吸引,zoozoo就是其中之一(潘迪特)。他们非常熟悉过去的一些漫画。消费者非常喜欢Zoozoo的广告,以至于他们自己也参与了这次广告宣传活动。它成功地吸引了世界各地的消费者。沃达丰的这次广告宣传很成功,受到世界各地人民的喜爱。消费者与Zoozoo的联系是如此的紧密,以至于许多基于Zoozoo的饰品和服装投放市场。


With the help of the Zoozoo advertisement, the company was trying to give the representation of the image which was displayed by an urban man. Thus through the advertisement, the motive of the company is that they wanted to showcase that their communication is the need of the urban people in the present world. With the help of Zoozoo, Vodafone has also tried to display the different kinds of services which can be offered to the urban man and can make the life easy. Through the Zoozoo ad campaign, the company also tried to project the VAS services which could be used by Vodafone users. The aim of these ads was that Vodafone is the primary need for the urban human. Thus, through the ad, the company was successful in promoting that their communication is the need of the urban people. Thus, Vodafone’s motive was to make sure that its services are within the minds of millions of people and these are used by them in day to day life.

The Zoozoo add has become immensely famous among the consumers. The success can be displayed in the facebook fan page. Zoozoo ad has been successful in getting the attraction of the consumers for the services of Vodafone Company. The customers are always attracted towards the new and appealing things and zoozoo is one of those (Pandit). They are very much familiar with a number of cartoons right from the past. The consumers loved the Zoozoo advertisement so much that they themselves have helped in creating the buzz out of this ad campaign. It has been successful in attracting the consumers in different parts of the world. This ad campaign of Vodafone is a hit and is loved by the people everywhere. The consumers are so much connected to Zoozoo that a number of zoozoo based accessories and clothing are launched in the market.



本研究是在考虑本组织目前与顾客满意程度有关的问题下进行的。因此,本分析的主要目的可以简要描述如下:确定相对于完全护理而言,顾客满意度的程度。做出有效的推论统计工具的基础上,研究确定分区之间的关系问题,客户的满意度水平,推荐合适的策略,可以帮助组织减少等问题,改善客户体验和满意度水平;above-framed目标的帮助下,对R Us计算机的管理将能够改进其决策过程,保证未来R Us部门更好的成长,完全的呵护。必要的伦理考量如下:伦理问题的关键在于研究者在问卷调查过程中没有包含任何反文化或反宗教的因素。这个伦理问题一直保持着顾客的心理参数。

另一方面,从客户那里收集的数据不会用于任何商业用途。所有客户的数据将被纳入本研究仅供完成本研究之用。此外,根据1998年的《数据保护法》,研究人员不允许公开被选中客户的个人信息,这些客户自愿参与问卷调查过程。采用t检验统计方法对相关假设进行了测量。通过t检验,发现p值小于T-critical factor(0.99 < 1.96)。因此,在这种情况下,替代假设(H1)将被接受。这意味着通过分析,可以看出,客户的满意度与管理层制定的既定目标是不同的。因此,可以得出顾客满意度满足管理目标的结论。因此,管理层需要制定组织目标来满足客户。


This research has been prepared keeping in mind the current issues of the organisation in relation to the customer satisfaction level. Therefore, the major objectives of this analysis could be briefly depicted down under:To ascertain the degree of customer satisfaction level relative to Complete Care.To make effective inferences based on the statistical tool of t-test to determine the relationship between the divisional issues and the satisfaction level of the customers .To recommended suitable strategies that would help the organisation to minimise such issues and improve the customer experience and satisfaction level .With the help of the above-framed objectives, the management of Computers R Us would be able to improve its decision-making process and ensure better future growth of the division, Complete Care. The necessary ethical considerations have been allocated below: The crux ethical issue is that the researcher has not included any kind of anti-cultural or anti-religious factors during the questionnaire process. This ethical issue has been maintained the customer’s psychological parameter.

On the other hand, the collected data from customers would be not be used for any kind of commercial purpose. All the data of the customers would be incorporated for the completion of this research study only. Moreover, as per the Data Protection Act 1998, the researcher would not be allowable for disclosing the personal information of the selected customer’s, who have willingly participated in questionnaire process. Relevant hypothesis has been measured through T-testing statistical method. Throughout the T-testing, it has been found that the P-value is less than T-critical factor (0.99 < 1.96). Therefore, in this case, the alternate hypothesis (H1) would be accepted. That means through the analysis, it has been cleared that satisfaction of customers varies from the set goals developed on the part of the management. Therefore, it can be concluded that customer satisfaction level meets with the management goal. Thus, the management level would need to develop their organisational goal for satisfying the customer.



