

第三篇文章是由Ausustas Degutis和Lina Novickyte根据有效市场假说(Degutis and Novickyte, 2014)的发展而开发的。在研究中提出了重要的文献综述,表明资本市场的发展(Degutis和Novickyte, 2014)改变了有效市场假说的实证有效性和相关性。因此,研究了波罗的海证券市场,以了解目前有效市场假说的现状(Degutis和Novickyte, 2014)。有人认为,股票的回报将不会对未来的回报产生影响,但有一种理解是,股票价格的变动是由于关键信息,证明了目前市场的半强劲的市场效率存在。




The third article is developed by Ausustas Degutis and Lina Novickyte based on the developments from the efficient market hypothesis (Degutis and Novickyte, 2014). The critical literature review is offered within the study that suggests that the empirical validity and the relevance of the efficient market hypothesis are being changed by the capital markets development (Degutis and Novickyte, 2014). Therefore, the Baltic stock market was researched for understanding the present efficient market hypothesis status (Degutis and Novickyte, 2014). It was identified that the stock return of one day will not be responsible for the influence of the futuristic returns, but it is contested with the understanding that the changes of stock price due to key information proves the semi-strong market efficiency presence in the current markets.


It has been concluded from the above discussion that the efficient market hypothesis and random walk theory are the basis of the recent developments in the sector of behavioural finance. Moreover, the various markets across the world are found to be operating within the identified theory scope.





从这篇文章的使用来看,未来关于价格变化分布的研究已经有了两门可能的课程。在本文写作之前,大部分研究都集中在寻找与价格变化经验分布相一致的统计性质的分布(Fama, 1965)。相对而言,花费较少的精力去探索提供经验分布上升的常见过程。在这一视角下,任何一般的价格形成模型都不存在于股票市场中,用来解释价格水平和价格变动在一般经济变量行为上的分布。通过本文提供的建议,可以开发和测试模型,在理论上可以为建立强大的基础做出巨大贡献。本文还建议利用蒙特卡罗技术,建立一个近似的抽样理论。甚至当密度函数相关的显式表达不为人所知时,也会出现这种情况。


本文简要地指出,在不同的情况下,在不同的情况下,对于长尾自然的经验分布频率,在这样的结果下,个体的后续态度是相似的。然而,有效市场假说是最重要的贡献。根据这个假设,如果市场是有效的,那么价格的变化将会立即反映出来,否则他们将不会(Fama, 1965)。


The paper has added by providing some additional dependence tests for this hypothesis. It states that there are two distinct processes for independent testing. Pure statistics test can be carried out for example. All these have been utilized in order to elaborate completely the nature of whether this hypothesis is right or not. This has been a major contribution.
From the use of this article, two possible courses have been taken by future research over price change distribution. Until the writing of this article, most of the research was focused on only finding the distribution of statistical nature which can coincide with price change empirical distributions (Fama, 1965). Relatively there was lesser effort being spent to explore the much common processes providing empirical distribution rise. Within this perspective, any general price formation model did not exist within the market of stocks for explaining the level of price and price changes distribution with regard to the behaviour of general variables of economics. With the suggestions provided in this article, it has been possible to develop and test models that can greatly contribute towards establishment of a strong foundation theoretically. The article also recommended making use of techniques of Monte Carlo in order to develop an approximate theory of sampling. This was suggested even when density functions related explicit expression are not known.


The article in brief stated that provided the empirical distribution frequency of long tailed nature being under observation, in various situations, subsequent attitude of an individual under such results will be similar. Efficient market hypothesis however is the most essential contribution. According to this hypothesis, if market is efficient, then the price changes will immediately reflect or else they will not (Fama, 1965).



参与战略规划的企业会预测情况并管理那些会影响业务的因素(Hasle et al。,2012)。在贷款限制正常化之前探索其他财务资源,制定符合相关规定的计划,加强服务和创新以获得竞争优势,这些都是重要的或者是企业的生存。



Businesses that engage in strategic planning anticipate the circumstance and manage those factors that will affect the business (Hasle et al., 2012). Exploration of other resources of finance till the lending restrictions normalise, development of plans that are in compliance with the related regulations, enhancement of service and innovation in order to have a competitive edge are important or survival of a business. The internal factors are the base for a business. A firm can only be eligible to compete in the market when it is appropriately established. If the internal factors are no in co – existence and functioning properly, the chances of survival in the external environment is less (O’Donnell, 2013). If the internal factors are appropriately strategized, it makes the firm more effective and thus survival in the external environment is possible. For example, if a company has a client base and is required to deliver the goods and services, internally there is mayhem which results in productivity getting effected, this will not only result in losing the client, but also the goodwill is effected and the competition is benefitted.

