

美联储(federal reserve)一直试图保持独立地位,但由于目前的政治性质,它们将面临一些愤怒。这种不作为本身就会对经济造成损害。在这种情况下,一个小问题本身就会导致许多问题。当前的金融市场不依赖于任何一个事件。它取决于各个领域金融市场的气候。当前市场有必要应对外部事件。英国退欧问题可能对美国金融市场造成不利影响(Begg & muspade, 2016)。

它可能导致欧盟分裂的感觉,并对包括美国市场在内的全球金融市场造成一系列负面多米诺效应。这导致人们越来越多地认为市场是不稳定的,而这种影响可能对市场的健康状况造成负面影响。鉴于目前的市场形势,美联储的利率可能不会改变。先前关于提高利率的暗示会因为当前的事件而改变。美联储维持较低利率可以增加债券价值,并确保国家的房地产部门可以增加(Begg & muspade, 2016)。


The federal reserve system has tried to maintain an autonomous status, nevertheless they will face a number of furors owing to the current political nature. This inaction by in itself can become detrimental to the economy. In this situation, a minor issue can itself lead to a number of issues. The current financial markets are not dependent on any one events. It is dependent on the climate of the financial markets across the spectrum. There is a need for the current markets to address the external events. The Brexit issue can detrimental to the US financial markets (Begg & Mushövel, 2016).

It can lead to perception of the EU breaking and causing a number of negative domino effects to the financial markets across the world including the United States market. This has caused for the markets to be increasingly considered to be volatile and the perceived health of the markets can be negatively implicated as a result of this impact. Given the current market situation, the fed rates would likely not be changed. The previous implication of a higher interest rate would be changed owing to the current events. The fed maintaining lower interest rates can increase the bond value and ensure that there can be increase in the real estate sector of the country (Begg & Mushövel, 2016).



利益相关者理论和程序正义理论被用于理解组织中的伦理决策。利益相关者理论要求公司在做出任何决策时都要考虑到所有的利益相关者(Freeman, 1998)。因此,在考虑位置问题的情况下,例如,公司可能更喜欢对他们来说成本更低的决策。然而,在该地点建立公司可能会阻碍其他利益相关者,因此根据利益相关者理论,有必要考虑对每个人的影响。其次,在程序正义的语境中,组织决策需要以协商公平的方式进行。

在相互竞争的价值观和伦理冲突的背景下,有必要考虑并采取措施,确保每个人都能做出公平的决定。这里必须考虑决策的观念、价值和后果(Freeman, 1998)。虽然可能没有明确的方法来建立利益相关者如何排名优先在组织内的人力资源以外的组织或组织等社会商业运作,它仍然需要做一些努力确保每个人都公平的决策和在这样做时,道德保存。


Stakeholder theory and Procedural Justice Theories are used in the understanding of ethical decision making in the organization. The stakeholder theory requires that in the making of any decision the company should consider all stakeholders (Freeman, 1998). Therfore, in the case of considering the location issues, the company might for instance prefer a decision that is more cost effective for them. However, establishing the company in that location might hinder other stakeholders and according to the stakeholder theory hence it is necessary to consider the impact to everybody. Secondly, in the case of the procedural justice’s context, organization decision making is required to work in such a way that a deliberative fairness is induced in the process.

In the context of competing values and ethical conflicts, it is necessary to consider and take up the step that will guarantee a fair decision to everybody. Perceptions, values and consequences of decision making must be considered here (Freeman, 1998). While there might be no clear cut way to establish how to rank the priorities of stakeholders within the organization as in the human resources of the organization or outside the organization such as the society in which the business operates in, it is still necessary to make some effort towards ensuring as much fairness in decision making to everybody and when this is done, ethics is kept.



从2000年到2011年,股价从24.33美元稳步跌至2.53美元。由于销售业绩不佳,公司正在亏损,债务也在稳步增加。这个问题在2012年开始变得突出。该股较上一财年下跌4.2%。2012年第二季度,该指数降至垃圾级。持续低迷的业绩导致行业分析师得出结论,该公司将很快在2013年破产。为了挽救局面,公司开始大规模裁员。公司领导人们拥有自己独立的零售连锁店,并且进一步缩小规模。Salus Capital Partners和Cerberus Capital management向该公司捐赠了2.5亿美元。

