






毕业论文代写之毕业论文写作规范就为同学们解析到这里。如果毕业论文不会写怎么办?英国论文代写推荐英国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此论文代写平台还有一些paper代写、essay代写、assignment代写、硕士毕业论文代写等论文服务, 英国论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成论文写作,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!



Legal:legal factors can be explained as the sum of the legal factors which include the laws, rules and regulation of a country. Legal framework binds the company to act with the framework so as to avoid the implications over the business. Framingham Winesneed to analyse the legal factors of the country for operating within the legal framework.
From the PESTEL analysis it can be analysed the impact of different macro environment factors over the performance of Framingham Wines. It is one of the most popular wine manufacturers which is providing various brands of wines. The macro environment factors present in New Zealand are creating impacts over the products or services offered by Framingham Wines to its customers in the different parts of the world. It is a growing wine company which is operating at a large scale so as to provide quality services to the customers. The wines produced by Framingham Wines are offered in different parts of the world and the wines produced by Framingham Wines are listed in “The 2016 fine wines list of New Zealand”.
Functional level strategy:functional level strategy is focused on the improvement in the different operations of the business such as marketing, production, finance and many more. Framingham Wines need to maintain the level of effectiveness so as to execute or conduct these operations of the business in a proper manner (Capitello et al., 2014).
All these strategies have been used by Framingham Wines so as to attain the objectives of the organisation and enhancing its customer base. Framingham Wines is offering wines to its customers and these wines are Riesling, Montepulciano, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Pinot Gris, Gewürztraminer, Pinot Noir and Viognier. PESTEL, value chain and Porter’s five forces analysis have helped Framingham Wines in analysing the environment in which Framingham Wines exists and identification of the strategies for the attainment of effectiveness in the operations of the organisation. Internationalisation has helped in the expansion of the area of operation of the organisation, Differentiation has helped in provide unique products to the customers, social media has helped in the promotion of the products of Framingham Wines in an effective manner, direct communication has helped in better communication with the different stakeholders and functional level strategy has helped in improving the performance of the different functions of Framingham Wines.

中国留学生毕业论文不会写怎么办?英国论文代写推荐英国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,英国论文代写Advanced Thesis是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些英国代写、paper代写、essay代写、研究生毕业论文代写等论文服务, 英国论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成论文写作,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!




  1. 英國人的思維是反方向的,所以,我們寫東西也要這樣。


比如我們的習慣,是先有觀點譬如:我想吃蔬菜,(這就是你的觀點),然後你會去論證你的觀點,譬如:我今天需要補充維生素,維生素對於我身體有好處,(這些是你的論證),這些論證放在一起,就是你對觀點“我想吃蔬菜”的總結,而在外國人眼裡,你要先說“蔬菜有很多的維生素”,都有哪些種每一種對人體有什麼好處你為什麼要吃蔬菜,最後再說出你的觀點,“我想吃蔬菜”,這樣就是有說服力的說法,可以的話在舉個Reference什麼的,“人或者離不開case study”看看那個名人說過,拿來就可以引用一下。

  2. 得出結論的時候要把自己的觀點放在最前面.


  3. 引用觀點的時候不要整段引用.

挑出關鍵詞,多過3個字,要標明那裡引用的,如果需要大量引用觀點,不妨嘗試把觀點拆開引用,並且在每個觀點之前先寫上自己的觀點,或者理解. 如果你引用不夠三個字,可以不標明為Reference可以直接使用,當作自己的觀點.


  4. 英國老師很喜歡表格,圖表等等,來表示各種數據.


  5. 千萬不要為了湊字數,車軲轆話,來迴繞,得不償失.





