


现代化的概念根植于资本主义的过程。非洲传统社会经历了一系列剧烈的变革(Hussain et al., 1981;列宁,1964)。在19世纪末的“争夺非洲”时期,马克思主义者即列宁与殖民统治者达成了一项不太可能达成的协议,他们认为欧洲的殖民对非洲的经济发展产生了积极的影响。现代化理论是关于非洲的,它跟随了欧洲的发展脚步(Matunhu, 2011)。根据这一理论,新政策的目的是提高人民的生活水平和宣传更有效的生产技术。例如:农业现代化技术的目的是鼓励农民种植作物,尝试新的生产方法和使用新的销售技巧。因此,现代化导致了杂交技术、转基因食品、温室技术的形成,以及使用人工化肥、杀虫剂、拖拉机和应用新技术取代传统农业方法(Hussain et al., 1981)。

给定的观察结果得到了Smith的认可,他说“现代化是用更近期的东西来交换旧的农业实践”(Smith, 2010)。现代化政策在殖民前和殖民后的非洲都很普遍。当“白人”来到非洲时,他们把“发展”这个国家作为自己的责任。非洲被称为“黑暗大陆”,这是启蒙运动的迫切需要。发展非洲的想法是塞西尔·约翰·罗兹(Cecil John Rhodes)和他的同事们(包括农民、工程师和传教士)的动力。正如他们所说,使非洲成为发达大陆的责任落在发达国家的手中。大都市完全或公开表示,非洲的发展远远落后于世界其他地区。这是因为黑人被认为在改善他们的社会、经济和技术环境方面处于劣势。这种观点被现代性的支持者所接受,这是一种残酷和误导的观点。


The concept of modernization is rooted in the process of capitalism. The traditional society of Africa has undergone through the spectrum of drastic transformation (Hussain et al., 1981; Lenin, 1964). In the time of the late 19th Century “Scramble for Africa”, Marxists namely Lenin created an unlikely accord with colonial administrators presenting a belief that European colonization had given a positive impact on the economic development of Africa. Modernization theory is about Africa, which has followed the development footsteps of Europe (Matunhu, 2011). According to this theory, the new policies were intended to raise the living standards of people and informing about more effective production techniques. For example: the modernization techniques in agriculture are intended to encourage farmers to grow crops, to try new methods of production and to use new marketing skills. Thus, modernization led to formation of hybrid techniques, the genetically modified (GMO) food, technology of green house, and use of artificial fertilizers, insecticides, tractors and applying new technologies to replace the traditional methods of agriculture (Hussain et al., 1981).

The given observation is approved by Smith, who states that “modernization is about exchanging of older agriculture practices with something more recent” (Smith, 2010). Modernization policies are widespread in both pre and post-colonial Africa. When the ‘whites’ arrived in Africa, they made it a responsibility for them to “develop” this nation. Africa was named as “dark continent”, which was in grave requirement of enlightenment. This idea of developing Africa was the motivation for Cecil John Rhodes and his associates including farmers, engineers and missionaries. As they said, the duty of making Africa as developed continent was placed in the hands of the developed states. The metropolis totally or openly stated that development of Africa was way behind the other parts of the world. This was because black people were considered to be inferior to improve their social, economic and technological environment. This view is accepted by the supporters of modernity, which is cruel and misdirected.