



Especially the Moreland focus on the growth of the MjAC and MuAC which is dedicated to the new targeted areas and get a time frame for all the stages. In an additional, the indicator cans analysis the number as well as the total percentages of the dwelling units and it assist to indicate the total population inside the MjAC and MuAC. The major issue over integrate with the high density development of the design issues that detailed discussed below. The maximum height of buildings contains 12 stories and street wall must be in the height of maximum of five stories that will be primary street frontages. When come to the upper level of the building contractions, the setback must have the capability to make sure sunlight, which can be maintained one side of the street up to 50% with the parking areas and 50% of parking areas. Then get the timeframe for all the stages. They develop the number of vacancies and redevelop the brown field area with the residential building to locate. When preferring this development within the center of the city that help to locate the family with all kinds of facilities. But as a result of the new development of residential in the Moreland, which lead to face major problem such as the shortage of the green field area. They plan to develop a new residence over the thickly populated areas and get timeframe for all stages.