Hence, it has been justified with the above argument that in the context of small firms, the internal factors get prominence over external factors. A small firm is already restricted in a number of ways. The firm is in control of the internal factors, while the external factors cannot be contained. In order to cope with the limitations, the firm will modify the internal factors as per the demand of the situation on hand to support the success of the firm; however, it is required of the firm to adjust in accordance with the external factors.




除社会之外,公司的沟通实践也可能对其他利益相关者产生影响。员工是最接近的一员。通过有效的沟通实践,公司的管理人员或管理人员试图鼓励和鼓励员工提高绩效,实现公司的总体目标。众所周知的事实是,如果公司和员工持续沟通并进行有效沟通,那么员工更有可能表现更好(Fulk 2010,415)。因此,具有高效沟通实践的公司必须鼓励员工履行道德和法律义务,以便他们每个人都对客户满意度做出高度贡献。与社会类似,这些员工和其他利益相关者也可以出于环境友好的实践。


Communication is defined as the process to convey information by exchanging some form of expression, verbal or non verbal. Good skills of communication help in placing an organization in the appropriate place within the market. The image and reputation of an organization is dependent upon the ability of how it communicates within the society. Good communication helps in the promotion of better understanding amongst employee and employer.
For serving the purpose of this essay, McDonald’s has been chosen for analysis of its communication. An engaged and dedicated workforce contributes to the success of business. Considering this fact, McDonald’s tends to follow internal form of communication in an effective manner. This form has helped the company in nurturing, developing and finally placing trust within employees for creation of strong growth. In the internal form, McDonald’s has adopted methods of multi-channel communication for ensuring that delivery of all messages is done effectively to the staff. This method also involves the utilization of online, print and several other types or forms of technology that may help in effective communication.


Impact on Society and Particular Stakeholders
Other than society, the communication practices of company may also have an impact over other stakeholders. Employees are the closest one of all. With effective communication practices, the managers or executives of company try to boost and encourage the employees towards better performance and attaining overall objectives of company. It is a well-known fact that if the company and employees communicate consistently and undergo an effective communication, then the employees are more likely to perform better (Fulk 2010, 415). Thus, the company with its efficient communication practices must encourage the employees towards ethical and legal obligations so that each of them highly contributes to the customer satisfaction. Similar to the society, these employees and other stakeholders can also be motivated for environmental friendly practices.




失业率也高,止赎率和破产率都会上升。大多数情况下,即使在高中毕业后,美国的青年人仍然处于失业状态。 (Mankiw)劳动力市场受到严重影响,即使劳动条件略有好转,但还有很长的路要走。许多美国人还在兼职工作,他们希望转到全职工作。奥巴马政府成立时,美国经济已经面临经济衰退的过去低迷时期。 (Morcroft)事后的影响众所周知,失业问题依然存在,并没有得到解决。失业问题缓慢进入经济,造成经济崩溃的恶性循环。减少失业救济金和保险金政策必须由政策管理者减少,取消最低工资,并集中力量使失业工作在任何可能的工资上。


Unemployment is a serious issue
There will be decline in production of goods and services due to unemployment and these results in declination of the economy. The combination of unemployment and lost production leads to an adverse effect. As per the economists, if the rate of unemployment increases by one percent then the rate of gross domestic product decreases by three percent. Loss of production leads to a loss of favorable chance forever (Amosweb.com, n.d.).

Effect of Unemployment in the Economy
Also unemployment leads to high rate of foreclosure and bankruptcy rates to rise. Mostly it is the youth population that remains unemployed today in the USA, even after graduating high school and college. (Mankiw) The labor market has been severely impacted and even though there is slight improvement in the labor conditions, there is a long way to go still. Many Americans are still working part time, and they want to shift to full time jobs. When the Obama administration came into existence, the US economy was already facing the past downturns of the recession. (Morcroft) The after effects are well known, as unemployment still remains intact and has not been handled. The problem of unemployment slowly eats into the economy and causes a vicious circle of an economy’s breakdown. Reduction of unemployment benefits and insurance policies must be reduced by policy administrators, abolishing the minimum wages and focus on making the unemployed work at any wage if possible.



