


Farmers and others working with Fonterra are empowered with information on how to use these tools. It is not enough to have these tools implemented. It is also necessary to assure that they are used appropriately to manage the situations. Now Fonterra understands that not all of its suppliers would understand how to use this tool in an integrated way and hence for this purpose, Fonterra launched meets to train farmers. It gave them a prototype version before the actual version of their information system was launched. The farmers were able to use the prototype version to understand its use. As a farmer states, “I can compare past and present, regional and national to see how I’m tracking and how I measure up compared to other same-system farms, even in my own area. Simply put, Agrigate takes the complexity of dairy analytics and turns it into a straightforward way to help me make smarter decisions and improve my bottom line” (Fonterra, 2017, para. 5).
Information is empowerment. In order to add further value to the agribusiness, Fonterra should become an industry leader. It should advocate for other manufacturers and processing companies to come together into assessing the situations and concerns of the milk industry. Environmental issues and sustainability issues need to be brought into this group discussion. This would help the overall agribusiness. Separate attempts made by Fonterra would not empower the industry. If it decides to switch suppliers, it will have to start training the newer suppliers all over again. However, if the industry is empowered, then there is a better chance for Fonterra and others.
e. RF scanners via SAP are made use of individual non-milk SKU tracking from warehouse order pickup to end customer purchase. This form of intelligent tracking helps Fonterra understand demand and plan for supply and manufacturing accordingly. Details of derailment of a truck are also handled in a much easier manner.

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首先写英文时句子与句子间应该用句号或者分号,或者用连词连接。中文写作有时一个段落的句子之间都用逗号隔开,在段末一个句号。在英文中,如果是两个完整的句子,一定要有连词and、but、because连接,要不用句号或者分号。而且复杂程度相较于英语口语而言,书面语写作的语言更复杂。写作语言通常会经常使用一些以名词或者动词为基础而组成的短语,从而产生一种lexically dense的效果, e.g., the greenhouse cases carbon dioxide and methane. 尤其是Science学科都鼓励使用诸如此类的长名词短语。书面语在语法层面上也更复杂,也会经常搭配使用从句(subordinate clauses)和被动形式 (passives)。也不是在强调被动形式的过度使用,

其次就是标题首字母的大小写问题。比如,An Overview of studies on Hemingway,这里studies需要大写。在标题中,实词的首字母需要大写,虚词的不用大写。但是,如果第一个单词和最后一个单词,无论实词还是虚词,都需要大写。比如,The Day You Went Away, away系虚词,但出现在最后一个词,故需要大写。英语写作中应准确地给出facts and figures, if applicable. 在使用客观数据时要毫不含糊。对于引用的数据和论点要明确标注出处。

最后就是注意英文论文写作的谨慎性,或者说在表达自己立场的时候,自己究竟有多少把握,在写作中究竟该使用probably/possibly还是sometimes/always因为每个人对事物观点的看法不同。在表达谨慎性的时候会经常涉及下列词语:appear to, seem to, it is possible that…, probably, often/sometimes, presumably, could, may (不太主张使用might).Again, 凡事强调个度,如果过多的使用此类单词/短语会使你的写作显得苍白无力,别人会觉得你完全没有confidence.

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There is no other subject or concept like Philosophy that can provide us so vivid thoughts, immense scope for arguments and the hidden treasures for evaluation. Philosophy teaches us to dive deep into the endless canyon of knowledge to find the magical key that can possibly unlock every twisted, turned and moulded aspect in every sector of study and research. Philosophy opens the door for all to enter into its magnificent world that provides the best possible results, decisions, or conclusions for every person. Philosophy does not readily reject any sort of argument or opinion, because it knows that there is every sort of possibility that an established decision can be proved false anytime. It judges every possibility, provides touchstone analysis for every opinion, lists down and verifies every sort of possible outcome. In the open world of philosophy, everything can be judged as ambiguous. Philosophy made us realize that a thing does not have to be necessarily good or necessarily bad, and it can contain both positive and negative qualities at the same time. This is why the learned philosophers are gifted with so much potential of judging a particular thing from multiple angles of view. There is enough and adequate possibility of gaining knowledge in the world of philosophy. You just have to answer the call from its open world and devote yourself to the enormous source of knowledge.From ancient times, people have tried to resolve almost every difficult thing or aspect by the help of philosophy. Till now, the credibility of philosophy and people’s reliability upon it has not decreased even to a marginal extent.

