

Legal:legal factors can be explained as the sum of the legal factors which include the laws, rules and regulation of a country. Legal framework binds the company to act with the framework so as to avoid the implications over the business. Framingham Winesneed to analyse the legal factors of the country for operating within the legal framework.
From the PESTEL analysis it can be analysed the impact of different macro environment factors over the performance of Framingham Wines. It is one of the most popular wine manufacturers which is providing various brands of wines. The macro environment factors present in New Zealand are creating impacts over the products or services offered by Framingham Wines to its customers in the different parts of the world. It is a growing wine company which is operating at a large scale so as to provide quality services to the customers. The wines produced by Framingham Wines are offered in different parts of the world and the wines produced by Framingham Wines are listed in “The 2016 fine wines list of New Zealand”.
Functional level strategy:functional level strategy is focused on the improvement in the different operations of the business such as marketing, production, finance and many more. Framingham Wines need to maintain the level of effectiveness so as to execute or conduct these operations of the business in a proper manner (Capitello et al., 2014).
All these strategies have been used by Framingham Wines so as to attain the objectives of the organisation and enhancing its customer base. Framingham Wines is offering wines to its customers and these wines are Riesling, Montepulciano, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Pinot Gris, Gewürztraminer, Pinot Noir and Viognier. PESTEL, value chain and Porter’s five forces analysis have helped Framingham Wines in analysing the environment in which Framingham Wines exists and identification of the strategies for the attainment of effectiveness in the operations of the organisation. Internationalisation has helped in the expansion of the area of operation of the organisation, Differentiation has helped in provide unique products to the customers, social media has helped in the promotion of the products of Framingham Wines in an effective manner, direct communication has helped in better communication with the different stakeholders and functional level strategy has helped in improving the performance of the different functions of Framingham Wines.

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