完全控制的策略不起作用:领导者在公司中使用完全控制的风格,这样他们就可以在等级组织结构中强加官僚文化,但是这种文化降低了个体精神(Lukaszewski, 2008)。昆士兰卫生部门的员工受到严格控制,一些员工评论说:“一切都是自上而下控制的,有时在这样的环境下呼吸会变得困难。”组织文化类型将是第一个框架工作,可用于解释昆士兰卫生保健组织的问题。加强组织文化的框架也可以用在这个讨论中。路径目标理论等领导理论可以与hersee – blanchard情境领导理论一起用于讨论。这一理论是建立在一种特定的领导风格的基础上的,这种领导风格适合组织的环境。领导者的行为最适合员工的技能和组织的文化。
领导者的行为有助于实现目标。路径目标理论认为,领导者的主要目标是提高员工的积极性、满意度和士气,使他们能够成为组织中富有成效的成员(Omari, 2013)。该理论分为两个维度或支柱:领导风格和成熟度水平。领导风格分为四种领导风格:讲、卖、参与和授权(Cavinto, et al. 2006)。在成熟度级别,组织的基础上,提出四个维度:意愿的任务,主管要做的任务,但成员不认为他们能做到,成员无法做的任务缺乏能力和意愿,而是他们想要这样做(Northhouse, 2004)。组织文化类型分为宗族型、灵活型、市场型和等级型。在氏族中,大家庭是由养育和指导的。在Adhocracy中,价值创新和风险承担是存在的。在层次结构中,存在稳定性和效率,在市场价值竞争中存在结果导向(Fraser and Simkins, 2009)。


Tactic of total control was not working: leaders used the style of total control in the company so they can impose the bureaucratic culture in the hierarchical organization structure but this culture decreased individual spirit (Lukaszewski, 2008). At Queensland health employees were controlled tightly and some of the employees commented that: “everything is controlled from the top and sometimes it becomes difficult to breathe in such setting”.Organizational cultural types will be the first frame work that can be used for explaining issues in Queensland health care organization. Framework of strengthening organizational culture can also be used in this discussion. Leadership theories like path goal theory can be used in the discussion along with Hersey-Blanchard situational leadership theory.This theory is based on a specific style of the leader that is fitting to the environment of the organization. The behaviour of the leader is best fit with the skills of the employees and culture of the organization.
Behaviour of the leader is helpful in achieving the goals. Path goal theory discusses that the main goal of leader is to improve employee motivation, satisfaction and morale so that they can become productive members at the organization (Omari, 2013). This theory is divided into two dimensions or pillars: leadership style and maturity level. Leadership style is divided among four leadership styles of: Telling, selling, participating and delegating (Cavinto, et al. 2006). In maturity level, groups are posited on the basis of four dimensions of: willingness of the group to do the task, competent to do the task but members do not think that they can do it, inability of the members to do the task for the lack of competency and willingness but they want to do it (Northhouse, 2004). Organizational cultural types are divided by Clan, Adhocracy, Market and Hierarchy. In Clan, extended family is present with nurturing and mentoring. In Adhocracy, value innovation and risk taking is present. In hierarchy, stability and efficiency is present and in market value competition and result orientation is present (Fraser and Simkins, 2009).



雨水收集是全球家庭和农业利用雨水的一种有效方法。这个过程已经使用了几十年。然而,技术进步有助于在社会发展项目中提供流动水。该技术在城市和半城市地区都有广泛的应用,这些地区对供水和可用水质的依赖较少。几十年来,雨水收集一直被用于确保家庭和农业用途的住宅和农田不间断供水(Ahmed, Masry, Saleh & Nada, 2013, p. 71)。在技术革新城市供水系统之前,雨水从建筑物的屋顶收集并储存在储罐中。然而,随着科技的发展,雨水作为家庭供水的主要来源,获得了本质。
雨水收集量随地点而异。例如,在加勒比群岛,雨水是最重要的供水资源,用于公共建筑、家庭和度假村的餐饮用水需求。因此,雨水在技术的帮助下收集,然后提供给公众使用后的过滤过程。该工艺流程进一步改善了供水条件,显著改善了水质。收集的雨水经过几个阶段的过滤和技术处理,确保水是卫生和安全的饮用水以及。雨水收集过程导致了水土流失和洪水的减少(Azoulay, 2016)。这是因为水从屋顶被转移到收集槽。


