

E-waste is a generic term that consists of several types of electrical sources which can be old or have no longer use and have reached at its end and some of the electrical sources do not possess value at present time. They are found as rapidly growing waste steam.
The electrical items are vividly divided into three parts “white goods” which comprehends household applications such as- refrigerators, washing machine, dishwasher, air cooler etc.; the brown goods which comprehends- camcorders, television, camera etc.; and last comes Grey goods, for instance- computer, printers, scanners, portable phones, etc.; other types of waste are lighting tools, technical toys, electrical tools, sports items, medical devices, monitoring and control instruments etc.
Presently, our life has become so fast and very costly that it is very difficult to continue without today’s electric items. The very fast going technological inventions are competing with each other. It also follows the doubling of the processing power of chips that it is harmless in every two years, the electrical items which are not famous in the blink of an eye. It coupled with change life styles with income, which is not of use in lightening the scope of urban areas with digital waste of digital age known as E-waste (Ashok, 2013).
Likewise disposed electronics are divided as a waste, but they are important secondary resources as they are suitable for direct reuse, refurbishment and recycling ( Kyere, 2016). Electrical applications are made of different parts that are made of different substance, which include the plastic, metal glass and the organic and inorganic compound. Brominates flame retardants like lead metals, mercury, cadmium and chromium compounds are such components that are found in these items, these components are highly dangerous that pose risks related to health and environment. These components bio accumulate over and done with food chain and the results are more acute.
Landfills that are used for waste products are mainly for leaking and it leads for mixing of heavy metals and other harmful chemicals in the soil, which not only contains soil but also carries water. Mercury, cadmium, and lead are harmful chemicals, e.g., lead from TV broken glass and monitors and it leads to leaching ( Robbins , Hintz & Moore, 2013). Landfills are responsible for uncontrolled fires through which chemical fumes are release. Chemical leads residual ash, is a harmful waste. Wrong procedures of recycling process like in creation in open air acid bath leaking are mostly used for wealthy metals recovery from e-waste. During this recovery process, irreparable damage is cause to the environment.

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