因此,任何大型运营商所做的工作可能包括假期销售和制作的每一个阶段(Stevenson and Sum, 2009)。公司规模越大,员工的每个角色就越专业化。他们也有独立的行政、人事和财政部门。此外,与预算管理有关的活动在决定管理人员应如何考虑应付挑战或问题时也是有用的。此外,主要目标不仅是满足预算集,而且确定改进范围也很重要。因此,通过定期管理预算,可以最大限度地进行运营分析(Hughes和Ballantyne, 2001)。这是通过经常提供一些提示来有效地集中精力改进控制财务业绩来实现的。在目前的情况下,英国的度假者通过旅行社购买这样的度假套餐,就属于套餐旅游的范围。

这些规定的责任是,如果任何服务于包装的某个组成部分的组织未能按照承诺交付,则组织者应作出适当的可选安排或考虑提供退款(Mintzberg et al., 2005)。在考虑包括航班在内的套餐时,组织者必须持有民航局管理下的航空旅行组织者执照。本计划负责确保旅客在旅游营办商遭受经济损失时取回他们的钱。为了保护消费者,旅行社还必须遵守其他一些框架。通过信用卡付款(金额超过100欧元)的游客也在保险范围之内,但这种保护仅限于某些借记卡。一些个人也在他们的家庭保险或旅行保险的保单条款范围内(Eagles, 2002)。


Therefore, the work performed by any large operator may be encompassing each and every stage in the sale and production of a holiday (Stevenson and Sum, 2009). The bigger the size of company, the more specialized each role of employee ends up becoming. They are also known to be having separate departments of administration, personnel and finance. In addition, activities related to budget management can be considered as useful in deciding how a manager should consider approaching a challenge or an issue. Also, the main goal is not just to meet the budget set, but it is also importance to identify the scope of improvement. Therefore, by regularly managing the budget, analysis of the operations can be conducted with maximum effectiveness (Hughes and Ballantyne, 2001). This is done by often providing hints for the effective focus of effort on the improvement of controlling financial performance. In the current scenario, holidaymakers of UK who purchase such holiday packages through a tour operator are covered under the Regulations of Package Travel.

These regulations are responsible for ensuring that if any organization serving a component of package face failure in delivering as per the promise, and hence the organizer should be making appropriate optional arrangement or consider providing refunds (Mintzberg et al., 2005).When considering packages that include a flight, an organiser should be having a License of Air Travel Organizer under the administration of Civil Aviation Authority. This scheme is responsible for ensuring that traveller obtain back their money if financial losses are faced by the tour operator. There are a number of other frameworks that must be adhered by tour operators for the protection of consumer. Tourists who make payment through credit cards (for amounts more than 100 Euros) are under coverage, but such protection is provided only for certain debit cards. Some individuals are also under the coverage of clauses in their policies of home insurance or travel insurance (Eagles, 2002).



Connect Smart(2016)的文章“ALERT: ANZ warn invoice scam impact The building industry”是一篇更加具体的文章。这篇文章也是关于ANZ的警告,但是针对的是影响建筑业的诈骗问题。对于客户来说,一些新闻价值是关于他们如何通过了解诈骗的工作原理(例如如何更改发票中的银行帐号)来避免这些诈骗。建议听众仔细检查一些细节,如钱将寄给谁、账号、金额以及发票上的更多信息。因此,问题的主要框架是关于公众和业界人士如何处理这些问题。德勤(Deloitte)也采用了类似的方法(2016年),该公司试图展示这些复杂的电子邮件诈骗是如何运作的。这些诈骗看起来是如此的真实,以至于一个普通的客户可能不理解其背后的真正目的,最终可能会付出代价。

如今,德勤在提供此类信息方面具有商业利益,因为该公司肯定会有因欺诈问题而蒙受损失的客户。柯林斯(Collins, 2016)在《新西兰先驱报》(New Zealand Herald)上发表了一篇名为《商业发票诈骗警告》(Business aleris of invoice scam)的文章,文中向一名商人发送了一份诈骗声明,这名商人明白这则通知可能是一个骗局,因此报了警。这则新闻的主要焦点再次是发票诈骗。这里的业主并不是一个建筑商,不像声称发票欺诈的建筑商和人在建筑行业。这里关注的新闻价值是一个真实的人收到诈骗通知的体验。当新闻由实际参与的人而不是第三方呈现时,会增加更多的可信度(Collins, 2016)。


The article by Connect Smart (2016), titled ‘ALERT: ANZ warn invoice scam impacting the building industry’ is a more specific article. The article is also about the ANZ warning but specific to the scam issue affecting the building industry. Some of the news values for the customer are with respect to how they can avoid these scams by understanding how the scams works such as how they alter bank account numbers in the invoice. The audience are advised to carefully check details such as to whom the money would be sent the account numbers, the amount and more on the invoice. The dominant framing of the issue is hence with respect to how the problems can be handled by the public at large and the industry people. A similar approach has been taken up by Deloitte, (2016) where the company attempts to show how these sophisticated email scams work. The scams look so genuine as well that a normal customer might not understand the real purpose behind it and might end up paying.

