







  第五种是因果关系。因果关系法可以透过建立或解释某件事的结果来扩展段落中的想法。在因果关系中,作者可运用以下的字词:because、cause、due to 和for this the reason。表示原因的字词如下:as a result、consequently、in effect、therefore 和thus。

  最后一种是叙述。作者透过按顺序排列想法来扩展段落中与某一个想法相关的概念。以下这些词告诉读者哪一件事情先发生以及将会发生什么事:in chronological 或in place 或in the level of importance。在采用时间先后顺序时,作者可以使用表示时间的字词,例如first、second then、after、later 等;在采用空间顺序时,作者可使用以下字词提示位置:below、beneath、behind、behind、 near 等。













In this particular research case 20 participants were used. The participants in the study were specifically students. It was also ensured for this particular case study the participants did not have any progressive mind conditions. The participants in this study were of agile mind and same age range. They were only asked to join voluntarily and no benefits were given for the participants to partake in the study. The dependent variable was learning through digital media tools provided to the students. Other than these criteria the participants were chosen at random. They did not have any prior training regarding the same. The consent of the participants was asked prior to the commencement of the research study. In this research the researchers ensured that there were no issues of consent. They warranted that there were no ethical issues in conducting the experiment. For the purpose of this research at least 10 participants were made to learn Japanese. The experimental group was given opportunity to learn conventional books. Visual imagery, videos and online tutorials were provided.

There were also video games at the end of the screen to improve reflexes of the brain. This was to check the impact of new learning method on brain. The control group was given only books and no other medium to learn the concepts. Testing materials was given to both groups of students. It was ensured that the students were provided with proper room and material for testing. Two kinds of training were given to the experimental group and the control group by the researchers. In the case of the experimental group they were made to learn new concepts by playing video games. There was even place to play games owing to improvement in cognition and reflexes. This is dependent variable in this scenario. The students were made to learn from convention method. Both the group was made to learn from traditional book sources that were published in the current year. There learning ability was documented in this scenario. The exact learning ability of the students was documented from this analysis.






An advertisement is a critical element in that it exposes information to individuals and hence entices individuals to approach the advertiser for a tradeoff. As presented in American and English law definitions it is an announcement made to individuals. It can be in print or writing, published in some newspaper or even a handbill. An advertisement is made by an offeror, offering something for a price, or an equivalent tradeoff. Given Rapalje, &Lawrence definition of an advertisement it can hence be inferred that an advertisement for a reward is different from a normal advertisement. This is because a normal advertisement is much more straightforward, product in return for reward or vice versa. However, an advertisement made out for a reward of an execution of action is much more complex. Consider that a reward could be a compensation for something that has been found and returned or is a recompense for something that has been done.

As the ‘Dictionary of American and English law’ written by Rapalje &Lawrence exemplify it, it could be for the purpose of catching a felon, finding and returning some property etc. The reward is the right of the finder or the person for whom the advertisement is being put out for. Being the right of the person will mean that there are some legal obligations associated with getting the reward. An advertisement of reward is often made out when an advertiser might state that a reward will be given out for either completing some work for the advertiser or for restoring some property to the advertiser and when some person performs this condition then they should be rewarded by the advertiser. There could be conflicts associated with the reward advertisement. In essence the person who performs the action enters into a legal bond with the person who has advertised. The person who responds to the advertisement can sue or demand legal aids etc from the person who has advertised.




另一方面,也有定性研究技术用于分析变量质量估计。从这个角度来看,本研究是对人类行为质量的研究,旨在提供一个基本的分析水平。英国统计局利用调查和问卷来了解健康的影响。在肥胖相关研究方面,本署亦采用了问卷调查的方法。本部门收集的数据集采用二次数据收集(Social science research methods, 2015)。这些次要数据来自英国统计局(UK statistics department)作为英国健康调查(Health survey)进行的一项调查。这份研究报告是根据每年的调查收集的数据来描述英国私人家庭对健康的态度。


Data is an essential commodity and various organizations today unlock data to allow them to make business decisions that are highly informed. Data in open source has become highly available and U.K Government has a wide range of available open data to analyse. The purpose of this report lies in information extraction from data sets of health for supporting development for wide range of food products that are healthy (Social science research methods, 2015). This report takes up statistics analysis to assess obesity, physical activity and diet among different population groups in the UK. The study takes up description analysis based on statistics to depict data summary and analysis of correlation for comparing and estimation of two distinct variables inclusive of obesity and diet (Social science research methods, 2015). There are two broad domains present for classification of research methods inclusive of qualitative and quantitative techniques. Analysis by quantitative research methods makes use of systematized empirical research for an already occurring process through either statistics or computation or through mathematic formulae (Social science research methods, 2015).

