


现实主义:它是一种艺术形式,其中的主题是简单的方式描绘,并不是理想化的遵循正式的艺术理论的规则。在现实工作中由于第十八世纪浪漫主义和新古典主义的过激行为开始。现实主义的时代在第十九世纪中期发展,因为当时的艺术家由于沙龙的工作而幻灭,受到学院的影响。现实主义成为法国启发了山水画家如Camille Corot的有组织的运动,Jean Francois Millet和巴比松画派。法国现实主义作为印象派的哲学导向因子。
现实主义可以被描述为对映体艺术。它更注重绘画和雕塑,而不是历史和文学。Eugene Delacroix认为,现实主义关注现实的东西如以石膏直接从自然会比一个拷贝的人产生更多的现实。这是任何一个共同的信念,一个艺术家的手是不是他的思维引导他们甚至认为不管如何艺术家试图描绘他的思想,他的工作将不完全符合他的精神的颜色(schehr,2006)。幼珍是相信眼睛和艺术家的手就足以产生不仅模仿但任何工作。为了承认现实主义的意义,所有的人都应该有相同的想法,并且能够以类似的方式构思事物。幼珍说,所有艺术形式的终极目的是其效果(炒,1992)。他说,艺术家的使命只是在安排材料,并允许他的艺术爱好者,根据他们的愿望提取艺术的意义。头脑的兴趣有助于发现一个巧妙处理的主题的清晰而简单的发展。


Realism: It is that form of art in which subjects are depicted in straightforward manner and are not idealized by following the rules of formal artistic theory. The work on Realism started in 18th century due to the excesses of Romanticism and Neoclassicism. The Realist era grew in middle 19th century because artists of that time became disillusioned due to the works of Salons and were influenced by Academies. Realism became an organized movement in France which inspired landscape painters such as Camille Corot, Jean Francois Millet and Barbizon School. French Realism acted as a guiding factor for the philosophy of the Impressionists.
Realism can be described as antipodes of art. It emphasizes more on painting and sculpture rather in history and literature. Eugene Delacroix was of the view that Realism focuses on realistic things such as taking a cast directly from nature will be more realistic than a copy produced by a man. It is a common belief of any individual that the hand of an artist is not guided by his mind and they even think that no matter how exactly an artist attempts to portray his ideas his work will not exactly match the colors of his spirit (Schehr, 2006). Eugene was of the belief that eye and hand of an artist will suffice to produce not only the imitations but any work. For acknowledging Realism with its meaning, it is necessary that all men should have same thinking and should be able to conceive things in similar manner. Eugene says the supreme purpose of all forms of art is its effect (Fried, 1992). He says that the mission of the artist is just in arranging material and permitting his art lovers to extract the meaning of art according to their wishes. It is the interest of the mind that helps in discovering the clear and simple development of a subject that is handled skillfully.