


  Quote He is an artist who has a thorough insight into Hong Kong of the present stage most keenly, crowded streams of people, Chungking Mansions accommodating Chinese and foreigners, dark blue sky partitioned by the high-rises of Mong Kok, apartment windows with visible take-off and landing of airplanes at Kai Tak Airport, also roadside stands, convenience stores and dim bars. By virtue of these iconic elements, Karwai Wong constitutes a Hong Kong at the end of the century. The most typical examples are Chungking Express and Fallen Angels. Of course, the lonely and indifferent desert in Ashes of Time can also be considered as an allegorized modern city. Karwai Wong is an expresser of images who carry strong “urban susceptibility”. Due to the rootlessness and symbolization of modern cities, the content is usually hidden in form and style of his works. Or to say, the style itself is his content sometimes, which presents obvious postmodern cultural images. From the works of representative directors like Ann Hui, Patrick Tam and so on in the previous new wave of Hong Kong, you can easily feel “a sense of real life” which is used to support film style, but you cannot see these in the films of Karwai Wong.

  Karwai Wong starts from the aesthetic view of modernistic films, boldly explores and breaks through the narrative structure, picture composition, rhythm changes and shooting techniques of films and forms a unique style. It is too rich. Just as what the book of Li Mi summarizes, “actor’s lines are with a strong taste of Haruki Murakami, magic realism, structuralism, stream of consciousness and postmodern literary style, blur lens of MTV, popular cool expressions of streets, Gu Long-style mottos, strong sentiments of reminiscence…All of these may be ‘the artistic charm’ of Karwai Wong’s films and make it hard for people to refuse.”

  Karwai Wong forms a profound understanding of the city and times in which he lives and finds an appropriate way to express his life experience in such a special external environment.

  論文范文論文代寫-王家衛電影的城市表達就為留學生分享到這裏。有關更多論文代寫的問題,留學生們可以在線咨詢英國論文代寫Advanced Thesis平台客服,此論文代寫平台專業信譽高,論文代寫價格公平合理,擅長寫作科目廣泛,有碩士論文代寫、essay代寫、assignment代寫等論文服務,豐富的論文代寫經驗值得留學生選擇和信賴!



  The perception of a brand by the consumer is determined by their cognitive, language, action and emotional response towards a brand. Companies in the modern times try to influence the consumer to make them predisposed towards a brand or a product. The perception of the brand by the consumer is a sum of all the factors about a particular product, service or companies that make the people deliver the product. The brand perception of the product is shaped by the functional experience of the product and the perceived quality of the product by the consumers . It is about how the consumers associate themselves with the product and the companies. If the consumers are given approval from reputable sources along with recommendations from their friends and families, they are more likely to choose a product. Another important aspect is how the companies choose to advertise their product or brand. The stakeholders of the company should also give positive responses about the product. These factors are in reality not in the control of the brand owners. They can only tell a story and create a facade about themselves. The people perceive these messages based on the events and social perceptions regarding the brand. Brand perception is in reality owned by the consumers. The companies might try to develop a brand image what is important is to understand the reality behind the consumer minds. To understand this concept, the companies try to use surveys and focus groups to measure and improve the perception of the brand by the consumers. There have been utilization of the social media tools and metrics to understand how a consumer feels about a particular brand and what message they want to send out to the consumers. In the recent times, there has been a general trend of health conscious consumers. There has been recommendations from the doctors about the number of calories in the product. Owing to this, there has been a shifting paradigm regarding healthier choices in food. These factors need to be addressed by the companies in order to alleviate the concerns of the consumers and ensure that the consumer requirements as being met by the companies. To understand the root causes of what the consumer actually require, there have been a number of endeavors taken up by the beverage industry in general. There are a lot of resources and times spent to understand the consumer dynamics in the society.

  論文代寫-消費者對品牌的認知就為留學生分享到這裏。英國高階論文代寫Advanced Thesis平台機構為留學生們提供英國代寫、essay代寫、paper代寫等論文代寫服務,幫助留學生們解決論文的寫作困擾,圓自己一個留學提升學位的夢想!