尽管在2014年做出了很多努力,但公司的净交易亏损为4.002亿美元。2014年,惠誉信用评级公司(Fitch credit agency)将该公司股票评级下调至CC级,比破产级别高出两级。2015年,他们被进一步降级为CCC级别,高于破产级别。股票价格低于1美元,被纽约证交所摘牌。由于员工和投资者对这些公司违反信托义务的投诉,该公司面临的问题继续增加。这名员工在这个过程中损失了毕生积蓄。到2014年底,该股的售价跌至38美分以下。


Between the years 2000 to 2011, the stocks steadily fell from $24.33 to $2.53. The company was losing money due to lackluster sales and the debt was steadily increasing. This issue started to become pronounced in 2012. The stocks were down 4.2% from the previous fiscal years. In 2012 second quarter, it was reduced to junk status. Continual dismal performance leads to industry analysts concluding that the company would become bankrupt very soon in 2013. In efforts to salvage the situation the company started massive layoff. The company leads the people to have their own independent retail chain and there was further downsizing. Salus Capital Partners and Cerberus capital management gave 250 million dollars to the company.

In spite of the number of efforts in 2014, the net trading loss of the company was $400.2 million dollars. In 2014, the Fitch credit agency downgraded the stock to CC status which was two levels above bankruptcy. In 2015 they were further downgraded to CCC status a level above bankruptcy. The stock price feels below $1 and was delisted from the NYSE. The issues for the company continued to grow because of complaints form employees and from the investors about the fiduciary breach of duties by the companies. The employee lost their life savings in this process. By the end of 2014, the selling price of the stock fell below 38 cents.



与美国国家广播公司相比,福克斯广播公司允许新闻以更快的速度通过网络传播给观众。与公共服务广播公司相比,这家广播公司有很多子板块,但很明显,该公司不会改变新闻标题,也不会像美国广播公司(ABC)的国家广播公司(radio National)那样快速更新Facebook页面。这一点从该公司最近一次更新Facebook页面是在6月21日(Kaplan, 2010)。尽管页面上添加了很多新功能,但该公司似乎仍未能以尽可能好的方式使用其社交媒体功能。与abc国家广播电台(abc Radio National)的另一个不同之处在于,Facebook上的公司不是福克斯在线广播公司(Fox Radio online),而是Sirius XM公司。这可能会从整体上影响Fox广播网的品牌知名度。

当看到这个网络的历史,很明显,这个网络已经通过它的广播方式24小时提供新闻广播,但是社交媒体已经成为它的一个新功能。根据电视台的隶属关系,他们要么接受5分钟的新闻广播,要么接受1分钟的新闻广播(Windschuttle, 2008)。关于突发新闻、记者和通过采访获得的报道也是有新闻价值的事件,它将对发生在自然中的事件进行报道。与公共广播服务提供商相比,这家商业服务提供商似乎与社交媒体技术不那么同步。这是两个网络的关键区别。即使在这两个在线广播系统的不同网页上,很明显只有ABC的RN在正常工作,只有这家公司了解社交媒体的真正用途。


In comparison to Radio National, Fox radio allowed news to be reached to their audiences over the web at a much faster pace. In comparison to the public service broadcaster, this radio broadcaster had many sub-sections but it was evident that the company does not change its news headings and does not update its Facebook page as fast as Radio National of ABC. This is evident from the fact that the company last updated on its Facebook page on 21st June (Kaplan, 2010). Even though there were many added features on the page, still it seemed like the company has not managed to use its social media feature in the best possible manner. Another point of difference from ABCs Radio National was the fact that the company on Facebook does not operate as Fox radio online but as Sirius XM. This might influence the brand visibility of Fox Radio Network on the whole.

When viewing the history of this network, it is evident that the network has been providing newscasts around the clock through its radio airing method, but social media has been a new feature for it. Based upon the affiliation of the station, they receive either a five minute news-casting or a minute based news-casting (Windschuttle, 2008). Reports of breaking news, correspondents and availabilities through interviewing are also newsworthy events anchoring coverage of as it happen nature. This commercial service provider seems to be less in sync with the technology of social media than the public service provider for broadcasting. This is the key difference between the two networks. Even across the distinct web pages of both the online radio systems, it was evident that only ABC’s RN is functioning appropriately and only this company has understood the real use of social media.