Now Deloitte would have a commercial interest in presenting such information as the company would definitely have customers who would suffer on account of the scamming issues. An article in the New Zealand Herald by Collins (2016) titled, ‘Business warns of invoice scam’ presents a scam statement that was sent out to a businessman who understood the notice could be a scam and hence alerted the police. The major focus of this news is an invoice scam again. Here the owner is not a builder unlike the claims of invoice scams made for builders and people in the building industry. The news value focused on here is that of the experience of a scam notice that was received by an actual person. When the news is presented by the actual person involved instead of a third-party, more credibility is added to the presentation (Collins, 2016).



明治时期的标志是日本重新向西方开放,随后进入工业化时代,其发展速度与以往一样快。欧洲文学进入文化的萌芽,使自由诗进入了诗歌的范畴。它在更大的作品中得到了突出的应用,这些作品包含了新的和智力的主题。日本青年散文家和戏剧家以当代的艺术流派思想进行创作。然而,小说家有效地吸收了其中一些概念。1905年,NatsumeSoseki的幽默作品Wagahaiwaneko de aru用英文念出了“我是一只猫”,通过一只猫讲述了这个故事。这位作家还写了许多著名的作品,如1914年的《科科罗》和1906年的《波尚》。夏目漱石与志贺naoya、Mori Ogai一道,成为著名的“我小说”作家,被誉为“小说之神”。

他们在适应和采用西方文学的技巧和惯例方面起着关键作用。作家芥川龙之介(Ryunosuke Akutagawa)以他著名的历史短篇小说而闻名。Ozaki Kōyō、和泉Kyōka Ichiyo Higuchi的联盟都是作家采用了日本近代文学的写作风格。1868年,明治政府被宣布为日本的法律和政治行政机构,取代了长达250年的“八府制”传统。明治维新相当和平,有效地将一个稳定的农业经济转变为一个当代工业化国家。这造成了相当大的社会动乱。作为一种革新的尝试,国家领导人试图通过运用表演艺术的说服力来建立一种新的社会秩序。


The Meiji period is symbolised by the reopening of the Japanese nation to the West and subsequently an era of industrialisation that occur as rapidly as ever. The inception of European literature into the culture brought about free verse into the poetic gamut. It became prominently in use for larger works that embodied new and intellectual subjects. The youth writers of prose in Japanese and the dramatists writhe around with their contemporary ideas of art schools. However the novelists were instrumental in assimilating a few of those concepts effectively. The humorous work of NatsumeSoseki named Wagahaiwaneko de aru that read ‘I Am a Cat’ in English of 1905 narrated the story through a cat. The same author also penned famous works like the Kokoro in 1914 and Botchan in 1906. Along with Shiga Naoya and Mori Ogai, Natsume became famous as an “I novel” writer and was titled as the “God of the Novel”.

They were pivotal in the adaption to and adoption of the techniques and conventions of Western literature. The writer Ryunosuke Akutagawa is renowned for his famous short stories based on history. Ozaki Kōyō, Kyōka Izumi, and Ichiyo Higuchi are all writers of the league who adopted the pre-modern Japanese literary styles of writing.The Meiji state was declared as the legal and political administration in Japan in 1868 by itself which replaced the 250-year old tradition of the bakufurule. The Meiji Restoration was quite peaceful and was effective in transforming a stable and agrarian economy into a contemporary and industrialised country. This resulted in considerable social turmoil and disturbance. As an attempt for renovation the leadership of the country endeavoured to the creation of a new societal order by making use of the powers of persuasion of the performing arts.






Ageism is defined as a kind of the discrimination which is faced by the older people. It is the unfair treatment. It is defined as a kind of the impact on someone’s confidence which is defined by the job prospectus and the financial situation regarding the quality of the life lead. The inclusion of the ways for the enhancement of the older people is represented in the media and thereby the wider impact on the public is represented in the media (Bytheway, 2010). Thus the definition clearly states the age discrimination which is illustrated for the purpose of providing an appropriate indication to ensure loses out of the ages. The discrimination has become the most common factor of ageism, and due to this, the workplace issues can be easily seen in this case. The older people seem to be consisting of the great experiences that are as follows:Because of the ageism, the jobs are lost since the work capacity of the people is decreased.