萨曼莎是四方广场的人力资源经理。 Ltd公司。她的老板理查德·威廉斯先生为公司设计了一个招聘计划。该方案提出的一些事实不符合预期,因此她面临灰心的老板。


The first example is about Samantha my team lead.
Samantha is an HR manager of Four Squares Pvt. Ltd Company. She got an assignment of designing a recruitment program for the company by her boss Mr. Richard Williams. Some of the facts presented in the program were not as per the expectations thus she faced discouragement for her boss.
Her performance suddenly started deteriorating and she was not able to meet her targets. Her rate of absenteeism in office also increased.
Through this counseling session, Richard tried to counsel Samantha with all his best efforts so as to motivate her and fade away all the negativity and misunderstanding she had with management. This helped Samantha to come out of her depression state and guilt feeling of not able to prove her worth for the organization. Even the senior management knew about the effects of their comments on the performance of a good employee of the organization.
The second example is of my close friend David who works with me.
David started his job as a sales manager where he met his senior sales manager James who is quite dominant type of manager. Due to his non-cooperative nature and attitude and discouraging behavior none of the members of the departmental store wants to work in his team. For this reason, few staff members who were of rebellion nature walked out of their jobs. David discussed this matter with the top management and finally it was decided by the management that James will be given a counseling session and some training even so as to make his comfortable while working in team.
I learned from this case that we should not only look at the darker side of any situation instead we should collectively make efforts for changing the negativity into positivity for building harmonious environment in the organization. Each employee must get a chance to change his wrong behavior into right but that is possible with the support of all other employees of the organization.


澳洲土木工程论文代写 :锚固系统

澳洲土木工程论文代写 :锚固系统

锚点是结构的重要组成部分,使其具有防坠落功能。已经有不同的学者提出了不同的现象,并通过试验和实验得出了观测结果。 Tavoussi等人(2008)认为,根据锚固系统中可用连接的范围,存在多种影响。在具有23cm 2的面积的两个钢槽道的特定布置中,每个通道被放置在剪力墙的侧面,观察到张力传递到剪力墙的顶部,这可以防止直接锚固在木材中有很高的拉力。

Popovski等人已经证明了一个测试。 (2010),使用特殊设计的钢钉作为驱动紧固件,将钢与钢拉力构件连接起来,以达到锚固在基础上的目的。这种紧密连接的元素的设置被认为是在现场可行的,同时对地震波具有很高的延展性。

在继续讨论成员的延展性时,波波夫斯基等人(2010)提出使用交叉层压木材作为预制墙板和地板的平板可以带来一系列好处。木材的交叉层压是一个特殊的过程,由此产生的成员获得令人印象深刻的三维稳定性的特点,打开了预制的细长楼板和墙壁的可能性扩展到一楼的建筑高度。 (Popovski等,2010)

澳洲土木工程论文代写 :锚固系统

Anchor points are an important part of the structure to make it fall-protective. Different phenomena presented by various scholars and the derived observations through tests and experiments have been numerated. Tavoussi et al. (2008) is of the view there are varied affects depending upon the range of the available connections in an anchorage system. In a particular arrangement of two steel channels with an area of 23cm2 where each channel was placed on the sides of the shear wall, it was observed that the tensile forces got transmitted to the top part of the shear wall and this can prevent the direct anchorage of high tensile forces in the timber.

A test has been demonstrated as mentioned by Popovski et al. (2010) whereby specially designed steel, nails were used as the driving fasteners to link the steel to steel tension members to serve the purpose of anchoring in the foundation. This setting of the tightly joined elements was concluded to be found as workable on the field and at the same time provided high ductility against seismic waves.

In continuation to the talk about ductility of the members, Popovski et al. (2010) propose that the use of Cross-laminated timber as plain boards of precast wall panels and floors can bring in a range of benefits. Cross lamination of the wood is a special process whereby the resultant member gains traits of impressive 3D stability that opens the possibility of prefabrication of elongated floor slabs and walls extendable to the height of building with first floor. (Popovski et al., 2010)




我把自己看作一个人,他希望拥有一切都是完美的,因此这个理由承担了很大一部分责任,并且像这样一个小组组长一样担任这个特定任务。在介绍最后的演讲之前,我们两次演练了演讲,根据反馈,我们对演讲内容进行了必要的修改。最重要的是,我们认识到我们不是一个团体,而是一个个体,而这不是我们要做的事(Sparrow 2009)。我们需要对演讲技巧进行一些关键的改变,这可以进一步改善演讲过程中的协调。由于我们大多数人都不认识对方,团队成员之间有一些冲突。当他不愿意听我说话的时候,我也和队员中的一个人发生了冲突,坚持要他做事。



I regard myself as a person who wishes to have everything perfect and hence it was reason that took a huge part of the responsibility and acted like a group leader for this particular assignment. Before presenting the final presentation, we rehearsed our presentation twice and based on the feedback we made necessary changes in the content of the presentation. Most importantly, what we got to realize that we were not acting as a group but we were acting as an individual, which was not what the task required us to do(Sparrow 2009). There was a need to bring some critical changes in our presentation skills which could further improve our coordination during the presentation. Since most of the people in our group didn’t know each other personally; there were some conflicts amongst the team members. I also had a conflict with one of the team member when he was not willing to listen to me and was adamant to do things according to him.

