
英国代写essay:利益相关者的视角。利益相关者的视角和管理是项目成功的关键要素。涉众视角不同于前面讨论的三重约束理论,它的定义不那么容易,而且可能很复杂。这是因为涉众对于项目的内在需求可能是不同的。利益相关者关系的管理因此会对他们的成功感知产生影响。Abeysekera和McLean(2001)的研究工作认为,为了更早地理解利益相关者的观点,发展利益相关者关系的重要性。这将导致更好的项目成功率。Abeysekera & McLean(2001)在他们的工作中,从他们的数据收集和实际项目管理参与者的角度来关注利益相关者关系的不同方面。接下来英国代写essay将为同学们讲解下利益相关者的视角。

利益相关者的一些需求是透明度和参与。当干系人感到项目管理团队对他们不透明时,他们就会对项目不满意。同样,缺乏利益相关者参与也被认为是一个问题(Parmar et al., 2010)。研究人员在争论涉众视角的复杂性时认为,在更现代的时代,有一种基于涉众方法而不是传统方法来定义项目成功的趋势。戴维斯(2013)等研究人员提出的传统方法是成本、时间和范围的三重约束。

与传统方法相比,当代方法被认为影响更深远。Davis(2013)、El-Gohary等人(2006)和Achterkamp & Vos(2008)等研究人员认为当代利益相关者方法的重要性。Davis(2013)认为项目干系人对成功的理解和项目管理对成功的看法可能不同或不一致。因此,即使满足了项目的约束条件,对项目的成功也会有不同的理解。Achterkamp & Vos(2008)认为,对干系人角色的误解,以及在识别相关干系人和干系人级别方面的不清晰导致了项目的失败。El-Gohary等人(2006)发现,冲突的利益相关者也会使项目中途停止,从而导致项目失败。研究者Fowler和Walsh(1999)也支持这种冲突角度在成功理解中扮演的角色。项目干系人对项目中某些问题的看法,如管理不善、需求和开发的不一致或理解冲突,因此导致了项目失败的问题或对其成功的看法不足。

利益相关者关系的管理因此会对他们的成功感知产生影响。Abeysekera和McLean(2001)的研究工作认为,为了更早地理解利益相关者的观点,发展利益相关者关系的重要性。这将导致更好的项目成功率。Abeysekera & McLean(2001)在他们的工作中,从他们的数据收集和实际项目管理参与者的角度来关注利益相关者关系的不同方面。研究人员基于信任、人际交往能力、合作风格、规划和控制形式、合作伙伴关系、合同协议和冲突解决机制等,建立了利益相关者关系的层次模型。涉众对项目中应用了多少风险的看法也会影响他们对成功的理解。

Some of the stakeholder needs are transparency and engagement. When stakeholders feel project management team is not transparent with them, then they would not be satisfied with the project. Similarly, lack of stakeholder engagement is considered as an issue (Parmar et al., 2010). Researchers in arguing the complexity of stakeholder perspectives argue that in more contemporary times, there is a move towards defining project success based on stakeholder approach rather than the traditional approach. The traditional approach that researchers like Davis (2013) present is the triple constraints of cost, time and scope.

Compared to the traditional approach, the contemporary approach is considered as more far reaching. Researchers like Davis (2013), El-Gohary et al. (2006) and Achterkamp & Vos (2008) argue for the significance of the contemporary stakeholder approach. Davis (2013) argues that stakeholders perception of success and project management perspective of success could differ or be misaligned. Therefore, even if the project constraints are met, the project success would be understood differently. Achterkamp & Vos (2008) argue that misunderstanding of stakeholder role, and less clarity in identifying associated stakeholders and stakeholder levels leads to the failure of project. El-Gohary et al. (2006) identify that conflicted stakeholders could make project stopped midway which causes the failure of project as well. Researchers Fowler & Walsh (1999) also support this angle of conflict as playing a role in success understanding. Stakeholder perspective of some issue in the project, such as mismanagement, misalignment of needs and development or conflicted understanding has therefore led to project failure issues or a lesser opinion of its success.

