




Juan de la Rosa. Memorias del último soldado de la Independencia was originally published in 1885. It was written by Nataniel Aguirre. The politics of the place and the construction of literature have been discussed in the following.The novel draws on the events that had occurred in Cochabamba, Bolivia. The essential facts of Bolivian History are discussed in this novel. Between 1809 and 1811, Bolivia faced tumultuous time and uncertainty. The author also espoused the values of egalitarianism and liberty.

This was the reason for the author to be a rebel and write based on these events. To understand the construction of the novel, it is imperative to understand the construction of Latin American Literature. The events are told in a manner where Juan reminiscence about the events in his old age. It is a combination of the personal issues that he faced due to the death of his mother and external events such as the Spanish repression, resistance and defeat encountered in the war of independence. The novel was an important piece in the eclectic Latin American literature.