However, as we proceeded to work towards the assigned task we got to know each other quite well and it was over a period of time that we tried to overcome our conflicts and started to work towards the accomplishment of the common goal. During the preparation of the assignment, there were some positive discussions in the group with all the team members; I personally regarded it to be a positive aspect because it made our team stronger. We tried to make one another comfortable in the group and started interacting with each other so as to keep everyone updated about the progress of the task.








ASIC vs Adler(No 3)(2002)168 FLR 253





申请:公司的董事有责任根据宪法和公司法2001(Cth)下的任何法律规定进行公司业务。所有董事都对公司负有信托义务。这意味着董事必须通过服从自己的利益来为别人的利益行事。在这项义务之下,除非公司允许,否则任何人不得获得个人利益。受托责任的董事不能从公司或外部以任何形式作出秘密利益。如果任何董事在这个责任下做了不当行为,将会通过违反公司法,一般法或公司章程的行为承担责任。在这种情况下,帕特里夏违反了董事责任,也违反了“2001年公司法”的原则和规定(公司法2001(Cth))。公司董事中的信息只是被Patricia告知,因为Patricia打电话给姐姐购买了Stadium Enterprises Pte Ltd正在购买的公司的股份。


Issue: Stadium Enterprises Pte Ltd is private owned shareholding company by three directors John, Patricia and Dean.  This company follows the legal principles and regulations according to Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (CA).  Australian Security and Investment commission takes care of the corporations act and legalizations. This is to find whether there is any of breaches of Directors Duties and of any other breaches of the Corporations Act that may have occurred by Patricia or Dan


Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)

ASIC vs Adler (No 3) (2002) 168 FLR 253

According to Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), s 191(1)

According to Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), s 191(3)

According to Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), s588M

According to Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), s588G

Application: The directors of the company have the responsibility for carrying on the company’s business subject to the restrictions imposed by the constitution and any statuary provisions under corporations Act 2001 (Cth). All the directors are under fiduciary duty towards the company.  This means the directors have to act for some other’s benefits by subordinating one’s interests. Under this duty, no one is permitted for their personal benefits unless permitted by the company. The directors under the fiduciary duty cannot make secret benefits form the company or from outside in any form. If any directors under this duty do improper actions will be liable through a breach of the corporations act, general law or the company’s constitution.  In this case, Patricia breaches the Directors Duties and also breaches the Corporations Act 2001 principles and regulations (Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)).  The information which was among the directors of the company only was informed to personal benefits by Patricia as Patricia called her sister to buy the shares of the company which was being bought by Stadium Enterprises Pte Ltd.






Retailers have realized that traditional marketing approaches no longer satisfy consumers’ needs. Pine and Gilmore (1999) and Richards (2001) argue that many consumers are not only seeking to purchase goods and services but also expect engaging experiences. This is supported by the concept ‘hedonic consumption’ (Hirschman and Holbrook, 1982) which notes that consumers should have a multi-sensory, fantasy and emotive experience. It is an interactive and relational platform and active shopper’s multi-sensory engagement, which leaves the shopper pleasured in continuous buying efforts (Castaldo and Mauri, 2008). The consumer culture has started to change as customers are beginning to put greater value on local goods with the ability to talk to producers or manufacturers face-to-face. Therefore, retailers have tried to build face-to-face interactions and trust relationships with the consumer through these temporary shop formats.  Spena et al (2010) states Pop-Ups provide an interactive environment in which consumers can have active dialogue. Pop-up retail entails creation of a marketing environment that is highly experiential, focused on promoting a brand or product line, available for a short time period, and generally in smaller venues that foster more face-to-face dialogue with brand representatives, which is a top factor attracting people to the experience (Kim et al, 2010).

Unlike the traditional store format, Pop-Ups can be event-driven (Shanahan, 2005). It offers shopper with personally relevant lifestyle experiences, such as concerts or sporting events. The sensory environment in the Pop-Ups allow consumer to become immersed and engaged within the memorable experience proposed by the firm and this kind of emotional engagement helps retailer to build long term relationship with customer and strength brand loyalty (Prahalad and Ramasway, 2004).