



1. After their country was ravaged by a series of earthquakes, two bitterly antagonistic political groups set aside their differences and worked cooperatively on effective disaster relief. This cooperation best illustrates the importance of Superordinate Goals.

2. Toby publicly agrees with his fraternity brothers that Ahmed, a senior, would make the best student senate president. On the secret ballot, however, he actually votes for Yoram. Toby’s public conformity to his fraternity brothers’ opinion best illustrates the power of Normative Social Influence

3. Professors Maksoud, Struthers, and Vasic each tend to think that obtaining a university degree is easier today than it was when they were students. After discussing the matter over coffee, they are even more convinced that obtaining a degree is easier today. This episode provides an example of Group Polarization

4. After a light turns green, drivers take about 15 percent less time to travel the first 100 yards when another car is beside them at the intersection than when they are alone. This difference in behavior when one is alone versus in the presence of others is an illustration of Social Facilitation

5. Ever since their cabin lost the camp softball competition, the campers have become increasingly hostile toward one camper in their cabin, blaming her for every problem in the cabin. This behavior is best explained in terms of The Scapegoat Theory
6. Magazine computer ads seldom feature endorsements from Hollywood stars or great athletes. Instead, they offer detailed information for consumers to develop more positive opinions about the company’s products. This advertising strategy best illustrates The Central Route to Persuasion

7. After waiting in line for an hour to buy concert tickets, Teresa is told that the concert is sold out. In her anger she pounds her fist on the ticket counter, frightening the clerk. Teresa’s behavior is best explained by The Frustration-Aggression Principle

8. Wanda opposed gun-control legislation. In her Oral Communication class, she had to make a speech in favor of gun control legislation. After giving the speech, she became in favor of gun-control legislation. This illustrates Cognitive Dissonance Theory
9. Mr. Ignatenko thinks that most unemployed people are to blame for their own misfortune. His belief best illustrates a potential consequence of The Just World Phenomenon.



根据情况,没有卖平地机加琳诺爱儿和卖给当地议会而不是更高的价格,肯可以违反合同。然而,这种违约,加琳诺爱儿将得到治疗的特定违约期权。诺埃尔可以终止合同,或者他可以sue Ken赔偿。这可能是肯即使没有违反合同但加琳诺爱儿怀疑肯将违约了。


In such a situation, Ken cannot make the contract for the same grader with the local council. This is because the contract has already been made with Noel. Also, the contract consists of all of the elements required in a valid contract.
As all of the above stated elements are present in the contract made by Noel and Ken, this makes the contract legal and valid. Therefore, in such a situation Ken cannot make the contract with local council as it will result in the breach of contract with Noel. Contract is explained as a particular promise or set of promises that have been accepted on the grounds of certain lawful consideration and the acceptance being received by free consent. However, if the contract is breached by Ken, it will be accounted as anticipatory breach.
Anticipatory breach is an obvious indication that the party will not be performing the task to be done within the contract; or a situation occurs that performing the task becomes impossible (Simpson 2005). Breach of contract has been identified as the most common source for generation of cases in front of the court. Breach of contract is a lawful term that contributes in describing a violating act within an agreement or contract in which one involved party does not fulfil his or her promise or due to interference in the ability of the other party that becomes a barrier in fulfilling his or her duties.
As per the case, by not selling the grader to Noel and selling it to the local council instead for a higher price, Ken can breach the contract. However, in this kind of breach, Noel will be given the option for treating the particular breach. Noel can either terminate the contract or he can sue Ken for the damages. This can be done even if Ken has not breached the contract but Noel suspects that Ken will be breaching the contract.




(1) 标题:各级标题一律用黑体字。一级标题居中,二级以下各标题左对齐。

(2)  正文:正文左右两边都对齐。

(3)  页码:页码一律居中。

(4) 字号字体:除封面外,论文应使用英文Times New Roman 小四号字体,不可使用花体字;书名、文献名等作品名称应使用斜体字。注解用小五号字体。

(5)  行距:正文行距1.25倍。

(6)  段落格式:段落格式采用首行左对齐格式,各段之间空一行。




6)市盈率的市盈率可以被定义为公司目前股价的估值比每股收益。它是通过将每股收益和每股收益的市场价值计算(chi,S.,& shanthikumar,2014)。许多因素影响的市盈率,如由于感知的增长机会的影响,由于投资回报率的影响,这是由于高风险的业务的结果,因为公司的盈利的变化的影响。


2) Return on Assets: Return on Assets is the amount which a company obtains on the amount invested on the assets. The return of assets % for Google has been 14.93 for the year 2011, 12.91 for the year 2012 and 12.62 for 2013. It is the indicator of how profitable is the company with respect to the assets.  Thus, Google is able to earn a good return on assets. Though, this can be improved.

