



The goal of the game is to find and open the squares without clicking on a mine. There are many quick tips for the game and also some very deep thinking moves made by addicted players. The first step of the game is to use the information that the game itself allows. Usually the players click on all four ends, as the mines are not found in the end corners in majority of the cases. After this, the users are supposed to make educated guesses. It is suggested while making the guess to select the squares based on the square that is considered to be least risky. The squares that the user selects must not be random move rather it is supposed to be the most likely square and not a mine. Even though the squares are selected from the four corners, it is best to avoid the walls according to senior players of the game. Sometimes luck plays a major role in actually getting far ahead in the game. However it is said that the gamer cannot actually win the game with luck alone. Certain amount of thinking needs to go while making the moves in order to win the game. In order to actually win, the users of the game should play it many times initially to understand the fundamental ideology of the game and a lot of practice needs to be done. For players that want to win the game there are options available by means of debug options that come with the initial Microsoft suite and then there are options available by means of the player assists. Some of these options help the player in figure out the complete board and some might guide the player in the form of step by step (LeFlohic, 1999). The step by step strategy is required for a player in order to win the game.