This subject has taught us to see the world as we like. If we see the world through a red coloured glass, we will see a red world. Again, if we see it through a blue coloured glass, we will see a blue glass. These two aspects seem to be contrary to each other, but none of these views are wrong. However, they have to be tasted on standards of reasoning, logic and credibility. Thus, philosophy provides us with enormous opportunity to implore and explore. It determines the implementation of applicable reasoning and logic in the best way possible. It offers us to do extensive research through tasted standards, evaluate and analyze collected data on the markers of logic and sense, and it also allows us to examine a certain aspect from the core of our conscience. It advocates the need of logic. Nevertheless, when needed, it does not hesitate to place the welfare of society and human beings above the grounds of harsh reasoning. Philosophy is scientifically justified and logically accepted subject, but it has immense space to provide scope for certain conclusions that may seem illogical from mere reasoning overview. If we dig deep to the roots, we can find that the decision is made upon logic which is related to the welfare of human society from a moral sense of view. To be brief, philosophy is an ambiguous yet powerful authority and subject that has opened the door to illumination for all.



  Personal Statement、Statement of Purpose等都是对PS的不同表达方式,因为学校的不同,他们的侧重点也是不一样的,后者强调的是求学的目的,而前者更注重的是自身的综合素质。具体写作的时候可以不用太过在意这些差别,按照PS统一的写作要求,寄给不同的学校只要按学校要求的名字改一下就可以了。









  所以,无论学校是否要求,都建议写自己的研究兴趣。另外,在描述自己能力时,要注意transferable skills的描述。也就是说,不要把你的研究能力和项目的描述限制在某一特定方面,应该要让人感觉除了那个方面外,你具备的能力还适用于其他方面。这样可能就会有更多的教授关注。




如果捐助国或受援国在捐赠毒品的过程中不考虑上述关键原则,这些捐赠不仅是无用的,而且会给受援国带来问题。首先,如果捐赠的药物不符合国家的需要,就会使国家的制药公司的情况变得更糟(Kevin, 2009)。其次,一些捐赠并不考虑捐赠的药物数量。因此,过量的药物会导致特定药物的积压。管理人员在处理这些过量的药物方面面临困难。第三,医院从不使用捐赠的药物。他们的医生对这种药物的用法和不良反应没有任何经验。他们不能给病人发放这些药物,所以这些药物被浪费了。第四,如果药品质量不符合标准,可能会对患者的健康造成不利影响。此外,如果上述标准都达到了,但是这些药物的保质期不足,那么它们对制药公司、政府或医院仍然没有任何用处。他们将不得不抛弃它们。


If drug donors or recipients do not consider the above key principles in the process of drug donation, these donations will not be only useless rather it will create problems in the recipient country. Firstly, if the donated drugs are not in compliance with the need of country, they will make the situation worse for pharmaceutical companies of the country (Kevin, 2009). Secondly, some donations are not considerate towards the amount of medication donated. Therefore, excessive amounts of drugs result in a backlog of specific drugs. The managers face difficulty in dealing with these excessive amounts of medications. Thirdly, the hospital never uses some types of donated medications. Their doctors have no experiences about the usage and untoward effects of the specific drugs. They cannot issue these medicines to patients so these medications are wasted. Fourthly, if the quality of drugs does not meet the standard they may adversely affect the health of patients. Moreover, if all the above criteria are being fulfilled, but the drugs have insufficient shelf life, they will still be of no use to the pharmaceutical companies, government or hospitals. They will have to discard them.