3) Financial Leverage: The financial leverage of Google has been 1.25 for 2011, 1.31 for 2012 and 1.27 for 2013. The financial leverage of the company should be low and it should be such that it does not affect the company in a negative manner. Google’s financial leverage is very less and it has been decreasing every year.

5) The share prices of Google have been more or less similar for the last three years. While the average share price in the year 2011 was 654, it was 645 in 2012 and 677 for the year 2013. Thus, there have not been huge movements in the share prices and it has continued to be similar for the last three years. Talking about the year 2014, there has been a decrease in the share prices. The investors can clearly trust in the shares of Google as the company has been stable and has turned out to be a profitable entity for the large number of investors.

6) Price per earnings ratio may be defined as the valuation ratio for the present share price of the company compared to the per-share earnings. It is calculated by dividing Market value per share and earnings per share (Chi, S., & Shanthikumar, 2014). A number of factors affect the PE Ratio such as the effect due to the perceived growth opportunities, effect due to the return on investment, effect which is cost as a result of the riskier businesses, the effects because of the changes in the stating earnings for the company.

Price per earnings ratio for 2011: 43.92

Price per earnings ratio for 2012: 39.88

Price per earnings ratio for 2013: 35.48

Price per earnings ratio for 2014: 32.63

The price per earnings ratio suggests that the investor is expecting the earning from each share. The PPE for Google is higher which satisfies the customer.



首先是在商店里创建一个主题。这意味着,而不是只是把任何颜色在商店,一个颜色匹配的商品种类可以应用。例如,在商店的商店的休闲和假期的地区是可用的,颜色可以是蓝色的代表水,绿色代表草。这些都是放松的颜色,因此给这种感觉的消费者(希夫曼et al,2013)。同样,如果有一些部分,其中新产品显示或市场营销希望消费者对它的特别注意,然后黄色可以使用,因为这些都吸引了消费者的眼睛立即。在一些与爱情或友情有关的产品上显示的地方,可以用红色来装饰,因为红色是爱情的颜色。
下一个最重要的因素是音频,影响消费者的购买行为。当一个消费者进入一家商店时,这种背景音乐对他的购买决定产生影响。音乐必须与商店中的产品相匹配,它给消费者一种与产品相关的感觉。在一个商店里,选择的歌曲也有一个重要的作用,音乐应该是平静和愉快的,所以它不会带走所有的注意力。它也被视为“吸引人的音乐往往使购物者,因此应该尽量发挥音乐融合在一起的主题商店(安吉et al,2011)。


The first is to create a theme at the store. This means that instead of just putting any color at the store, a color matching with the kind of merchandise can be applied. For example, the area of the store where the merchandise for relaxing and holidays are available, the color used could be blue which represents water, green which represents grass. These are the colors of relaxation and hence give such a feel to the consumers (Schiffman et al, 2013). Similarly, if there is some section in which new products are displayed or the marketer wants a special attention of the consumers towards it then yellow could be used as these are the which attracts the eye of the consumers immediately. The area where some products related to love or friendship are displayed can be decorated with red as Red is the color of love.
The next most important factor is audio which influences consumers buying behavior. When a consumer enters in a store, the kind of background music leaves an impact on his buying decision. The music must match the products in the store; it gives consumers a feeling which relates them to the product. In a store the choice of song also has got an important role to play, the music should be calm and pleasant so that it does not take away all the attention. It has also been seen that ‘catchy’ music tends to distract the shoppers and hence the stores should try to play music which blends in with the theme of the store (Angie et al, 2011).
The other very important sense is about smell. A human nose is capable of differentiating among thousands of different smells and hence, a good fragrance will make the product memorable in the minds of consumers. According to the researches it is found that smell has got almost 80% of the impact on the emotions of consumer. The best use of this sense is in restaurants where an artificial smell are produced in order to create consciousness about the kind of food in the restaurants.
Similarly, the stores make use of other senses like taste, video etc. to get linked up with the emotions of the consumers (Hwang & Kandampully, 2012). The buying behavior of a consumer is the game of mind and hence both marketers as well the store managers try their best to use all the possible ways to attract the customers and make them emotionally attach to the products.



