





Daoism became an attractive religion for people of the eras because it was constructed in the lines of collectivism. Karma and rebirth was introduced by Buddhism into Chinese society. The doctrine of karma stated that every individual soul will be a carrier of the positives and negatives that they accumulated in their birth (Kohn, 2003). The notion of birth and the states of hell and heaven were connected to these personal sufferings that an individual would accumulate by their way of living. However the Chinese found this concept of personal responsibility for one’s life, and sufferings were being too intense and hence the Mahayana developments that incorporated a social dimension were more acceptable. Mahayana distributes the effects of karma over everybody, an individual’s karmic influence not only led to consequences for self but for everybody. It was in this context that Daoism was born. Early Daoists were able to present the fact that belief and fate would not only be inherited from the self but will also be inherited from one’s ancestors (Kohn, 2003). The individual according to the Daoists existed in a tightened supernatural families setting and also the extensions of the family. Even the Daoists in the latter years seemed to emphasize on this point.  Chinese culture is more collectivistic rather than individualistic and hence Daoism became an attractive religion for the people.


The concept of communal salvation that every individual should work towards was supported by Daoism and this lead to the sustainability of the religion. The concept of salvation is connected to fate or what is described as the Ming in the Taiping jing which is the Scriptures on Great Peace.