The management of stakeholder relationships will hence have an effect on their perception of success. Research work of Abeysekera & McLean (2001) argues for the importance of developing stakeholder relationships in order to understand stakeholder perspectives earlier on. This would lead to better project success rates. In their work, Abeysekera & McLean (2001) focus on different aspects of stakeholder relationship from their data collection and actual project management participants. A hierarchical model of stakeholder relationships was made by the researchers based on trust, interpersonal skills, cooperative styles, the form of planning and control, partnering, contractual agreements and mechanics of conflict resolution and many more. Stakeholder perspective on how much risk is applied towards project would also have an impact on how well they perceive success.




根据Te Whāriki和条约要素,第一个实践的理由在这里提出。Te Whāriki是建立在对被视为毛利人权力分享宪章的条约的透彻理解的基础上的(Glynn, 2015)。Te Whāriki字面意思是编织的垫子,这个概念就像一个垫子由关键的四个原则和五股或目标组成。现在必须根据《Te Whāriki》的内容来证明这种做法的合理性,以便评估它对毛利人的教育有多适用。本节中讨论的实践可以被认为是与Te Whāriki课程的一些核心原则相一致的。“Te Whāriki课程包括了孩子在家里与父母、家庭和社区的关系中可以体验到的很多东西——例如,能够通过玩耍和家庭活动产生强烈的归属感、幸福感、贡献感、交流感和探索感”(MyECE, 2018, para)。3)通过引入一种实践,学生的正式学习环境延伸到他们的家,赋予孩子的教育Whakamana的权力也发生在家里。因此,根据Te Whāriki的Kotahitanga原则,一个全面的发展发生的孩子。

将家庭作为儿童早期教育的一部分的做法将帮助孩子更加熟悉他们所学的文化和语言以及他们与生俱来的文化和语言的真正理解。例如,Ritchie和Rau(2011)表示,英国政府在条约中承诺保护毛利儿童的权利,并确保他们的家庭或whanau的影响力保持不变。然而,事实并非如此。毛利人处于不利地位,因为卫生统计数字是负面的,而教育和其他与文化有关的机会是向毛利人儿童提供的。在这方面,扩大早期儿童教育环境将使毛利儿童更好地了解真相。毛利儿童除了获得教育机会外,还会成为批判性的思考者。他们将学会质疑未来代表他们文化的是什么。由于将学习环境扩展到包括whanau tangata的积极影响,更好的nga hnonga(关系)也得到了培养。孩子们将能够更好地学习批判性的互惠方式与他们认识的人。

The justification of the first practice in light of Te Whāriki and treaty element is presented here. Te Whāriki has been built based on a thorough understanding of the treaty that is considered as the charter of power sharing for the Maoris (Glynn, 2015). Te Whāriki literally means the woven mat and the concept is like a mat composed of the key four principles and five strands or goals. Now the practice has to be justified in the light of the elements of Te Whāriki so as to assess how applicable it is for the education of the Maoris. The practice that is argued in this section could be considered as being aligned to some of the core principles of Te Whāriki curriculum. “The Te Whāriki curriculum includes much of what a child can experience at home in relationship with parents and family and community – for example, able to have a strong sense of belonging, well-being, making contributions, communicating, and exploring through play and family activities” (MyECE, 2018, para. 3). By introduction of a practice where the student’s formal learning environment is extended to their home, the empowerment of the child’s education Whakamana happens at home as well. Hence according to the Te Whāriki’s principle of Kotahitanga, a holistic development happens for the child.

The practice of including the home as part of the early child hood education will help the child get more acquainted with the true understandings of both the culture and language that they learn and the culture and language that they were born with. For instance, Ritchie and Rau (2011) state that promises were made as part of the treaty by the British government to protect the rights of Maori children and ensure their family or whanau’s influence also remains the same. However, this is not the case. Maori’s were disadvantaged because there was negative representation of health statistics, education and other opportunities related to culture are presented to the Maori children. In this context, an extension of the early child hood education environment will open up the Maori children to understand the truth better. In addition to acquiring educational opportunities, Maori children also become critical thinkers. They would learn to question what is represented of their culture in the future. Because of the positive effects of extending learning environment to include the whanau tangata, better nga hnonga (relationships) are fostered as well. Children would be able to learn better in critical reciprocal way with people they know.