英国论文代写-新西兰政府的Te Whariki倡议

  英国论文代写-新西兰政府的Te Whariki倡议。新西兰的Te Whariki是教育部的一项倡议,教育部是新西兰政府的一个行政机构,旨在承认和确定幼儿课程的宗旨和目标。这是一个面向儿童的项目,旨在社会文化背景下的儿童学习和发展。这个项目的重点是区分老师和家长,以及家庭成员。该计划以文件的形式规定了工作人员和幼儿的职责和责任。本课程不断努力,在以社区为中心力量的指导下,协助实现和创造儿童发展的目标。它点燃了新西兰持续的教育质量水平升级的火花。这一概念是为儿童提供高质量教育服务的基础。论文范文英国论文代写-新西兰政府的Te Whariki倡议分享给留学生阅读。

  New Zealand’s Te Whariki is an initiative of the Ministry of Education, an administrative body of the New Zealand government towards the recognition and orientation towards the aims and objectives of the early childhood curriculum. It is a children oriented program aimed in the learning and development of the children (te whariki) within a socio-cultural context (Hägglund & Samuelsson, 2009). The main emphasis of this program is the differentiation between teachers or “kaiako”, parents and the family members or “whanau”. The program, in the form of a document, specifies the duties and the responsibilities of the staffs as well as the toddlers. The curriculum makes continuous efforts to assist in the achievement and creation of the development of the child under the guidance of the community acting as the central force. It ignites the spark for the escalation of the level of quality of education persisting in New Zealand. This concept acts as the base for the delivery of the high quality education services for the young children.

  The whole document of the curriculum comprises of four sections, the main theme of which is to cater to the specific and the special needs of the children. The first and the third section deals with the summarization of the goals, principles, and stands of the curriculum which include the broad description of the stages present in the development and learning process of the children through an analysis of the planning, evaluation and the assessment of the relevant principles (Siraj, 2009). The second part comprises of the actual activities that are undertaken for the provision of education to the young children before they make progress towards the main elementary schooling. The last section developed essential linkages between the essential skills and the essential learning areas, acting as a guideline or a conceptual framework for the different schools.

  This is a curriculum especially designed for the children, from their birth to their progress towards the elementary schooling. As a commencement to the envisioning of the key skills, abilities of a child in its tender age, the curriculum fosters new ways and opportunities for learning processes that initiate primarily at home and progress towards maturity at the schools (Halgunseth, 2009). The curriculum emphasizes on the advanced and modern ways of learning as a means of response to the social and cultural context and the creation of associated reflexive relationships of the child. This is on the basis of the performance of the activities by the children and achievement of the experiences and observation skills through the means of proper guidance by the parents and the peers.

  The cultural heritage associates along with the governmental agencies have realized the need for the provision of equal and better educational facilities for the children before the initiation of the elementary schooling (Sarama & Clements, 2009).

  Education is an important contributor behind the development and attainment of the maturity of the children. If the children receive proper education along with the guidance of the parents and the teachers in schools, then they will gain new ideas, experience and observational skills, which will enhance their abilities and capabilities for the initiation of the elementary and pre-schooling. Therefore, this essay proves successful in establishing this fact with a special reference to the curriculum for early childhood education persisting in New Zealand. The essay also proves beneficial in assisting the administration of different schools in the provision of basic education to the children from their tender age.

  论文范文英国论文代写-新西兰政府的Te Whariki倡议就为留学生分享到这里。英国高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供英国代写、essay代写、paper代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!



  More and more companies are starting to understand the significance of the social media in their work channels. Online social media marketing has many implications for consumers because the product and the feedback is more visible than even. In addition, different sets of stakeholders would also be able to view this data as well. Therefore, consumers, channel partners, competitors, suppliers and more would be able to view the market opinions of the product under consideration. The myriad complexities and characteristics of the social media hence evokes a new set of rules and strategies with respect to marketing and more and more companies became aware of the need to reinvent their marketing. Social media is used to promote and disseminate information and the use of electronic word of mouth makes it complex.

