

你的研究目标是什么?为什么选择它?拟研究的课题是中国奢侈品市场的研究与发展。选择这个话题的唯一原因是,中国奢侈品行业正随着各种各样的机遇而增长。市场容量相当大。中国的消费者增加了他们的支出,他们的意识反过来导致奢侈品需求的增加(Chevalier et al., 2008)。毫无疑问,中国已经成为一个巨大的奢侈品消费大国。作为一名研究人员,我很好奇为什么会出现这种增长,以及是什么推动了这个行业的增长。更吸引人的是,这个市场最近才刚刚起步。许多方面仍然需要达到完美。例如,顾客的态度还处于初级阶段,奢侈品的知识还没有达到足够的成熟(Churchill, 1999)。奢侈品行业另一个明显的现象是国内奢侈品行业内的组织不存在。这些产品不存在真正的国内品牌,国内品牌只能看到国际品牌如何在没有竞争力的情况下抢占市场。本研究将探索这一现象以及影响奢侈品行业进一步发展阶段的多重因素(上海奢侈品牌市场繁荣,2004)。

该研究还将突出对这些国内公司的建议,以便使自己在中国奢侈品市场上处于竞争地位。中国奢侈品行业发展迅速,商机无限。然而,为了了解客户的投机需求是否得到满足或尚未得到考虑,需要关注客户。市场或行业的驱动力是多种多样的,价格尤其起着驱动力的作用(Worth, 1994)。中国消费者更喜欢跟随品牌,关注他人拥有的品牌,以分析他们在社会中的地位(Chaudhuri et al., 2006)。人民对此十分重视。当他们通过减少食品开支来积累一些资本时,他们开始购买这些品牌,以便重新塑造他们在社会上的品牌形象。顾客都是年轻人,他们购买这些产品的欲望随着时间的推移而增加。然而,这个行业只受到国际品牌的青睐,而没有给国内中小企业带来机会。这使得中国国内奢侈品市场的卖家在国内遭受损失,但在海外获得了更多的机会。


What is your intended topic of research and why have you chosen it?The intended topic of research is The Research and Development of Chinese Luxury Market. The mere reason for selecting this topic is the fact that the industry of Chinese luxury goods is increasing with diverse opportunities. The capacity in the market is quite large. The customers in China have increased their expenditure, and their awareness in turn leads towards the increase in the demand of luxury goods (Chevalier et al., 2008). There does not exist any doubt that China has become an enormous luxury consumption power. This intrigued me as a researcher to understand why this growth has come into existence and what drives the growth in the industry. What becomes more enticing is that the market has recently started. Various points still require attaining perfection. For example, the attitude of the customers are still at the initial stages and the knowledge of luxury has not reached sufficient maturity (Churchill, 1999). Another phenomenon which is evident in the industry is that the domestic organizations within the industry of luxury goods are not present. There do not exist any real domestic brand for these products, and the domestic brands can only view how international brands are seizing the market without being able to compete. This research will explore this phenomenon and multiple factors that will influence the industry in its further stages of development (Market for luxury brands booms in Shanghai, 2004).

The research will also highlight recommendations to these domestic firms in order to make themselves fall in a position that is competitive within the luxury market of China. The industry of Chinese luxury goods has increased with immense opportunities in business. However, the focus on the customers is required in order to understand whether the speculative requirements of the customers are met or are yet to be taken into consideration. The drivers in the market or industry are several and the price especially acts as a driving force (Worth, 1994). Chinese customers prefer to follow brands and focus on brands that other people possess in order to analyse their status in the society (Chaudhuri et al., 2006). The people have taken this seriously. As they accumulate some capital by cutting down expenditure on food, they start purchasing these brands in order to reformulate their brand image in the society. The customers are young and their urge to purchase these products is increasing with time. The industry however is only favoured by international brands rather than opportunities given to the small and medium enterprises in the domestic market. This has made Chinese domestic sellers in the luxury goods market suffer within China but attain more opportunities abroad.