Rain water harvesting is an effective method used for utilization of rain water for household and agricultural use across the globe. The process has been in use for decades now. However, technological advancement has helped in providing portable water in social development projects. The technique has wide application in both urban and semi-urban areas where there is less reliance on water supply and quality of water available in the region. For over decades, rain water harvesting has been used for ensuring uninterrupted water supply to domestic houses and farmlands for household and agricultural purposes (Ahmed, Masry, Saleh & Nada, 2013, p. 71). Before technology revolutionized city water systems, rain water was collected from building’s roof and stored in storage tanks. However, with the advent of technology, rain water gained essence as primary source of water supply in households.
The quantum of rain water harvesting differs with location. For example, in Caribbean Islands, rain water is the most important water supply resource for catering water requirements of public buildings, homes and resorts. Thus, rain water is collected with the help of technology and then supplied to general public for use after filtration process. The technological process has further aided ease in water supply and improved water quality significantly. The collected rain water passes through several stages of filtration and technological treatment ensures that water is hygienic and safe for drinking purposes as well. The rain water harvesting process has resulted in decline in soil erosion and flooding (Azoulay, 2016). This is because of the fact that water is diverted from building roofs into collection tanks.



宗教,除基督教外,或就此而言,任何宗教都不鼓吹对人类的歧视,不论其背景、种族或出生条件如何。因此,富兰克林有一句话:“你看到一个勤奋工作的人吗?”他将站在国王面前”,永远不能被视为对劳动者的神圣证明和赞美。圣经只是富兰克林带来的一句话吗?这不也是建立平等,帮助所有人,不贪婪吗?当然,它是。如果资本主义的精神受到宗教的影响而不受质疑,那么要么是宗教宣扬的道德冷漠,要么是资本主义对新教伦理的错误解读。最简单的原因是资本主义在世界各地的不良影响,资本主义给少数人带来了财富,给大众带来了饥饿,给大众带来了歧视,给贫富差距带来了不可逆转的影响,给大众带来了社会孤立(Duhrssen 233-236)。


Religion in addition to Christianity or for the matter any religion does not preach for discrimination of humans irrespective of their background or race or birth conditions. Thus, Franklin’s one statement, “Seest you a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings”, can never be taken as a divine proof and praise for the working man. Is the bible just one sentence, which Franklin brings here? Is it not also about the establishing of equality, helping all others, not being greedy? Certainly, it is. If the spirit of capitalism is religiously influenced and not to be questioned, then either the religion preaches moral apathy or capitalism is the wrongly interpreted message from the protestant ethics. The simplest reason is the ill-impacts of capitalism across the world, which has delivered nothing but wealth for a handful, hunger for the masses, discrimination for the masses, irreversible for the income gap between the rich and the poor and social isolation for the masses (Duhrssen 233-236).
Religious influence of work ethics is understandable, but it is not to be employed in works that is the seed of creating polarised economic disparity. Capitalism has created more wealth concentration in one section of society, leaving aside the masses by themselves. The ideal of wealth creation and profit generation at the cost of labour wages is a contradictory theory in itself, demanding immediate opposition. If a wage is a cost to the capitalist, how will he be happy to consistently upgrading the wage to reduce his profit? He never would do that. The theory of capitalism itself is without basis. If the protestant ethic is applied here, the workers work their entire strength and give all they can to their capitalist master, then why are the workers not happy today? Why have their income remained stagnant or grown at a snail’s pace, whereas their capitalist master’s income has grown as a horses pace?