  Ludwig et al. (2012) find that the semantic content and style properties of verbatim online reviews influence online retail sites’ conversion rates. The authors employ text mining to extract changes in affective content and linguistic style properties of book reviews on Amazon.com. They find that the influence of positive affective content on conversion rates is asymmetrical, such that greater increases in positive affective content in customer reviews have a smaller effect on subsequent increases in conversion rate. No such tapering-off effect occurs for changes in negative affective content in reviews. Furthermore, positive changes in affective cues and increasing congruence with the product interest group’s typical linguistic style directly and contingently increase conversion rates.

  Proper formal collection of feedbacks is hence necessary. Social media marketing structures hence have to be reinvented by the day. The characteristics of online social environment are changing by the day because of the redefinition of technology. Newer technology breeds more ways of using social media and hence more work from the end of traditional marketers. Key findings indicate that online reviews and ratings affect many different metrics, both online and offline, such as consumer ratings, consumer purchase conversion rates, brand evaluations, purchase intentions, firm performance, and firm value. The effects of online reviews and ratings on performance metrics are contingent on other characteristics, including their own, brand, consumer, and firm characteristics.

  論文范文論文代寫-在線社交媒體營銷的影響就為留學生分享到這裏。論文不會寫怎麼辦?英國論文代寫推薦英國論文代寫Advanced Thesis平台機構,此論文代寫平台還有一些paper代寫、essay代寫、assignment代寫等論文服務, 良好的口碑和豐富的論文代寫經驗值得留學生選擇和信賴!



  首先就是中國留學生在初寫英語論文時總受中文寫作習慣的影響,很多留學生寫文章是中文直譯,字字翻譯,不懂得使用native speakers(為大家所認可的地道表達)來寫。再碰上中文表達本身就不夠好的人,這種情況就更顯而易見了。相反,英文寫作能力很好的同學會有意識擺脫中文的影響,沒必要翻譯過來的中文也很很恰當的去掉,或者某些中文表達變化一下,方便native speakers的使用。譬如說,“政府提供充分的教育”,如果留學生說provide sufficient education,provide abundant education,出手就暴露了你的中式英文。留學和們要去思考充分的教育是什麼,不外乎就是增加教育機會,讓人們更加容易獲得教育機會。那麼wider access to education, provide more educational opportunities, 等等,就比較地道。因此,留學生看一篇論文,如果裏面很多英文翻譯成中文都是你熟悉的中文,一字不落,你就知道這個文章很有可能不地道。

  圖書館裏肯定有很多關於某作家的作品,留學生們要看最典型的文章,在看的初期可以在大腦裏初步形成小板塊;如果是理工科的則需要親自准備材料做實驗了,金融的就要做規劃然後搜集數據了。研究性的著作也要看很多,學習別人的論證方法、理論知識、寫作語言的使用等 ,看看這些英語表達陳述到底和中文句子有何不同,這些都 是留學生們學習的一些方法和常識。

  其次就是很多同學寫句子的時候是按照中文的句子結構直接翻譯,也不地道。真正好的辦法是學習地道的表達,熟悉它們的使用習慣,熟悉其在語境中出現的規律,使用適合地道表達的句子結構。我們看看這句話:Whether students should attend music lessons should be determined by whether they have talents.中文是說“是否上音樂課主要是由學生是否有音樂天賦來決定”。這句話是完全按照中文的結構來寫的,但是讀起來很累贅,很別扭。那麼怎麼寫呢?還是以地道的表達為主。我們要思考,音樂天賦怎麼說,musically gifted, musical talent,然後看一下這些詞夥是怎麼使用的,一般出現在句子什麼地方,然後寫出來。Only musically gifted students will attend music lessons.是不是一下子地道了?一篇好的范文,留學生們看到的最直接的感受就是:單詞一看都懂,但是要自己寫又是兩碼事。因為地道的文章使用的句子結構和我們同學熟悉的中文句子結構是不同的。


  綜上所述就是論文代寫中文句子結構和英文句子結構的一些不同之處。如果留學們有需要論文代寫輔導的地方,詳情可能咨詢 英國論文代寫AdvancedThesis網站平台的輔導老師,此論文代寫平台還有一些碩士論文代寫、essay代寫、assignment代寫等論文服務,良好的口碑和豐富的論文代寫經驗值得留學生選擇和信賴!

