





1. The king who is often seen as a blaming or praising figure in society because of the importance of the person must understand that he must not try and be nice to everyone which is the ideal setting in his life. Instead, it is better to be focussing on the real issue and matter of the present life. This is because every human seems to live an ideal life in which they think about the obvious, but have the real life in their thought only which is to be actually lived. It is clear that one must not neglect the real life to be lived in order to oblige to the ideal life.

2. The idea of conscious or intentional thought process is the one which might not work sometimes and gives the answer that it is searching, but instead when the mind is relaxed and unhampered by the conscious effort of thinking about the answer, it can supposedly have the most difficult answer in a moment as Archimedes has when he is relaxed and bathing. Most achievers achieve their right moment of thought not in their conscious thoughts but often in their unintentional actions and methods that they avoid such moments which are in real sense so simple and not to be discarded.

3. Morality is deep hidden inside but it has the dust of culture and evolution that is obscuring it and making it blur in its vision. This makes the man not to be able to see the moral values and actions that ought to be performed by him. Often times, the person mixes moralism with many simple tasks and these tasks then obstruct their very ability to understand the situation. Culture and values have reduced the moral thinking by making fix laws and thinking which is no longer useful. When the mirror of morality is cleansed of its doubtful dust, and the person can see himself clearly than ever, the moral values that are to be followed by him will be clearer to be followed.