Refusal of the interest-free credits is seen, and the refusal for the new credit card, car insurance, and the travel insurance are seen because of their age.Receive lower quality services in the shops or the restaurants because of the attitude of the organization towards the older people (Carl, 2011). They are also identified to be not eligible for the personal independence benefits because of their age limits.All the membership facilities are deprived because of the ages.Refusal for the referral from a doctor or the consultant is seen because of their old age.These are the situations or the examples of the ageism which had been referred to this context and also showed the appropriate structure for the purpose of justifying the reasons of the ageism. Therefore, the Equality Act is developed by the international government unions to protect the ageism from the discrimination (Dutton, 2012). Due to this, the increment in the quality services can be easily illustrated by implementing this Act, and the ageism discrimination can be easily removed.



这里采用的方法是一种主要的研究方法。该研究是一种混合类型的研究,收集了定性和定量信息。定性信息的收集更多地讲述了一个现象,如现象发生的原因,它是如何发生的,等等。定量信息的收集另一方面陈述了一个现象的信息,例如有多少人遵守了这个现象(Berger, 2015)。在混合教学法下,研究方法采用观察法、问卷调查法和结构化访谈法。问卷有助于定量数据的收集和访谈观察,有助于定性数据的收集。研究人员挑选了20名参与者,年龄在60-88岁之间。分析了七种采用多点触控技术的医疗方案。行为和态度信息,以及直接来自参与者的信息,关于他们发现这项技术的便利程度,以及它如何能加强他们与医疗服务提供者的交流。




The methodology adopted here is a primary research method. The research is a mixed type research where both qualitative and quantitative information has been collected. The collection of qualitative information tells more about a phenomenon such as why the phenomenon happens, how it happened, etc. The collection of quantitative information on the other hand states information about a phenomenon such as that of how many comply with the phenomenon (Berger, 2015). Under the mixed methodology, the research approaches employed were the observational method, the questionnaire survey method and a structured interview. The questionnaire helps in the collection of quantitative data and the interview and observation, helps in the collection of qualitative data. Twenty participants were selected for the research, who were in the age group of 60-88. Seven health care scenarios with the multi-touch technology was analyzed for. Behavioral and attitudinal information, and information direct from the participants on how convenient they found the technology and how it could enhance their communication with medical care providers was collected.

Health care facilities in the current times are increasingly relying on technology assistive devices to help meet the needs of the aged patients. Existing research studies do support the notion that aged population are usually comfortable with the use of traditional touch screens when they want to input information which are draw from hospital sources or shared systems. This article attempted to show how older adults will adapt to a large horizontal touch-screen. Older patients did adapt to the prototype system faster. Both the observation style data and the data collected in the form of questionnaire and interview seem to suggest that patients are convenient with using the touch screen system. This newer system hence enhanced their communication with minimal resistance shown by the aged population towards using the newer technology. The study showed that the use of an interactive surface computer would be useful in enhancing communication. It showed that older adults would be more comfortable with such a system and also that the most oft cited reason that older adults would not have a smooth transition to newer forms of communication technology is in fact not completely true.

essay 代寫:人力資源

essay 代寫:人力資源

essay 代寫:人力資源


essay 代寫:人力資源

In this assignment, the learner would focus on the seven entailments in “ Model of Excellence”, which determines the capabilities as well as the behaviours that make an excellent Human Resource (HR) professional. This model serves as an accreditation in all universities that provide training for HR Practitioners. The learner has identified qualities such as business driven, expert practitioner and workforce and workplace designer to evaluate and analyse them in accordance with the consequences of the capability and importance of the capability to an HR manager. A business is driving HR to understand as well as follow the environment and finance of the specific organisation. The HR is required to possess a competitive advantage and deliver quality outcomes that differentiate the organisation from its rivals.

essay 代寫:人力資源
As cited by Kahiri et al. (2012, p. 65), the telecommunication industry is going through a major breakthrough and requiring innovative technologies to push itself forward in this critical revolution. In this context, the organisations require challenges to sustain this severe competition. This competition and challenges can compete.An expert practitioner is expected to build and apply HR knowledge. This one of the required entailments in the industry as HR grows and learns with new opportunities. The HR professionals should be able to provide insights and deliver effective problem ability to help the organisation throughout. Since the professional are required to gain more knowledge and apply whenever required, this entailment is considered important.