research paper 代写-对音乐产生情感反应的因素

  research paper 代写-对音乐产生情感反应的因素,对情感和音乐的实证研究表明,听者对音乐的情感方面非常敏感。节奏、强度、共鸣和音高等因素会诱发人的情绪反应。每个人对这种情绪的理解都是不同的,而与年龄和背景无关。关键不在于人口统计,而在于音乐引发情感反应的方式。有趣的是,音乐是灵魂的语言;音乐本身并没有语言。有些人认为对音乐的情感反应超越了文化。一个快乐的曲调,不管它的语言,都会引起一个快乐或微笑的反应,而一个悲伤的曲调会带来眼泪和不快乐。因此,音乐可以被称为情感的语言。音乐深深根植于人类的灵魂之中,并具有在多个层面上带来情感反应的能力,这意味着听音乐的明显迹象可以在人们的情绪变化和情绪反应中看到,音乐的影响来自于潜意识深处。接下来有关research paper 代写-对音乐产生情感反应的因素分享给大家阅读。

  Empirical studies on emotion and music show that listeners are highly sensitive to the emotional aspects music. Factors like tempo, intensity, resonance and pitch induce emotional responses in persons. Each individual may interpret the emotion on a different level, regardless of age or background. The key lies not in demographics, but in the manner in which the music triggers an emotional response.for instance music with a slow tempo evokes low energy motions like sadness; while fast tempo introduces high energy emotions like happiness or anger. This is because slow tempo is associated with serenity, calmness, tenderness, and sorrow; while faster tempo awakens emotions like restlessness, anger, joy, happiness and excitement. These findings hold true for the same music played at different tempos a well, thus confirming the fact that tempo plays a significant role in influencing emotions in individuals (Thompson & Qunito, 2003).

  Interestingly while music is the language of the soul; by itself music does not have a language. There are some who are of the opinion that emotional responses to music transcend cultures. A happy tune, regardless of its language elicits a happy or smiling response while a sad tune brings about tears and unhappiness. Music can therefore be called the language of emotions. Music is deeply rooted in the human psyche and has the power to bring about emotional responses at multiple levels (Thompson & Qunito, 2003). This means that while the visible signs of listening to music can be seen in the mood changes and the emotional reactions in people; the impact of music comes from deep within the subconscious mind.

  Music conjures up images and feelings that awaken an emotional response in human beings (Mohana, 2015). The importance and impact of music in psychology can be gauged by the number of studies on the subject. Healthcare too relies on music to help treat individuals who are excessively stressed out. Music therapy is often used by psychologists as part of their efforts at controlling stress, enhancing and uplifting mood as well as soothing or calming a stressed out subject. Most individuals react to music like infants. A soft and soothing music helps control the aggression and stress, thus bringing a sense of calm and wellbeing.

  Music in all forms triggers emotional responses in human beings of varied ages. The deep rooted link between music and emotions is seen from a young age onwards. The manner in which babies intuitively react to music is the first and most visible example of the emotional responses that music is capable of triggering in human beings. Babies who are restless or crying tend to calm down when they listen to the soft cooing or lullaby being sung by their mother (Thompson & Qunito, 2003). As the individual continues to grow, music too continues to be intricately entwined with the individual. The enhanced mood levels of individuals exposed to music is found to be an indicator of the impact of music on individuals.

  英国高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供英国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!



  The show is about the changing role of the men in the family. Gender dynamics are probed and the nuanced implication and the issues of modern day families have been interestingly showcased in the series. In the show “Dad, Where Are We Going (爸爸去哪儿)”, five celebrity fathers are sent on 72 long hour journeys in remote locations. They need to compete in various levels and tasks in order to sustain. The celebrities who participate in the show are from various sectors such as bloggers and featured celebrities. They probe into the gender dynamics by taking on a more active familial role as nurturer.