资本的整合和集中与资本主义具有继承性。公司倾向于利用在国内和国际市场上不平衡的建立空间来最大化利润价值。资本帮助改造有利于工业化的城乡用地。通过并购、重组和企业外包等方式,大型组织管理着国际市场和国内市场(Burawoy 380)不断扩大的份额。IBM和苹果(Apple)等成功的领先企业,也被称为做市商或连锁驱动企业,一度认为其大部分产品的内部生产都在各自国家的限制之内。

自最近以来,它们在建立网络方面表现出偏好,这些网络在生产其商品的独立供应商方面具有等级结构。跨国公司专注于与少数具有战略定位和高效率的承包商合作,重点是通过供应链管理使风险多样化和成本最小化。苹果的全球供应基地遍及越南、南非、墨西哥、巴西、印度和其他一些迅速成功的经济市场,如中国(Chan et al. 80)。中国是一个以巨大的交易量、高速度和具有竞争力的低价进行交易和生产活动的市场。苹果的大合同在规模和规模上都经历了显著的增长和升级。


The consolidation and concentration of capital have inheritance with capitalism. Companies tend to exploit a number of spaces of uneven establishment in the national and international market for maximizing the value of profits. Capital helps in transforming favored urban and rural sites for the purpose of industrialization. By approaches such as acquisitions and mergers, restructuring and corporate outsourcing, large organizations manage expanding shares in the international market and the national market (Burawoy 380). Leading successful organizations like IBM and Apple, also known as market makers or chain driver, once considered the in-house production of majority of its products staying within the limits of their national borders.

Since recent times, they have shown preference in setting up networks that are hierarchically structured in term of independent suppliers for the production of their commodities. Transnational companies focus on coming in partnership with a small number of strategically located and highly efficient contractors, with key focus to diversify the risks and minimize the costs by the management of supply chain. The global bases of supply for Apple has emerged across Vietnam, South Africa, Mexico, Brazil, India and several other rapidly successful economic markets such as China (Chan et al. 80). China is the market where transactions and activities of production take place in terms of huge volumes, high speed and competitively low price. The large contracts of Apple have been experiencing significant growth and upgradation in terms of scale and size.



为不同的目标受众构建的ZMET有助于建立该部分的共识图。通过这种方式,营销团队将能够确定与他们沟通所需的策略类型。由于ZMET技术允许观众进入他们自己的想法,并为他们与餐饮服务体验相关联的概念开发图片,因此研究者能够理解用户意见构建背后的心理模型。与ZEMT技术一起使用的MEC技术将有助于理解消费者在产品消费时的认知层次。在以消费者为导向的食品产品研究文献中,MEC方法被定义为理解消费者满意设计的更相关的方法(Gutman, 1982;奥尔森,雷诺兹,2001)。更好地理解产品消费动机,因为营销人员和产品制造商将能够更好地理解。

如何将产品属性与个人消费的自我相关后果、个人生活价值、目标等联系起来,以识别呈现消费者思维的等级认知结构。这种消费者认知结构层次结构将有助于评估和理解消费者可能如何评估替代产品,他们为什么选择购买一个产品,以及为什么他们可能选择购买另一个产品。从ZMET图像集合和故事讲述过程中创建的心理模型中建立的高阶推理结构对理解某些标准的显著性是有用的(Grunert &瓦利,2001;奥尔森,雷诺兹,2001)。因此,在这项研究中,产品的功能和心理后果以及它如何与消费者目标或价值联系起来是非常重要的。


ZMET constructed for different target audiences can help establish the segment’s consensus map. This way the marketing group will be able to determine the type of strategy needed to communicate with them. As the ZMET technique allows the audience to tap into their own ideas and develop pictures for just the concepts that they associated with the catering service experience, the researcher is hence able to understand the mental model behind the user opinion construction.The MEC technique used with the ZEMT technique will be useful for understanding the cognitive hierarchies of consumers when it comes to a product consumption. The Means end chain theory MEC has been defined in the research literature on consumer oriented food products as being a more relevant way to understand consumer satisfied designs (Gutman, 1982; Olson &Reynolds, 2001). Product consumption motives are better understood as the marketer and the product maker will be able to better understand.

how product attributes are linked to the self-relevant consequences of consumption of the person, their personal life values, goals and more and to identify the hierarchical cognitive structures which present the consumer’s mind. Thisconsumer cognitive structure hierarchy will be useful to evaluate and understand how consumers might assess alternative products, why they make a choice to buy a product and why they might choose to buy another product instead. The higher order reasoning constructs from the mental models created from ZMET image collections and the story telling processes are useful tounderstand salience of some criteria over others (Grunert & Valli, 2001; Olson & Reynolds,2001). The functional and the psychological consequences of the product and how it connects tomeet the consumer goal or value is hence very significant in this study.






