


群年轻男司机主要在16到25的年龄被认为更容易因鲁莽驾驶而导致的风险。它们参与事故的频率比的老司机。25岁以下的记录了死亡人数的27%,经合组织通过只有10%的人口在这个年龄段(克拉克et al .,2015)。在2000年,34%的死亡道路和26%的伤害事故记录的年轻群体年龄16到25年。这些类型的驱动程序主要只代表一小部分驾驶的澳大利亚社区。很多因素导致年轻人的参与个人在交通事故。心理和其他行为组件是一些因素导致了高速率的年轻人之间的交通事故。



The group of young male driver primarily within the age group of 16 to 25 is regarded more prone to risk due to rash driving. The frequency at which they are involved in accidents is more than that of the old drivers. Under the age of 25 has recorded fatalities of 27% in the OECD through only 10% of the population is from within this age group (Clarke et al., 2015). In the year 2000, 34% of the fatalities in road and 26% of the injury accidents was recorded for the younger group of age 16 to 25 years. These types of drivers mainly represent only a small fraction of driving community of Australia. A number of factors lead to the involvement of the young individuals in road accidents. The psychological and other behavioural components are some factors that have led to high rate of road accidents among the young people.

The young males and teenagers have a high probability of risk behaviour due to the excessive drinking, neglecting wearing seat belts, taking risk while driving are to name a few. A research by RSC Australia has shown that young drivers within the age 17 to 25 years are seven times more likely to be killed than the other users of road. The collision while driving by the young drivers is a result of risk taking and inexperience.The behaviour of road safety campaign is done to make the young people realize that speed on road would kill them and the surrounding people. The campaign will aid in generating awareness on the environment of traffic, understanding the behaviour that affect road safety, knowledge on the way humans and vehicles they interact in work.