  Traditionally the women take a more active role in running of the family. They are an integral element and often play the sole role of a nurturer in the family. This show questions this ideology and shows men taking on more important familial role. Women employees are increasing in China. They need to work in order to sustain in the current economy. They are accepted by the mainstream employers. Owing to this the women cannot only undertake the traditional role of the caregiver in the family. The inner turmoil’s and the importance of the role of the mother in the family are shown in this show. The men in the show try to undertake role such as comforting of a child, braiding the fair of the daughter and other roles that are conventionally assumed to be that of the women. The show is a modern-day epitome of the changing dynamics and the need for men to participate in the activities of the home. They serve as a glimpse of what needs to be done in order to make the men participate more in the family activities. When the show is aired television viewers in 46 major cities all tune into watch this primetime show. In the Sina Weibo site there are more than 50 million results. The Weibo page has over 3 million followers. There are an additional 2 million fans that follow this page.

  英国高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供英国代写、essay代写、paper代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!



  This article was presented by the researcher with the combination of both primary and secondary data through complementing the experimentation with the wide range of previous studies and relevant literature on the topic. The article was rich in terms of readability and enabled the understanding about the way in which the performance of cell was impacted by the existence of the liquid water particularly at the increased present densities (PARK et al., 2008). The liquid water production rate was modelled mathematically for the analysis of the role played by the drop in pressure and the operating temperature of cell in the formation of liquid water within the cell.

  At the end of the report, the very matter of leadership agility is the main context to produce the developmental planning within the organization Cleveland Clinic. The specific developmental activities have been specifically mentioned in the body part of the report. Accessing of the leadership agility is the main concern to develop the leadership agility and then clarify the servant leadership theory into the present organization are the two very developmental planning mentioned in this report as per the leadership agility (Williams, 2006). Then the management has decided to develop an executive team to rectify the issues of leadership agility. Based on these developmental planning, the management of Cleveland Clinic’s would clearly define their improvement and progress parameter which must help the organization to achieve the immediate success of healthcare organizations in the United Kingdom. Those mentioned developmental planning would carry the success path for the organization Cleveland Clinic as the management has decided to improve the collaboration and team building to promote the interactive innovations and creativity. In this way, the leaders of the organization can feel more self-confident and open to develop their individual skills and behaviours.

  The three research article were reviewed and analysed in this paper related to the topic of water distribution in PEMFC. These articles were related to the issue of liquid water’s presence in the fuel cells of PEM nature. The primary nature of the investigation was to determine the manner in which the liquid water is formed and accumulated in the fuel cells of operating nature. Therefore, the wide range of techniques were discussed in these articles ranging from the conventional to the modern techniques. The newly emerged technique of the neutron radiography was used in two of the three selected articles that can provide with the effective and accurate measurement about the quantity and amount of liquid water present in the fuel cells. It was further established by these researches that the presence of the liquid water deteriorates the performance of the fuel cells.

  论文不会写怎么办?英国论文代写推荐英国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此代写平台还有一些英国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务, 英国论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成论文写作,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!


  在本篇英国论文代写-飞行距离测量时间中,最重要的激光传感器是激光扫描仪和激光探测与测距(LIDAR)。激光传感器是那些工作在发射光波脉冲的电磁波。近红外光谱的波长为800-950nm,紫外光谱的波长为1500 nm (Yenkanchi, 2016)。当汽车运动时,物体之间的距离由飞行时间信息来计算,飞行时间信息负责计算接收到的脉冲和发射出的脉冲之间的差。这些类型的传感器能够检测多个对象。然而,这些传感器也有一些缺点,比如它们对变化的天气很敏感,而且对灰尘也很敏感。如果镜头被灰尘覆盖,它们就不能很好地反射目标物。然而,一些重要的功能,如消除事故,碰撞缓解和自动停车是很少的例子。接下来有关英国论文代写-飞行距离测量时间分析如下:

  For the appropriate road safety and guidance, it is very significant that acquisition of all the objects on and around the road should be clear. Therefore, good lighting conditions are very important (Petit et al., 2015).

