

assignment代写:整合营销传播原则。整合营销传播(IMC)是企业与目标市场和消费者进行沟通和互动的指导原则。整合营销传播的目标是协调和控制促销组合中的许多元素,如广告、个人销售、公共关系、直接营销、促销等。IMC想要产生一个统一的以客户为中心的信息,它可以实现许多组织目标(Boone和Kurtz, 2007)。然而,社交媒体和社交网站的出现,极大地改变了与消费者沟通的策略和工具。接下来assignment代写将为同学们讲解下整合营销传播原则。

如果IMC战略是成功的,它们可以清楚地反映公司的使命声明和价值,并有助于实现公司的业绩目标(Mangold和Faulds, 2009)。Blackshaw和Nazzaro(2004)指出,社交媒体综合术语指的是由消费者创建、发起、传播和使用的在线信息的新来源,这些消费者希望彼此了解产品、服务、个性、品牌和问题。有各种类型的社交媒体,如在线和口碑论坛,如公司赞助的讨论板,博客,聊天室,社交网站,消费产品或服务评级论坛和网站等。Mangold和Faulds(2009)认为社交媒体的探索能够影响消费者行为的许多方面,如消费者的意见、意识、态度、购买行为、信息获取、购后沟通和评价。

Forrester Research指出,2008年75%的互联网冲浪者通过参与社交网络使用了社交媒体,比如给购物网站写评论,阅读博客等等。社交媒体的这些用户不仅仅局限于青少年。使用社交媒体的X一代正在急剧增加。因此,社会化媒体可以被视为一种革命性的新趋势,组织应该在如何运营他们的在线空间上投入更多的努力(Kaplan和Haenlein, 2009)。社交媒体是一组基于互联网的应用程序,它们建立在Web 2.0的意识形态和技术基础上,允许创建和交换用户生成的内容。社交媒体有无数的机遇和挑战。特别是,从组织的角度来看,公司需要意识到,基于社交媒体的协作项目正逐渐成为许多消费者和用户最重要的信息来源。有很多不同的社交媒体平台,如果公司决定使用它们,他们需要在所有的平台中仔细选择,并选择一个对他们最有利的社交媒体工具。如果消费者使用社交媒体,他们可以直接与品牌代表沟通和互动,他们也可以与他们的朋友就品牌进行交流。因此,Vinerean et al.(2013)等研究人员认为,互联网,特别是社交媒体和社交网站已经完全改变了营销人员和消费者之间的沟通方式。例如,社交网站是良好的口碑传播平台,因为这些网站为现有用户提供了易于使用的工具来加入网络。因此,公司试图创造更多的口碑传播(Trusov et al., 2009)。社交购物涉及网络口碑。口碑(WOM)在影响消费者决策过程中具有极其重要的作用,这一点已被众多学者认可(Gilly et al., 1998)。口碑被定义为顾客之间交换营销信息的行为,在改变顾客对产品和服务的态度和行为方面起着重要作用(Katz和Lazarsfeld, 1955)。不可否认的是,社交媒体和社交网站的增加促进了网络口碑的发展。Henning-Thurau等人(2004)指出,电子口碑是由前者、实际客户和潜在客户对产品和服务所做出的所有正面和负面的陈述组合而成,这些陈述可以被众多的人和机构获得。电子口碑可以发生在不同的社交媒体平台上,包括消费者评论网站、虚拟消费者社区、社交网站等(Dwyer, 2007)。

If the IMC strategies are successful, they can reflect the company’s mission statement and values clearly and contribute towards fulfilling the firm’s performance objectives (Mangold and Faulds, 2009). Blackshaw and Nazzaro (2004) indicate that social media blanket term referring to new source of online information that are created, initiated, circulated and used by consumers who are intent on educating each other about the products, services, personalities, brands and issues. There are various types of social media such online and word-of-mouth forums like company sponsored discussion boards, blogs, chat rooms, social networking sites, consumer product or service rating forums and websites and so forth. Mangold and Faulds (2009) suggest that the exploration of social media can have the ability to affect many aspects of consumer behaviour such as the consumer opinions, awareness, attitudes, purchase behaviour, information acquisition, and post-purchase communication and evaluation.

Forrester Research indicates that 75% of internet surfers have used the social media in 2008 by taking part in social networks, such as by writing reviews to shopping sites, reading blogs and so on. These users of social media are not just limited to teenagers. The generation X who are using social media is increasing dramatically. Therefore, social media can be regarded as a revolutionary new trend that organizations should put more efforts on how to operate their online space (Kaplan and Haenlein, 2009). Social media is a group of internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of the Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of user generated content. Social media has numerous opportunities and challenges. Especially, from an organizational perspective, companies need to be aware that the collaborative projects based on social media are trending towards becoming the most important source of information for a lot of consumers and users. There are many different social media platforms and if companies decide to use them, they need to choose carefully among all the platforms and pick a social media tool that is the most beneficial for them. If consumers use social media, they can communicate and interact to the brand representative directly and they can communicate about the brand with their friends too. Therefore, researchers like Vinerean et al. (2013) for instance suggest that the internet, especially social media and social networking sites have changed the way of communication between the marketers and consumers completely. For instance, social networking sites are great platforms for word-of-mouth because these sites provide easy-to-use tools for current users to join the network. Companies hence try to create more WOM communication (Trusov et al., 2009). Social shopping involves the online word of mouth. The word-of-mouth (WOM) is of paramount importance in influencing the consumer decision making process and this has been recognized by numerous scholars (Gilly et al., 1998). WOM is defined as the act of exchanging marketing information among customers and plays an important role in changing customers’ attitudes and behaviours towards products and services (Katz and Lazarsfeld, 1955). It cannot be denied that the increase of social media and social networking sites has facilitated the WOM development online. Henning-Thurau et al. (2004) indicate that the electronic word-of-mouth is a combination of all positive and negative statements that are made up by the former, actual and potential customers regarding products and services, which can be available and accessed by numerous of people and institutions. The electronic word-of-mouth can occur in different social media platforms including consumer review websites, virtual consumer communities, social networking sites and so on (Dwyer, 2007).