这些估计和预测非常重要,因为如果没有预算,竞选机构很可能会支付超出所需的额外资金。因此,在制定预算时,它必须基于生产如何根据手头的任务对企业有用(Sims, 2004)。


根据竞选经理所订定的基准,指引已订定。该机构必须提供这个预算的构想来回应简报,但它不能禁止该机构提出额外昂贵的想法(Johnson, 2011)。问题是,这些项目将由该机构支出,并在提交时明确标明要交付的支出。这让品牌团队有机会评估超出预算的额外成本的价值。



The estimates and forecast are significant as without the budget, the campaign agencies will probably finish off paying extra money than they require. Therefore, in laying down the budget, it has to be based on how the production is useful to the business as per the task at hand (Sims, 2004).

In case the budget is not set, then everyone’s time is wasted as the campaign’s tasks are performed without knowing the agenda and this will cause having to be swayed in (resourcefully or economically or both) somewhere along the line. A large production idea not having a big budget is discomfiture to everyone. When a huge creative idea is given bang on the funds, it is a champion for all.

As per the benchmarks laid by the campaign manager, the guidelines are set. The agency has to provide with the conceptions to this budget to respond to the brief, but it must not disallow the agency from presenting extra pricey ideas (Johnson, 2011). The point is that these would be created at the agency’s expenditure and offered with a clear sign of the expenditure to deliver at the point of presentation. This provides the brand team with chance to evaluate the worth of the extra cost over and above the budget.

It is equally significant to have knowledge of the customers’ and the target audience’s buying power and, preferably, a quantification of the usage of the item that will be encouraged. Besides, it would be best to give an estimation of the return that will be attained through the marketing campaign.

To make sure that a marketing campaign is doing well, it is essential that the company’s profit is more than what has been spent on the campaign itself. The production budget is useful to foresee if the company’s funds can cover the cost of the marketing campaign that is planned. The budget is useful to explain to folks why they must devote funds to the specific campaign proactively. A good budget will be used to demonstrate how the resources will be used effectively for the campaign.









The aim of the thesis is to focus on the grunge text that is used for this novel. The text in itself deals with the problematic genre of the difficulties that surmount the Australian culture. It deals with the production and reception of the local experiences. The nuances of the ideology of the people living in the culture are seen through the eyes of Ari.

Ari is the main protagonist who details about the culture. This representation is to explain to the audience the complexities involved in the way the people experience the life of Australia and the journey of the protagonist.

Ari is 19 and is an unemployed adult. Ari comes from a conservative Greek family and he feels that he will not be accepted by his family if they know the truth about him. He knows he is gay and also wants to change that about him. He is looking for ways to change anything in the world and is deeply frustrated with the worldly order of things. All Ari wants to do is to be happy and accepted. Since he knows that it is not possible he wants to numb the pain by doing drugs and indulging in self-destructive practices. He is in a constant state of flux where he just wants to change the world and is upset that he is not able to do so.

This focus on the culture is used to ask the readers to look into their own biases and their acceptances. The aim of the literature is to accept assert Tsiolkas’s position regarding the society. The factors have marginalized the text and have more marginal issues that it deals with. Loaded is about the cultural dispassion and the issues that continue to prevail in the literature.

The main themes of the novel are about the impacts of ethnicity, the issues that exist in the nationalism and the questions that are related to sexuality. To explore these themes from various perspectives, Ari is homosexual. He tries to navigate through Australian suburbs and questions the people from various backgrounds about the issues of nationalism. The underlying themes of expecting the different people in the society are explored. Ari tries to numb the pain by taking a number of dark self-destructive measures. The notions of political ideology and the issues of migration across the cultures are detailed.

It fundamentally mocks the viewers about the ways in which the Australian society deals with the people who have different ideologies than themselves.

The story is about the impact of the individual in the society that is harsh and conservative. The people are looking to be accepted and are often denied that based on prejudices and biased attitude. These biased attitudes are deeply imbibed in the minds of the people that they feel conflicted. This is explored in the novel.