  Laser works as the 2D range scanner for the detection of the obstacle. However, the desired ranges are not received with 2D scanner, so 3D laser scanner is very significant. The stopping distance for an autonomous vehicle to stop before the hit and detecting the object is also called as the look ahead distance. For measuring the distance, the appropriate knowledge of the truck and sensor is important. The stopping distance is measured as:

  S = 1.1 · (Vmax · (t1 + t2) + B) + ZM + F

  S is the maximum stopping distance and Vmax is the maximum speed of the vehicle that is the reaction time for the sensor, while t2 is the reaction time for the vehicle. B is considered as the maximum braking distance, ZM is the maximum measuring error and F is considered as the foot clearance. The braking distance of the sensor is affected by t1. With the increasing speed of the vehicle, the reaction time becomes more important for the purpose of maximum measuring error. However, in the 3D laser sensors, the range data is obtained through time-of-flight (TOF). The active sensors emit the energy and measure the time that energy takes to reflect. To calculate the distance in this case, velocity is used. Since velocity is called as energy, the distance is calculated as

  Z = v . ∆t / 2

  Here v is the velocity and ∆t is the elapsed time that is required by the energy to return to the sensor. This time of flight is used with the lidar (Light Detection and Ranging), as well as with radar sensors (Radio Detection and Ranging). One significant advantage of the radar sensor is that the velocity of the object is calculated easily, and directly. It is done with the help of the frequency shift that are created between the emitted signal and the Doppler echo (Meinel, 2014). Therefore, in the driverless cars, the radar sensors can help in detecting the velocity and the range of the object and the obstacles (Luettel, Himmelsbach&Wuensche, 2012).

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  本篇論文代寫價格-組織變革所面臨的問題,在當今變革幾乎是每個組織的重要組成部分(Little, 2014)。組織變革的努力經常面臨一些人類的阻力。盡管有知識的主管通常知道這種現狀,但令人驚訝的是,有些人在組織變更之前花了一些時間來徹底評估誰可能會抵制特定的變更努力,以及基於什麼理由(David, 2003)。主管們更多的是利用以前的經驗作為參考,他們經常使用簡單的信念,比如工程師可能會因為他們的自主性和對高層管理的懷疑而抵制變化(Anderson and Anderson, 2001)。此外,這種限制性的做法可能導致嚴重的問題,接下來有關論文代寫價格-組織變革所面臨的問題具體分析如下 :

  Due to the several distinct manners in which groups and individuals could respond towards change, right evaluations are frequently not instinctively understandable and call for careful consideration (Hunger and Wheelen, 1998). Undoubtedly, all individuals who are impacted through change face some emotional uproar. Furthermore, the modifications which seem to be “constructive” or “coherent”, include uncertainty and loss. Although, for several different reasons, people or groups could respond quite differently towards change—from inactively repelling it, to destructively attempting to destabilize it, and to unaffectedly accepting it.

  In such a case, a manager could enhance his/her possibility of effectiveness in an effort towards organizational change by:

  Carrying out an organizational examination which recognizes the present state, issues, and the factors, which are likely reasons of such issues (Black, 2003). The examination should highlight the genuine significance of the issues, the pace with which the issues need to be handled in case if added issues need to be evaded, and the types of alterations, which are usually required (Hunger and Wheelen, 1998).

  Examining forces applicable to producing the required modifications. Such examination should lay emphasis upon questions of who may repel the change, how much and why; who holds the data required for designing the change, whose assistance is important in executing it and lastly, what is the standing of the change initiator with respect to power, standard interaction modes and trust (Anderson and Anderson, 2001

  Choosing a change approach grounded upon the previous examination. This involves the pace of change, the pre-planning level and the level of others involvement (Mullins, 2007)

  Administering the execution procedure. How effectively a job is done of originally choosing a change approach and methods, something unforeseen would ultimately take place take the time of execution (Bedeian, 1993). Just by cautiously observing the procedure could recognize the unforeseen in a well-timed manner and respond to it logically.

  Interpersonal abilities, certainly, are important for employing this analysis. However, even the highly exceptional interpersonal abilities would not make up for an ineffective method or strategy. And within a business arena which persists to become highly dynamic, the impacts of ineffective execution choices would turn out to be highly serious (O’Donovan, 2006).

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