Japanese and Chinese films are one of the largest films making industry in the current times. They both had inception of film around 1896s. Selling films in a transnational market .Hollywood movies are received across cultures and accepted into the mainstream of many cultures. This is because of the confluence of creativity, interesting ways of storytelling made up by the executives of each studio. Amid this growth of these movies, it had affected the indigenous film studios such as film industry in Japan and China. It was found that in the earlier part of the 20th century, the movies from China and Japan were mainly propaganda movies that each had a specific message. These movies were created primarily to cause social awareness.

The people started to develop interest towards the Hollywood movies owing to the entertainment factors. In the 1980s in China, there was a growing middle class. The movie studios in these nations started to make movies to penetrate into the second third tier cities of China. There was increased importance given to creation of movies based on demography. Chinese movie makers started to focus on the Hollywood industry and focused on developing technical aspects of the movies. In the Japanese markets, they started to focus on International expansion to increase film sales and distribution. The Japanese market was limited and an aging population. Owing to this, they had started to focus on the international movies. They provided with specific anime movies to increase distribution.







Volkswagen (VW) is the second largest vehicle maker in the world in 2014 According to Statista (n,d), VW’s global market share reached 11.36 percent in 2003, in recent year, the VW had a global market share of 13.55 percent in 2014, which is a highest global market share in global vehicle manufacturers rank. The sales of their vehicle are never drop off since 2002. Before the scandal, VW became the representation of Germany vehicle, also reflect the Germany quality. However, in September, 2015, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found that many Volkswagen cars being sold in America had being installed a software which is called “defeat device”, it can help VW diesel engines pass the emissions tests in the US.

Pass the emissions tests by cheating means the emission of VW’s diesel vehicle is excessive, the car will emit much more pollutions which damage the environment, ironically, the selling points of VW’s diesel vehicle is environmental friendly. The EPA define that there will be 482,000 cars in US have been installed this “defeat device”, those car are include VW’s sub-brand such as Audi. After that, VW admitted that there will be 11 million cars in the world which include this “defeat device”.After the scandal, the global sales of VW have drop off two percent in 2015. We all know scandal will impact organization sales, but what is the main element of the scandal that impact the sales. This research aims to find out what is VW’s credibility after the scandal. The review literature is regarding what is organization’s credibility. Ohanian’s (1990) Source Credibility Scale will be used to analysis the credibility of customers.



破产、清算和关闭商店是经营组织过程中发生的一些不幸事件。有必要分析破产的根本原因,以便设计出防止组织破产的方法。公司倒闭的原因有很多,原因可能是内部因素或外部因素。它是基于对每个案件的主观方面的影响(Barrow, 2016)。为此,应该对单个公司进行分析,以了解失败的根源并设计出退出策略。在这个分析中,无线电室公司将被详细地探讨。无线电公司的总部主要设在美国。他们过去卖无线和电子产品。他们还与一些附属公司合作,生产无线电窝棚产品。他们于1921年开始营业,在美国、墨西哥、澳大利亚和英国都有分店。


2015年,该公司申请破产。通用无线公司获得1743家Radio Shack retail (Dillon, 2015)这一分析的目的是找出Radio Shack错误的方式,即宏观和微观因素,并分析公司内部运行情况。由此,公司将讨论可能的退出策略或扭转策略。Radio Shack失败了,因为他们在运营和财务上犯了很多错误。由于这些因素,他们不得不在美国申请破产。公司没有合适的生产管理制度,没有创新,门店集中不符合人的要求。这最终导致破产。除此之外,供应商分配、公司债务等环境因素导致公司申请破产。


Bankruptcy, liquidation and closing of stores are some of the unfortunate events that occur during the course of running an organization. There is a need to analyze the root cause of the bankruptcy in order to devise ways to prevent organization from failing. There are many reasons for a company to fail it could be due to internal or external factors. It is based on the subjective aspects influencing each case (Barrow, 2016). For this, there should be analysis of a single company to understand the root causes of failure and devise exit strategies. In this analysis the Radio Shack Company will be probed in detail. Radio Shack company is primarily headquartered America. They used to sell wireless and electronic items. They also partnered with a number of affiliates and produced Radio Shack items. They commenced in 1921 and had stores in United States, Mexico, Australia, and Great Britain to name a few.