On the other hand, there are qualitative research techniques which are used for analysing the variable quality estimation. From this perspective, the research is on human behaviour quality and leads towards offering an essential analysis level. UK statistics department makes use of survey and questionnaire in order to understand health influences. For obesity related researches as well, survey has been used by the department. The dataset collected by the department is collected through use of secondary data (Social science research methods, 2015). The secondary data comes from a survey conducted by UK statistics department as England’s Health survey. This research report is dependent upon the data collected during yearly surveys conducted to depict health related attitude in England’s private households.



管理者需要具备技术技能、概念技能和人文技能。他们需要确保理解技术流程并管理员工,同时确保公司的主要目标得以实现(Mito 2013)。本田公司是一家日本汽车制造商。它成立于1948年。与竞争对手相比(Mito 2013),被认为是一家相对较新的汽车生产企业。然而,它已成为汽车和摩托车生产领域的一个强大参与者。在当前产品泛滥的市场中,由于其稳健的管理政策,公司在过去几十年里得以维持。下面将详细讨论管理人员为确保业务的顺利进行而采用的总体框架。计划是根据公司的主要目标制定战略。计划包括审核当前业务流程。随后,根据资源制定行动计划(Weihrich, Koontz, & Cannice, 2013)。本田的计划过程包括为产品设计和商业运营计划制定战略。在此基础上,公司确保为战术规划、战略规划和运营规划制定计划。

最高管理者制定战略计划。它们为规划业务制定了核心目标和总体框架。战术管理包括制定基于战略目标的行动计划。公司中层管理者制定本计划(Mito 2013)。运营管理是一种短期规划模型,它包括战略和战术规划过程的直接目标。本田计划将其业务本地化。在产品开发和设计过程中,公司制定了本地化的产品设计方案。这是根据环境扫描和满足当地社区的要求而得出的。这个可定制的计划确保了公司能够在当地社区维持下去(Mito 2013)。这创造了一种局面,使该公司能够超越丰田。管理者所进行的这些计划活动是动态的计划过程,包括与员工进行头脑风暴。设计计划阶段的灵活性是公司另一个重要的计划过程。


Managers need to have technical skills, conceptual skills and human skills. They need to ensure that they understand the technical process and manage employees whilst ensuring that the primary objectives of the company are met (Mito 2013). Honda Company is a Japanese automobile manufacturer. It was established in the year 1948. It is considered to be a relatively new automobile production company when compared to its competitors (Mito 2013). Yet it has emerged as a strong player in production of automobile and motorcycles. In the current markets inundated with products, the company has sustained in the last few decades owing to its robust management policies. Overall framework adopted by the managers to ensure smooth flow of the operations is discussed in detail in the following. Planning is the development of strategies based on the primary objectives of the company. Planning involves auditing the reviewing the current business processes. Subsequent to this an action plan is devised based on resources (Weihrich, Koontz, & Cannice, 2013). Planning process in Honda involves developing of strategy for the product design and business operation plan. From this the company ensures a plan is developed for tactical planning, strategic planning and operations planning.

The top management devises strategic planning. They set the core objectives and overall framework for the planning operations. Tactical management involves development of an action plan that is based on the strategic objectives. The middle level managers of the company formulate this plan (Mito 2013). Operation management is a short term planning model that encompasses the immediate objectives of the strategic and tactical planning process. Honda planned to localize its operations. For the product developing and design process the company developed a localized product design plan. This was derived based on environmental scanning and meeting requirements of the local communities. This customizable plan ensured that the company was able to sustain in the local communities (Mito 2013). This created a situation where the company was able to surge ahead of Toyota. These planning activities that are undertaken by the managers are dynamic planning processes that encompass brainstorming sessions with employees. Flexibility in designing plan phase is another key planning process undertaken by the company.