行为主义心理学研究的选题是基于一个人的行为可以改变或可以被操纵来适应一定的议程的理论。这项研究突出而成长为John B Watson博士发表了他的论文《行为主义者心目中的心理学”到1900年代中期这段时期行为主义的研究得到重视和充分的研究是在同一期间进行的早期。以学习理论应用行为主义诞生后不久。这种行为主义学习学校暗示“行为”可以观测和研究的系统化的方式,任何个人的行为可以改变所需的程度,这将最终决定他将要执行的任务,不管他的出生,在社会中的地位。这类行为制约下的经典条件反射和操作性条件反射两大章下(hergenbahn和奥尔森,2001)。从1863年,这个学派的Ivan Pavlov、Skinner、Edward Thorndike、John B Watson的指导下,Clark Hull越强。选定的作品的抑制反射,唾液反应的研究,和上面的科学家的小艾伯特实验丰富了学校的行为研究。


Learning theories have been presented with a behaviorist view, “Learning implies a change in the individual as a result of some intervention. It may be viewed as an outcome or as a process” (Belkin and Gray, 1977, p.211). On the other end the constructivist view of learning happens as a search for meaning. The role of the external stimuli such as a teacher in motivating the student to construct their own mental image is acknowledged in this theory more than that of the behaviorist approach. The behaviorist approach and the constructivist approach are in fact considered as two extremes of the spectrum on the theories of learning. This essay critically analyzes the two theories and argues that the constructivist theory is more evolved to explain the learning situation in contemporary times.

Behaviorism is the select subject study of psychology which is based on the theory that the behavior of a person can be changed or could be manipulated to suit a certain agenda. This particular study grew into prominence whence Dr. John B Watson published his paper “Psychology as the behaviorist views it” during the early to mid 1900’s. During this period the behaviorist study gained importance and ample studies were conducted on the same. Behaviorism with its application on learning theories came into existence soon after. This behaviorist school of learning implied that “Behavior “ can be observed and studied in a systematic manner and that the behavior of any individual can be changed to the desired extent which would ultimately decide the task which he would be performing regardless of his birth, position in society. This type of behavioral conditioning falls under two broad chapters of Classical Conditioning and operant conditioning (Hergenbahn and Olson, 2001). From the year 1863, this school of thought under the guidance of Ivan Pavlov, Skinner, Edward Thorndike, John B Watson, and Clark Hull grew from strength to strength. The selected works on inhibitory reflexes, salivary response studies, and the Little Albert Experiment of the above scientists enriched the School of Behavioral study.






The process of self-assessment may also address an issue that may very well be the one that has never been addressed in the literary world of education (Freeman and Lewis, 1998). The issue that can be discussed and analyzed by the implementation of peer-assessment technique is the benefit it provides to the students training for degree courses. It has always been recommended by authors that students become a part of designing the technique that is used to assess them. As the peer-assessment technique involves the students directly in the assessment process, it might be a good idea to involve them in the process of designing the technique as well. This will be beneficial for all of the parties included such as the technique, the tutors and the students. One of the biggest concern with the implementation of peer-assessment is lack of knowledge about how a student rewards marks to the other students and what can be the influential factors in that decision. Involving students in the process of designing the peer-assessment technique can be helpful for tutors as students can better reflect on this concern and offer a solution for this.
For example- Boud (1989) focused on the concern in peer-assessment saying that marks rewarded by the method of peer-assessment may be biased and unreliable and hence, he recommended use of practice training for the assessment to make the peers more experienced in marking the students. Mowl and Pain (1995) made justification on the peer-assessment process by emphasizing on “The research [reported in their paper] shows that even with subjective methods of assessment such as essays, students are generally capable and conscientious self- and peer-assessors, as long as they are adequately prepared and reassured about the value of the exercise.” The research carried out by these authors suggests that the preparation and training provided to students before implementing the peer-assessment process certainly helps prepare them for the process, but there was not enough evidence to support the theory that such training was necessary. Oldfield and MacAlpine (1995) made their opinion about the peer-assessment process by saying that: “Experience had led us to believe that, in a new situation, students must have concepts introduced to them in absorbable and achievable steps, they must receive understandable feedback at each stage and their confidence must be built from experience.”





