

  As mentioned previously, the entire research will be descriptive in nature covering thematic descriptions for depicting the impact of audit system in China on foreign investment and reducing energy consumption; and hence, there has been a use of qualitative research methodology. In the general sense, qualitative research methodology is the employment of inquiry within several different disciplines of academic field, traditionally within the subject of social sciences, but also in research of market, business, along with other contexts (Durakbasa 2012). The key objective for this research methodology did involve variations with the background of discipline for gathering an understanding about human behaviour in- depth and the reasons responsible for the governance of these types of behaviour.

  The key reason behind the selection of this methodology is because it helps in investigating the how and why related to the research issue, while not just providing answer for who, when, where or what. Further ahead, this research methodology helps in producing information in context with certain studies and hence, conclusions can be generalized in context with certain informed assertions and propositions (Durakbasa 2012). In addition to this, the key fact justifying the selection of this research methodology is for seeking empirical support for these types of research hypothesis. This provides a better scope to explore the overall scenario of a specific case study by certain approaches such as symbolic interactionism or phenomenology, often providing an accessibility of huge reams of hard data, while proceeding with propositions empirically and scientifically in the entire process of research.

  The key justification behind the use of this methodology is that it can be used as a strategy of research for investigating the phenomena behind this research in the context of real life. Further ahead the best advantage in using the method of case study is that there can be an inclusion of quantitative evidence for supporting the claim. Further ahead, there can be a major reliability upon several supporting evidences and sources, and advantages from the prior establishment of propositions on theoretical basis. And hence, in using the method of case study, this research could have been conducted by combination of qualitative data and quantitative data. There will be a collection of multiple case studies in order to ensure the accuracy of key findings and results that will enhance the quality of the overall research.

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