The question, here, arises that who is actually responsible for managing and observing principles of the above discussed principles of drug donations in a country. Huebner (2013) emphasizes that government has responsibility of supporting the donations of drugs, instead of pharmaceutical companies. According to the special nature of medicines, only the government can strictly control the production, distribution, storage, transport and other sectors. Hence the government should choose and buy the medications from the pharmaceutical companies. Next, send diverse types of medications to the different disaster area. The research also shows that pharmaceutical companies are business entities. They need income as other businesses to cover costs of material and production but in case they conduct donations. These should be non-profit. They have no relationship with the liability of provision of drugs in the areas which lack proper medication. It means that the manufacturers of pharmaceutical companies can choose whether they donate the medications by themselves. Therefore, the pharmaceutical companies have no responsibility to forcibly support the essential medications to the poor area and some places.

论文 代写:商业道德和维护道德规范

论文 代写:商业道德和维护道德规范


论文 代写:商业道德和维护道德规范

论文 代写:商业道德和维护道德规范

The article highlighted that organizations during business ethically and maintaining ethical norms hold better position among general public, employees, customers and other stakeholders. The article helps to introduce a framework for understanding and studying business ethics in a better manner. The author starts the article with a case study that puts the reader into a situation where they will be compelled to think about the ethical dilemma that an employee might face when organizations don’t follow proper norms for ethics. So the author throughout the article argues that it is essential for any business to be within ethical boundaries.

论文 代写:商业道德和维护道德规范
He stated that ethical practices help companies to be in the good books of their customers, society, employees and other stakeholders. The article is divided into several subheadings that discuss the concept of business ethics, its evolution, importance and relevance in a very clear and simple manner. The case studies though hypothetical help the readers to understand the concept of ethical problem that employees might face within an organization.



对于奢侈品牌来说,零售店、批发或授权是收入的关键。以博柏利(Burberry Plc)为例,其主要渠道是零售或批发,授权许可从2011年的7%降至2015年的3%。这表明在过去的5年里,许可数量下降了近50% (Burberry Plc, 2016)。虽然零售或批发渠道成本在过去5年有所增加,但与早期相比,这一增长还不够显著。原因之一是越来越多的零售商店不接受许可证。

按收入计算,零售是最大的渠道,其次是批发渠道,然后是授权渠道。然而,授权许可是最赚钱的,因为它创造了超过80%的营业利润率,这意味着过去两年的下降损害了利润。零售渠道包括主线商店、百货商店内的特许权、在线数字商务和网点。Wholesale指的是对零售商(例如:百货商店)、特许经销商和美容产品的销售。授权主要包括眼镜和手表销售收入,其中80%来自日本(Burberry Plc, 2016)。


For luxury brands retail stores or wholesale or licensing is the key for revenue. In case of Burberry Plc, the main channels were retail or wholesale as licensing decreased from 7% in 2011 to 3% in 2015. This indicates that in the last 5 years, the licensing decreased by almost 50% (Burberry Plc, 2016). Though retail or wholesale channel cost increased in last 5 years, this increase was not significant enough as compared with the growth in early years. One reason for this is that licensing was not accepted with an increasing number of retail stores.

Retail is the largest channel by revenue followed by Wholesale and then Licensing. However, licensing is the most profitable, as it generates over 80% operating margins meaning the drop-off over the past two years has hurt profits. Retail channel includes mainline stores, concessions within department stores, online digital commerce and outlets. Wholesale refers to sales to retailers (for example: department stores) and franchisees as well as Beauty products. Licensing primarily includes income from the sale of eyewear and watches with 80% derived from Japan (Burberry Plc, 2016).






The direct or variable technique is one where in the variable production costs are capitalised. There is no concept of matching since the current fixed expenses are linked to the production of inventory and charged to the expenditure, even if the goods produced are not sold in the present period. Therefore, the direct costing isn’t an appropriate method for external reporting. Throughput technique had been created to go well with the aspect of theory of constraints. Herein, just the material costs are charged to the inventories. The remaining expenses are charged in the period first so throughput is calculated by sales minus expenditure.