Vissarion的邪教与其他小的宗教有何不同?维萨里翁的追随者相信,有时候你只是回答了一些非常棘手的问题,这些问题可能会阻碍一个人的正常生活。一个领导者向他的臣民解释如何处理生活,生活中的问题,并使生活变得更好,显然需要更多的关注。此外,Vissarion遵循一种怪异的生活方式,本质上是后发展时期的,相信和平与和谐。奇怪的是,他的追随者认为他的教导是关于整体和谐的,并没有提出太多的分歧(Pranskevičiūtė, 2010)。



How different is Vissarion’s cult from other minor religious cults? Vissarion’s followers believe that sometimes you just answer to some very tricky questions that might hinder one’s normal course of living. A leader who explains to his subjects how to deal with life, its problems and make it better obviously demands much attention. Moreover, Vissarion follows a weird lifestyle, which is post-developmental in nature and believes in peace and harmony. Strangely enough, there are not many disagreements posed by his followers who believe that his teachings talks about overall harmony (Pranskevičiūtė, 2010).

Is it necessary for girls to learn ‘how to behave with men’? For Vissarion’s followers, the key to receiving proper education involves learning the attributes that girls should possess to exist. In contrary to the modern world where #Metoo movements are gaining grounds, Vissarion’s patrons like Tanya explains why women should not compete with men. Rather they should help a man (the creator) to apprehend and realize his masculine professions. Disregarding the same might curse the woman with a disease. It is interesting to visualize how peace and harmony finds a special meaning with boys and girls being taught separately. Thus, the possibility of a woman leader is bleak and an exercise in futility.

What might have compelled about 2000 odd men and women to abruptly believe in one man? In a world of trouble and unrest, humans thrive for peace. Vissarion diverts this necessity into creating a cult that believes and lives in peace and harmony. At first glance, the calm serene mountains around Petropavlovka and the sight of young girls singing hymns amidst forests look amazing. This creates a set for attaining nirvana. However, in the sociological sense, Vissarion’s followers follow some sort of post Paganism with a twist. According to his followers, anyone with a willingness to contribute to peace and sense of brotherhood can start living there. One must possess basic understanding of social helpfulness where negativity finds no place.





压抑的主题在故事中很明显。在20世纪60年代的怀俄明州,如果一个人是同性恋,他的期望会被社会压抑。这部电影展示了被压抑的结果及其对家人和亲人的影响。这使得电影有趣,因为它指出了这些理论(Davis& Needham, 2008)。


This movie explores about different issues and perspectives. It does not even mention or explains about the LGBT issues. Rather the movie was presented to people as an unrequited love story. The movie was not about being queer. It basically explores about the love between two people and the issues in society. It reveals about the reasons for people to have closeted lifestyle. This resonated with many people in the LGBT community. The movie was critiqued as it details about being heterogenous. The story is specifics about the role of sexuality and the sexual identity of people. The movie divulges the implication of making choices. Personal choice of the people versus the society pressure has been clearly alluded in the story. Men and masculinity are described in the storyline.

The themes of repressions are evident in the story. In case of a person being gay in Wyoming in 1960s, their expectations will be repressed by the society. The movie shows the result of being repressed and its impact to the families and loved ones. This makes the movie interesting as it points these theories (Davis& Needham, 2008).

Some of the criticism of the movie is the strong critique of the panic of people and the implication of the queer theory. It is alluded that the role of the queer theory is to overturn the existing ideology which exists in the society. It is assumed that the society will be inherently repressive. In this, it becomes impossible to create a system where all the issues are considered to be okay. The essential argument is that the whole notions of gender and gender identity formulated by the society have a lot of gaps. It has these fallacies or issues which makes it difficult. It is ridiculous to assume that the queer theory is not a part of the ethical responsibility. There is ethical urgency of the queer theory which points towards the damage of sexual prohibitions and discriminations of people. It is assumed that conventional sex life of people is appreciated in the society. The generic criticism of the movie is the lack of comprehension of the underlying human empathy which is embedded in the story line (Davis& Needham, 2008).. The movie attempts to expose those ideologies which are prevalent in the society.



essay代写:多唱诗班音乐风格。多唱诗班音乐风格是文艺复兴和巴洛克时期发展起来的产物。这些结构包含在空间独立的唱诗班中,唱诗班交替演唱。在文艺复兴中期盛行的复调写作中可以观察到文体上的重大转变。这些都是主要的风格发展,导致了巴洛克音乐风格的创造。这些是经常遇到的术语,用于分离的选择cori spezzati。很明显,这首协奏曲有六个独唱的声音。Schütz开发的组合被称为最受欢迎的组合。继续探讨两个小提琴和两个四人声唱诗班的使用。接下来essay代写专家将为留学生们讲解下多唱诗班音乐风格。




