

非金融奖励包括实物奖励。例如,最有价值的员工奖或模范表现的全费用带薪假期通常是非金钱奖励。虽然这些奖励是有金钱价值的,但员工感受到的奖励的影响要远远大于得到同等数额的奖励。这会提升员工的士气,收件人希望在下一次提升自己的表现,而其他员工(同事)则希望自己也能取得类似的成就。组织的成功完全取决于其成员的激励水平。当员工感到有动力去充分发挥自己的才能时,他们就会表现良好(Osabiya, 2015)。Pret-a-Manger的员工之所以被选中,是因为他们能够识别并与组织目标保持一致,并为实现目标而努力达到最佳状态。

与此形成鲜明对比的是,生产率损失可以追溯到员工士气低落(Osabiya, 2015), Pret尽量避免了这种情况。Pret方法已经成功地建立和保留了富有成效和友好的工作人员,他们能够利用Pret的形象,卓越的服务与微笑。Pret的员工可以与组织一起规划职业道路,他们非常愿意帮助他们成功。在他们的工作任务中,追求卓越的驱动力与动机水平密切相关(Chand, 2016), (JFB, 2016)。可以看出,员工的成就水平越高,越能在激励环境中茁壮成长(JFB, 2016)。为此,Pret-a-Manger的管理层帮助员工选择职业道路。通过帮助员工实现个人和职业目标,管理层能够传达出关爱员工的信息。这确保了员工有动力尽其所能地完成工作。


Non-financial rewards include appreciation in kind. For instance, a most valuable employee award or an all expenses paid holiday for exemplary performance are commonly seen non-monetary rewards. While these rewards have a money value, the employee feels the impact of the award far more than if he were given an equivalent sum of money. This creates a boost in employee morale, with the recipient wanting to boost his performance the next time round, while the other employees (colleagues) aim at achieving a similar distinction themselves.Organisational success entirely depends on the motivation level of its members. When employees feel motivated to utilize their complete talents and ability, they perform well (Osabiya, 2015). The employees at Pret-a-Manger are chosen for their ability to recognize and align themselves with organizational goals and work to their optimal in order to achieve it.

In sharp contrast, productivity loss can be traced to low morale among the employees (Osabiya, 2015), which is avoided at Pret to the best possible level.The Pret approach has successfully built and retained productive and friendly crews, who are able to capitalize on the Pret image of exceptional service with a smile. The employees with Pret can chart a career path with the organization, who are more than willing to help them succeed. The drive to excel is closely interlinked with the level of motivation as seen in their work tasks (Chand, 2016), (JFB , 2016). It is seen that employees with higher achievement levels, thrive in stimulating environments (JFB , 2016). Towards this end, the management at Pret-a-Manger helps their employees to move on a chosen career path. By helping employees to achieve their personal and professional goals, the management is able to put across the message of caring for their employees. This ensures that employees remain motivated to deliver to the best of their ability.