Again, this method is also not suitable for external reporting because the expenses are not capitalised in the inventory. And also there isn’t any appropriate matching rather the expenses are expensed, except the direct materials costs.The full absorption costing method is a conventional way wherein the action costs are capitalised in inventory. This means till the time inventory is sold, then the costs are not considered as expenditures. This play matching is done quite appropriate. It is useful method for external reporting as well as internal reporting.ABC costing activity based costing which is a modern technique to calculate the cost of inventory. It helps to give more precise costs of production. The costs are tracked with all the activities and then with the products which make use of these acts.



MF global主要支持全球经济和交易所的稳定。它促进了国际贸易的扩张和平衡增长。此外,它还支持建立一个多边支付系统来支付目前的交易。然而,国际货币基金组织是最重要的国际组织之一;伟大的经济体是组织的成员,组织与世界银行合作;对该组织的信心正在减弱。国际货币基金组织总裁克里斯蒂娜·拉加德因滥用公共基金而被判有罪。她在法国法庭被判有罪。


此外,根据文章“I.M.F.”。由克里斯汀·拉加德(Christine Lagarde)主持,她被判犯有过失杀人罪。然而,在《纽约时报》2016年12月19日的《纽约时报》(New York times)上,国际货币基金组织(IMF)总裁在法庭上判定该组织支持其总统。国际货币基金组织的董事们表示,他们认为法院的决定,他们完全相信他们的总经理能够履行指派给她的职责。它减少了组织的信任(Alderman, Thomas & Breeden, 2016)。


The MF mainly supports the stability of global economic and exchange. It facilitates the expansion as well as the balanced growth of the international trade. Besides this, it supports in establishing a multilateral system of payments for the current transactions. However, the IMF is one of the most significant international organizations; the great economies are the members of the organization, and the organization works with World Bank; the faith for the organization is diminishing. The Managing Director IMF Christine Lagarde was convicted of a criminal charge because of misusing the public fund. She was found guilty in the French court.

Moreover, according to the article “I.M.F. Stands by Christine Lagarde, Convicted of Negligence” by Landon Thomas Jr…, Alderman, and Aureliien Breeden of Dec 19, 2016, of The New York times, however, the president of IMF found guilty in the court that the organization stands by their president. The directors of IMF stated that they deemed the court’s decision and they had complete faith in the capability of their MD to carry out the duties assigned to her. It reduces the trustworthy of the organization (Alderman, Thomas & Breeden, 2016).



第三篇文章是由Ausustas Degutis和Lina Novickyte根据有效市场假说(Degutis and Novickyte, 2014)的发展而开发的。在研究中提出了重要的文献综述,表明资本市场的发展(Degutis和Novickyte, 2014)改变了有效市场假说的实证有效性和相关性。因此,研究了波罗的海证券市场,以了解目前有效市场假说的现状(Degutis和Novickyte, 2014)。有人认为,股票的回报将不会对未来的回报产生影响,但有一种理解是,股票价格的变动是由于关键信息,证明了目前市场的半强劲的市场效率存在。




The third article is developed by Ausustas Degutis and Lina Novickyte based on the developments from the efficient market hypothesis (Degutis and Novickyte, 2014). The critical literature review is offered within the study that suggests that the empirical validity and the relevance of the efficient market hypothesis are being changed by the capital markets development (Degutis and Novickyte, 2014). Therefore, the Baltic stock market was researched for understanding the present efficient market hypothesis status (Degutis and Novickyte, 2014). It was identified that the stock return of one day will not be responsible for the influence of the futuristic returns, but it is contested with the understanding that the changes of stock price due to key information proves the semi-strong market efficiency presence in the current markets.


It has been concluded from the above discussion that the efficient market hypothesis and random walk theory are the basis of the recent developments in the sector of behavioural finance. Moreover, the various markets across the world are found to be operating within the identified theory scope.