At the opening of the piece, the use of the two-note chords from the D- minor triad rise from the depth of the solo basses that is developed through tenors. The same music is heard from the shift of the A-minor triad in the sopranos. These are finally embedded with the violinist that is present in the F-major triad. This then returns to the cadence on the D note. The question that Christ asks in this situation is about the reasons as to why the people choose to persecute him. This is supposed to be grinding and dissonant anticipations. These lead to the suspension that breaks into the rules of the conventional counterpoint. This is done in order to highlight the harshness of the text. In all of this, it can be observed that a brief repetition of the brief that reinforces the intensity. In this far piece, the texture for that of the concerto is observed for the few voices.

The use of the polychoral medium is to convey the musical material that is used on the triad. The choruses and the soloists together are combined to create echoes. These suggest the impacts of these effects of the Christ voice. These are found to be bouncing of the rocky projections in the desert. These are the dynamic markings or the forte of the song. In this case, the choruses of the song were found to be bounced of the rocky projections in the desert. In the case of music that was composed in this era, the dynamic is observed in the variation of the loudness that stems between the notes or the phrases. These dynamics are indicated by the different musical representations. The first echo of the song is known as the mezzopiano. The mezzopiano as the name implies this indicates that the sound is subtle. This also implies that the loudness of the piano music that is developed. The second echo that is developed in this song is the pianissimo. This denotes an Italian word that means “very soft”. These are used as a dynamic part in the musical notation. These shifts in the music denote the meticulous attention detail that was developed by the original composer.

The slight metric shift is observed in the measures between 21 and 23. In this the wavering of the major and minor triads of the G is found to reinforce the effect that is developed by the creation of the sense of the echo that is distorted. This is observed as the sound careens of the nearby sound production.






The workspace needs to be a place where the people are able to accept diversity and aide the colleagues to determine of relating better with each other. It is also easier for the people to get jealous and also make them envious of others who want to achieve their goals. During my initial days, I was not able to understand the implication of the data which was given to me. They initially gave me tasks of reading the documents. I understood from this process that these were the opportunity to ask the advice of the people to reach the goals. An important aspect of the formulation of the professional relationships is being able to collaborate with the co-workers. I used the internship to learn about the ways to developing professional relationships and also using it as a way to learn from the co-workers and by the process of giving or gaining of the valuable feedback. Another important aspect is to ensure that there is no discussion of the co-workers when they are not at work. This leads to the formulation of the mistrust and creates unwanted stress. It is important in this system to develop the communication skills to talk to people from different cultures. It is also important to make sure that the work is done based on the assumptions made by the other person to understand different messages which the people are trying to get across. This was observed while making orders from suppliers. There was confusion in the discussion between the people regarding the supply. This miscommunication created a lot of issues. This also created the situation where the people started to worry about the culture. This process helped me realize about how I must use the information and make sure there is clarity in the discussions being made with the stakeholders.

The management of the mobile technology is also important. The rise of the digital technology can be an asset or a liability depending on how the companies use to comprehend about it. From a personal standpoint, it is important to give and take opinions. I also discussed a lot with my coworkers and the senior employees about the areas of improvement. I tried to make a lot of observations and collating of the facts from real time data and implication. This process helped me gain information about the blind spots. I used to second guess my viewpoints. I started to get a different perspective from working with different people. The ways of professional communication was comprehended from this process.





1. 框架















Track racing bikes came to be made for racing events in Britain and over the years have been included as part of the track cycling events in the Olympics. The road racing bike is used on the road, like mud roads, etc., Triathlon bikes are also used in sports, but more of the endurance kind. Touring bikes are used for on and off-road adventures. Mountain bikes are majorly used for off-road activities, but for rougher terrains than can be covered with touring bikes. BMX bikes are made use of in dirt racing.

1. Frame

Description: Bicycle frame is the basic component of the bike and it is on this frame that other components of the bike are fitted.


Frame component of racing bikes used in racing are a little lighter, but sturdy enough to support other components.

Aerodynamic drag is a big factor influencing design in both road and track racing bikes.