In 2015, the company filed for bankruptcy. General wireless company gained 1743 Radio Shack retail (Dillon, 2015) Purpose of this analysis is to find ways where Radio Shack went wrong i.e. the macro and the micro factors and the internal running of the company will be analyzed. From this, there will be discussions of the possible exit strategies or turn around strategies for the company. Radio Shack failed because they made a number of operational and financial missteps. They had to file for bankruptcy in the United States owing to these factors. The company did not have proper management protocols regarding production, failure to innovate and concentration of the stores was not in accordance with the people requirement. This leads to the eventual bankruptcy. Apart from this, the environmental factors such as supplier distribution and the debts of the company lead to the company filing for bankruptcy.


在1984年,Walter R. Fisher提出了一種新的範例,他對敘述修辭的使用進行了探索和強調。有一種觀點認為關於這種敘事範式的基本哲學似乎是本體論的,費雪認為它最終是包容而不是否認前面的。只要有新手和經驗者對其應用所尋求的限度,毫無疑問,敘事範式可以被認為是有影響的(Thanouli, 184)。這一範式受到了許多人的批評,因為它主要關注文本內現實的形成是如何通過使用關鍵事件和字符與敘述相關的。這種對修辭文本敘事特徵的深入研究,使批評家能夠發現、討論和評價文本中隱含價值的嵌入性。本文的目的在於界定經典敘事範式,同時考慮敘事建構的原則。基於這一討論,我們將對兩部電影進行分析,看看它們是如何挑戰或顛覆經典敘事範式下的傳統的。為此選擇的影片有《重慶森林》和《驚魂記》。


經典敘事範式可以被稱為一種理論,沃爾特·費雪(Walter Fisher)在20世紀首次提出,每一種理智的溝通都是一種提供事件或講故事報告的形式。考慮到對這一理論的理解,人類傾向於體驗和理解生活作為一系列連續的敘述,每一個都考慮自己的目的、中間、開始、人物和衝突(Hansen, 62)。根據這一理論,每一種形式的交流都可以被認為是塑造故事的性格、文化和歷史。然而,當敘事範式與維特根斯坦的“理論態度”(McClure, 210)所包含的概念短語對立時,在概念上可以被創造為“敘述態度”(the narratistic attitude)。敘事範式中最成問題的異常顯示出對傳統理性在批判性評估中所扮演的角色的關注。這個理論中引入的概念,即理性世界範式或理性邏輯,最終隨著時間的推移而改變,但仍然模棱兩可。


In the year 1984, a new paradigm was proposed by Walter R. Fisher that explored and emphasised on the use of narrative rhetorically. With an argument that the fundamental philosophy regarding this narrative paradigm appeared to be ontological, it was claimed by Fisher that it ended up subsuming instead of denying the preceding. Provided with the limit to which neophyte and experienced have sought on its application, without any doubt, the narrative paradigm can be considered as influential (Thanouli, 184). The paradigm has been criticized by many as it has key focus on how there formation of intra- textual reality is related to the account by employing the key events and characters. Such close research on the narrative features of rhetorical text tends to enable critics for uncovering, discussing and assessing the embedment of implicit values within the text. The aim of this essay focuses on defining classical narrative paradigm, while considering the principles of narrative construction. Based on this discussion, an analysis will be conducted for two films as to how they tend to be challenging or subverting the conventions underlying classical narrative paradigm. The films selected for this purpose are Chungking Express and Psycho.

The Classical Narrative Paradigm can be referred to as a theory, first introduced by Walter Fisher in the 20th century that every sensible communication is a form of providing a report of events or storytelling. Considering the perception of this theory, human beings tend to be experiencing and comprehending life as a number of continuous narratives, each considering its own end, middle, beginning, characters, and conflicts (Hansen, 62). According to this theory, each and every form of communication appealing to one’s reason can be viewed as shaping the stories by character, culture and history. However, the narrative paradigm may be coined conceptually as “the narratistic attitude” when its presentation is done as opposing to the conceptual phrase incorporated by Wittgenstein that is “the theoretical attitude” (McClure, 210). The most problematic anomaly within the narrative paradigm shows concern with the role played by traditional rationality in conducting assessment critically. The concepts introduced in this theory that is rational world paradigm or logic of reasons has ended up changing with time, while remaining ambiguous.