The industry analysis has been done by providing a clear outlook of the industry and its impact on the society. The skills required for the industry have been analyzed completely. Further, there is an analysis on the impact of the same on economy and tourism. There is also an analysis of the other areas in which there may be an impact. Though, it is important to have few more evidence related to the required skills of the industry. One of the things which is lacking is the focus on the weakness. The proper industry analysis includes both the positive and the negative parts of the industry. Another important thing is that there should be a proper referencing. From the industry analysis, it has been found that there are some of the services including accounting, auditing and bookkeeping. The different accounting professions have been studied, but it lacks the proper critical analysis. It is important to ensure that the meaning of different sources is explained in a proper manner, to have the study related to the accounting standards, and to ensure that there are some of the structural issues with respect to the work.
It can also be find that there are a number of job opportunities related to the auditors, bookkeepers, financial analysts and accountants. Another reflection from the analysis is that there should be a better flow of information between the different paragraphs. There has been vast study on the details related to the CPA (Certified Public Accountant) and its importance.I have found out from the industry analysis that I need to do the improvement of my skills related to the accounting profession. I have realized the importance of the task. I have found that this task will also help me in my improvement as an accountant. I have got a good idea of how to prepare for the CPA Qualification after the completion of my graduation and to ensure that I become a successful and a professional accountant in future. I will make sure that I achieve my goals within the time frame mentioned.The feedback which I received from the industry analysis gave a better outlook of what exactly is required from the analysis. In addition, it helps me in getting an idea of my weakness and strength.



风险投资是一种股权融资方式,使创业公司能够寻求资金和融资。它从根本上解决了创业公司无法从公共市场和银行等传统渠道筹集资金的需求(Metrick, and Yasuda, 2010)。这些初创公司无法从传统渠道获得资金的原因可能是它们的规模、资产或公司目前的扩张阶段。在这些情况下,风险资本被证明是一种资产(Cochrane, 2005)。下面详细探讨了这种方法的优缺点。在风险投资中,股权投资公司通常会在初创企业拥有成功的愿景和方向时进行投资。在这个过程中,他们期望在这个过程中获得利润和权益。科斯拉投资公司(Khosla investments)等众多风险投资公司过去通过投资于此类创业型公司而获得了丰厚的利润。

在理想的情况下,所有参与过程的涉众都将受益。对于初创公司来说,通常面临着死亡谷曲线的时期(Metrick, and Yasuda, 2010)。这段时间,资源变得稀缺,公司没有稳定的收入来源。创业公司在进行初期销售后,在一定的时间内应该有稳定的收入来源。否则,这些公司将难以为继。目前的情况下,公司需要分析与风险投资公司接洽获得全部股权融资的利弊。全额股权融资的优势在于,为一家初创公司争取到数百万美元资金,可以为该公司带来巨大的增长。MTT可以达到其真正的潜力,有VCI外壳的百万。与天使投资者不同的是,风险投资的金额非常高。正因为如此,公司的增长曲线会急剧上升,他们可以逃离死亡谷曲线。


Venture capital is a kind of equity financing options that enable entrepreneurial companies to seek capital and funding. It fundamentally tackles the needs of entrepreneurial companies cannot seek raising capital from traditional sources such as public markets and banks (Metrick, and Yasuda, 2010). The reasons for this start up companies to not gain capital from traditional sources could be because of their size, their assets or the current stage of expansion of the company. In these situations, venture capitals prove to be an asset (Cochrane, 2005). Advantages and disadvantages of this have been probed in detail in the following. In venture capital equity funding companies typically invest in startups when they have the vision and the direction to succeed. In this process they expect to make profits and gain equity in this process. Numerous venture companies such as Khosla investments have been lucrative in the past by investing in such entrepreneurial companies.

In an ideal situation all the stakeholders involved in the process are benefitted. For the case of start up companies typically face periods of Death Valley curve (Metrick, and Yasuda, 2010). It is the time where the resources are made scarce and there is no steady source of income for the company. Start up companies should have steady sources of income streams over a certain period after making initial sales. Else the companies will not sustain. the current scenario the company needs to analyze advantages and disadvantages of approaching the venture capital firm for the full amount of equity funding. Advantages for full amount of equity funding are that securing few millions for a start up company can fuel enormous growth for the company. MTT can reach its true potential by having VCI shell the millions. Unlike angel investors, the amount pumped in for venture capital funding is very high. Owing to this there can be a drastic increase in the growth curve of the company and they can escape the Death Valley curve.