Airfoil designs are used for road, track and triathlon bikes in order to reduce the aerodynamic drag.

Seat position for racing bikes and BMX is based on the form of load variations expected and these take precedence in design.

Frame design of touring bikes will include more tough wheels and a straight riding position.


For track racing bikes and triathlon bikes, air foil materials are used in the manufacture of tubes of the frame.

Road bikes and track racing bikes both make use of either steel frames, or lighter alloys or carbon fibre. Frames of road and track racing bikes are often constructed of molded carbon fibre too, for a lightweight design.

BMX makes use of Carbon steel and Carbon fibre, but for cheaper BMX bike frames 1020 steel will be used.

Touring bikes are made of steel.

Mountain bikes make use of similar materials, but the focus is usually on durability and performance.

Production: The frame is assembled by tailoring the tubes, brazing, welding, gluing and then by aligning and cleaning. Road bicycle construction follows the main strangle structure of top tube, down tube and seat tube. Frame geometry will play a role in the production of track, road and triathlon bikes. The construction of the triathlon bike and the road bike differ in the frame geometry in that, the tri bike has to help streamline the rider positioning. A road bike will have a much slacker frame angle compared to a tri bike.






它需要考虑电影中以上的科学,它们来自两个不同的序列。电影中的一些场景看起来完全是刻板的,因为观众确实接触到了这样一个国家的文化信息:1)女人不能自我驾驶,2)中东女人裹着罩袍,她们不能在公共场合炫耀西方服饰。现在,尽管电影制作人在Wadjda也提出了同样的观点,但这不能被视为刻板印象,因为它们是沙特阿拉伯的规则和规定,确实限制女性开车。加西亚(2013年)饰演的导演海法阿·曼苏尔(Haifaa Al Mansour)是一个“不像大多数沙特女性,也不像现在的大多数沙特女性那样,把头或脸遮起来,她也不是被塑造成一个女孩。”毫无疑问,阿尔曼苏尔代表了沙特社会拒绝传统生活方式的一部分”(第34页)。根据Garcia(2013)的说法,尽管她是自由的,但导演已经开始表现传统文化的主要观念,这些观念仍然强加给女性,并被大地上的女性所遵循,除非有某种形式的无法改变的革命性挑战。因此,场景再现仍然是这个国家大多数妇女日常生活的一部分。

Sometimes, this balance and conflict find itself into a scene. It needs to look at the below pictures from a scene sequence in the movie. This is the introductory scene to Wadjda. Elements of the mise-en-scene come into play to allow a peek into the rather conservative culture of the land.

The setting looks heavily shrouded. There are dark grey curtains which give the appearance of a theatre but do not look lively. The children are dressed in grey and their uniforms almost touch the ground adding to the heavily shrouded atmosphere. The hair is most held back with one girl as an exception and it reveals the conservative value of the country as well. Some of the girls are reciting the Quran and some look bored, which is quite typical of school age behaviour. The lighting is dark, and the general mood made is however something stricter than a school atmosphere. The absence of other brighter colours adds to the intrigue of the scene, and it reminds the audience of the strict traditions governing the land that encourages stricter upbringing of young girls. When Wadjda waves to another girl who is sent to a corner and is seen fidgeting with her toes, this scene reflects the light subtly indicating that everybody is not content to continue to maintain the shadows of their culture.

It needs to consider the above sciences in the movie which are from two different sequences. Some scenes in the movie appear to be downright stereotypical, as the audience is indeed exposed to such cultural information of the land where 1) women cannot self-drive, 2) women of the middle-east are shrouded in their burka and they cannot show off western attire in public. Now although the movie maker has presented the same in Wadjda, it cannot be rejected as stereotype, because they are rules and regulations in Saudi Arabia that indeed restricts women from driving. The director Haifaa Al Mansour, as represented by Garcia (2013), is someone who “does not cover her head or face, as most Saudi women, as most Saudi women do now, nor was she made to as a girl. No doubt Al Mansour, represents a segment of Saudi society that rejected the traditional way of life” (p. 34). In spite of her freedom, according to Garcia (2013), the director has set out to represent the major notions on traditional culture that is still imposed on women and followed by women of the land, unless there is some form of a revolutionary challenge that cannot be changed. Hence, the scene representations are still a part of the daily life of most women in the country.
