




Bastian recognized several essential themes and motifs in most ceremonial customs and myths that had a universal appeal. He called them elementary ideas and found them across all cultures and religions regardless with a few exceptions. He believed that these themes were inborn and transcended all cultures. Ethnic ideas on the other hand were related to and based on the cultural identities that differentiated various social groups. These differences based on customs, values, language and race were reflected in the legends, fables, tales, proverbs, myths and saying of each religion, region or tribe or culture (todayinsci.com).This concept put forth by Bastian can be seen in each of the stories which reflect the universal theme that hard work and intelligence are always rewarded, while the lazy always get their just desserts.

However, each of the tales reflects the culture of the region that the represent viz., Africa, Europe and Asia. Each continent and specifically each culture can be seen in each of the stories as they unfold and reach the climax.Jung was of the opinion that archetypes reside in the subconscious of each individual, regardless of his or her cultural or ethical background. Since the archetypes represent human beings, at different levels of evolution they are able to evoke deep and strong emotions in the readers or listeners (Golden). In the greedy tortoise, the king is the caregiver who takes care of his subjects and he can also be seen as the Ruler. The tortoise is the epitome of the lazy man, while his son is the rebel who must break the rules regardless of the consequences.