There is no other subject or concept like Philosophy that can provide us so vivid thoughts, immense scope for arguments and the hidden treasures for evaluation. Philosophy teaches us to dive deep into the endless canyon of knowledge to find the magical key that can possibly unlock every twisted, turned and moulded aspect in every sector of study and research. Philosophy opens the door for all to enter into its magnificent world that provides the best possible results, decisions, or conclusions for every person. Philosophy does not readily reject any sort of argument or opinion, because it knows that there is every sort of possibility that an established decision can be proved false anytime. It judges every possibility, provides touchstone analysis for every opinion, lists down and verifies every sort of possible outcome. In the open world of philosophy, everything can be judged as ambiguous. Philosophy made us realize that a thing does not have to be necessarily good or necessarily bad, and it can contain both positive and negative qualities at the same time. This is why the learned philosophers are gifted with so much potential of judging a particular thing from multiple angles of view. There is enough and adequate possibility of gaining knowledge in the world of philosophy. You just have to answer the call from its open world and devote yourself to the enormous source of knowledge.From ancient times, people have tried to resolve almost every difficult thing or aspect by the help of philosophy. Till now, the credibility of philosophy and people’s reliability upon it has not decreased even to a marginal extent.

This subject has taught us to see the world as we like. If we see the world through a red coloured glass, we will see a red world. Again, if we see it through a blue coloured glass, we will see a blue glass. These two aspects seem to be contrary to each other, but none of these views are wrong. However, they have to be tasted on standards of reasoning, logic and credibility. Thus, philosophy provides us with enormous opportunity to implore and explore. It determines the implementation of applicable reasoning and logic in the best way possible. It offers us to do extensive research through tasted standards, evaluate and analyze collected data on the markers of logic and sense, and it also allows us to examine a certain aspect from the core of our conscience. It advocates the need of logic. Nevertheless, when needed, it does not hesitate to place the welfare of society and human beings above the grounds of harsh reasoning. Philosophy is scientifically justified and logically accepted subject, but it has immense space to provide scope for certain conclusions that may seem illogical from mere reasoning overview. If we dig deep to the roots, we can find that the decision is made upon logic which is related to the welfare of human society from a moral sense of view. To be brief, philosophy is an ambiguous yet powerful authority and subject that has opened the door to illumination for all.





As mentioned above, the revenue recognition primarily consists of three different categories. The fourth category of revenue that has been considered as a result of this change is the revenue from contract with customers that has been introduced by IASB. This change will impact companies in different industries as the accounting treatment will change completely. The impact and analysis of the change that has been implemented by AASB in revenue recognition can be analysed with respect to different industries. Some of the major industries wherein the contract is prevalent are Media, Retail, Financial Services and Oil & Gas industry. It is important to note here that this accounting standard has an impact primarily on services industries. The first impact is related to identification of Transaction price: Identifying the cost of transaction is an important aspect under revenue recognition from contracts. This issue is there in every industry in some way or the other. However, there are sector specific solutions that may be required.The second important aspect is the fee associated with certain contracts. This is to say that in certain contracts in which fee cannot be determined, implementation will be an issue.

These are contracts such as performance based fee in case of financial services or barter system which is prevalent in media and entertainment industry. This also provides scope for transferring of illegitimate cost. Further identification of the cost associated with contract of particular goods and services may not be possible. In case of media industry, there might be single contract for multiple products such as rights to films, sale of consumer goods. Similar is the case of retail industry as well where single contract for multiple products can be there. There might be inter related products with single contract. This issue also needs to be addressed. Last issue that might be common to the industries is the treatment of contracts related to commodity exchange. In this, the company might not be the end user and the contract may be for providing services to the end consumer. This is quite prevalent in Oil & Gas industry.