浪费的有效管理需要从业主购买,工作人员和运营商的承包商浪费,垃圾填埋场的经理,当局的治理(Ostblom 2010)。除此之外,它可以表示,应优先治理的系统强大的可持续发展,帮助利益相关者为减少浪费和旅游环境的外部性与货物有关的食物浪费在垃圾填埋场被分解,全球变暖。


食物浪费的问题可以被认为是一个重大问题,由于每年的事实,同化环境废物的能力降低。这导致产生重大影响的基本生存组织和生物(Stagl 2005)。与本文上下文,它可以表示旅游业和酒店行业的利益相关者,这是明智的提倡多样化的浪费食物从垃圾填埋场的面积。因此,可以得出结论,这个问题必须考虑可持续发展重要的方式。

Advocating Food Waste Reduction Policy
Separation of food waste must be done from other types of waste that present a significant issue in each and every step for the cycle of waste, from production, preparation, procurement and distribution of food, by clearing and serving to accumulate as utilization or disposal, collection and refusal (Lozano 2009). Solutions should aim on minimization of environment effect that needs cooperation amongst the organizations in the industry of hospitality and tourism.
Effective management of waste needs buy in from the owners, staff and operators along with the contractors of waste, managers of landfill, and authorities of governance (Östblom 2010). In addition to this, it can be stated that the systems of governance should be prioritizing strong sustainable development that assist the stakeholders of waste and tourism for reducing the externalities of environment related with the consignment of food waste being decomposed in landfills that add up to global warming.

The issue of food waste can be considered as a significant issue due to the fact that with every year, the capacity of environment for assimilating waste reduced. This results in having a major impact on the basic survival of organizations and living beings (Stagl 2005). In context with this paper, it can be stated the stakeholders in the industry of tourism and hospitality, which are wise for advocating to diverse the waste of food from the area of landfills. Hence, it can be concluded that this issue must be considered in a significant manner for sustainable development.






The major strength of this company is its product itself. It is considered to be contemporary and caters to the modern day needs of the metrosexual man. This tagline of the company “New line” is considered to be a hit by the analysts. The company has made a good brand image about themselves. They have also grown tremendously in the last nine years. This is not an easily achievable task. The strength of the company is further bolstered by its online presence. They have a good brand image and they sell quality products to their consumers. Their ecommerce site caters to the high-ended customers and also for the customers who are looking for a good bargain. They have tremendous potential for growth of they can isolate their success factors and implement it in all of their operations. It is expected that the company stock will be lucrative in the stock markets as well.
The major opportunity of the company is that they should target women customers and young girls as well. This could be a major opportunity for growth. The company could be profits double if they target women customers as well. This could lead to the company growing in leaps and bounds. They should try to demarcate and sell products to all age groups including fashionable youngsters and sensible senior members. This is untapped opportunity by the company. They can utilize the good brand image that they have managed to garner to spread operations to the people within Italy and the European countries initially then spread to other countries. They should also constantly reinvent their supply chain in order to sustain in the current competitive generation. The company should also continually market themselves as fashion experts in order to sustain.







The practice of peer assessment is a method of including a new assessment criteria in degree programme in which the students individually provide feedback for each-other’s contribution and skills. The procedure of peer assessment follows a pre-defined criteria by the education institute or university (Falchikov, 2005). A student is required to assess the other students on basis of a pre-defined process. In most cases of peer-assessment, instead of including grades given by each individual students, an average grade value awarded by the complete group of students is taken into consideration for the degree programme assessment.
In wake of the advancement in new experiments in education industry, the peer assessment approach is an approach that is constantly under the microscope for reasons that are not entirely academic. Arguments can be made that the peer-assessment is the way of assessing the work of students to gain the feedback on the student, to gain a secondary grading criteria for the coursework, or to have a grading system that minimizes the assessment time consumed of tutors. The administrators of the education institutes are more concerned about the efficiency of such a program, and ideally they prefer an assessment approach that is also effective in its ability to improve the learning experience of the students at least as much as they are in tested in cutting the staff time consumed in peer assessment; which is biggest concerning factor for the teaching staff (Frankland, 2007). The purpose of this paper was to assess the perception of students in the ability of peer-assessment approach to provide benefits over traditional assessment ways and for the problems associated with the new technique of assessment. Once the perception of students has been fully understood, it is possible to design an implementation method of the peer-assessment approach that keeps up the level of positive aspects desired by the students while keeping the negative aspects minimized.