


每一个公司的研究,即“停机”的成本,这已经说明中小企业最终经历的停机时间140小时,每年。这项研究提供停电的影响已损失55的收入和生产力损失百分之45。即使宕机由于实际中断约70每分的问题举行问责,降解服务,其余30为相关网络问题分持有的责任,并在确定和解决更加困难(通过et al.,2010A)。停机或网络退化意味着在网络的性能有一定的损害,导致在影响少数或每一个应用程序。

根据本研究,可以说,通过网络管理的参与,中小型企业成功地保证了投资回报率的最高水平。随着网络管理工具,该组织曾在与熟练的专业操作是成功的(lenferink et al.,2013)。良好的网络管理功能需要将工具、过程和人员结合起来,以确保它的有效功能被传递。作为回报,网络管理的一个有效功能应该是为组织提供可衡量的交付和治理的范围。为确保治理交通配套基础设施的不断成功和调整组织的目标是很重要的(李晓华,2013)。网络管理的功能,但是,对于最大的积极成果,需要的统计指标和措施的性能基准的正常操作规范在网络上有异常事件的观察,并根据其行事。


As per an Infonetics study, namely “The Costs of Downtime”, it has been stated that small and medium business enterprises end up experiencing a downtime of 140 hours, each and every year. The study provided that the effect of outage had been loss of revenue by 55 per cent and loss of productivity by 45 per cent. Even though downtime because of actual outages hold the accountability for approximately 70 per cent of the problems available, degradation of services holds the accountability for the rest 30 per cent of problems related to network, and is known to be more difficult in determining and resolving (Klijn et al., 2010a). Downtime or degradation of network means that there has been certain impairment in the performance of network that results in affecting few or every application of IT.

In the light of this research, it can be stated that by the involvement of network management, the small and medium business enterprises were successful in ensuring maximum level of return over investment. With the tool of network management, the organizations had been successful in operating with skilled professional (Lenferink et al., 2013). A good function of network management needs to be combining the tools; process and people for ensuring the effective function of IT are being delivered. In return, an effective function of network management should be providing the organization with the scope of measurable delivery along with governance. Governance was important for ensuring the continuous success over the infrastructure of communications in supporting and aligning the goals of organization (Considine, 2013). The functions of network management, however, for maximum positive outcomes, needs the statistical metrics and measures of performance for benchmarking the normal specifications of operation over the network before there is observation of abnormal events, and for acting in accordance with it.