Finance has been my favorite subject throughout my graduation and it has become an integral part of my studies. I aspire to become a financial consultant to help various companies in China operate in a better way. I want to make a difference in the financial industry of my country. I can become a successful financial professional only when I set clear goals for myself and attain each goal as per the timelines which I set for myself.Before making decision for my major, I has been considering for all I could. While talking with my dad, we made the decision, which is finance. Not only am I really interested in finance, but also I always learning from my dad about financial things. Also, I love participating in activities which involved mathematics, finance and lot of calculations. When I was an 15 year old boy in high school, I used to collect funds and corporate sponsorship for the school activity and it was my job to calculate how much money would be needed by each activity. This was my first exposure of finance. Since then I have always been in charge of the activities which involves finances etc.I have always been fascinated with finance. Although I have not graduated yet, I have already finished all the finance courses. I really learnt a lot from those classes. When I look back to all my financial classes, I realize that those classes are different kinds of short term objects, leading my way forward.

When I started my financial classes in Cox, with “Advanced Financial Management” and “Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management”, I knew that I made the right decision. Those classes gave me a great view of what finance is all about. After that, “International finance” became a really good course for an international student such as me, who wants to apply the knowledge gained in those classes in international finance like trading from China and America. What’s more, I enhanced my mathematical skills when I was taking “Derivative” class which gave me a great view of how finance works. Last but not the least, “Financial Modeling” gave me information about using all you learnt in the work that I would do in future and that would help me to work with Excel and Bloomberg as well. I think it is most important because I finally know how to use all my knowledge from school, which could only be found in such a great business school, like Cox Business School. I feel grateful for that. After that, I always try to collect the annual reports of the successful companies and try to analyze it and compare it with the company which is not so successful.

personal statement 代写:HIH董事会在传奇中做了什么

personal statement 代写:HIH董事会在传奇中做了什么

当该小组在2001年8月27日结束工作时,估计赤字约在36亿至53亿美元之间。仅仅过了两天,皇家调查委员会就成立了,负责调查原因(HIH破产2001)。这使得这一传奇故事得以展开,成为一份描述糟糕和不当企业政府的遗嘱,审计机构安达信(Arthur Andersen)严重违约。然而,尽管当前的立法改革同时针对审计改革和公司信息披露,但仍在很大程度上侧重于审计改革,特别是在考虑审计独立性时(HIH Bankruptcy 2001)。据说,糟糕的会计和糟糕的管理最终导致了大多数公司的倒闭。最引人注目的证据是,HIH公司管理不善,至今仍被视为长期保守。正如皇家委员会的报告所指出的,“一般保险公司资产负债表上最大的一项就是为未来索赔预留的准备金”(Marquardt 2010)。

personal statement 代写:HIH董事会在传奇中做了什么
为了作出这一规定,保健处审计委员会对安徒生提交的评估报告和这些报告的独立精算师具有可靠性。HIH管理层忙于遵循他们的不良做法和糟糕的会计程序。在这种背景下,可以说,大多数企业的倒闭基本上是由于会计和管理不善(HIH Bankruptcy 2001)。毫无疑问,证明HIH管理不善的最明显证据是其持续的储备不足。正是HIH董事会的低效导致了HIH的失败(Marquardt 2010)。从这项研究中可以看出,行政长官的管辖范围内没有明确界定的界限,因此,在某些领域,这种制度失去了控制,因此没有得到执行局的赞赏。执行局对一些问题缺乏公认的政策,因此对执行局保持保留。因此,这些问题似乎是由行政长官处理的。管理层控制了董事会的时间表(Napier 2010)。

personal statement 代写:HIH董事会在传奇中做了什么

When the group had been wound up on 27th August in the year 2001, the estimated deficiency was approximately between 3.6 billion dollars and 5.3 billion dollars. Only after two days, there was an establishment of Royal Commission of Inquiry for investigating the cause (HIH Bankruptcy 2001). This allowed the unfolding of this saga as a testament depicting poor and improper corporate government, with the significant involvement of a default by the auditor, Arthur Andersen. However, even though as targeting both audit reform and corporate disclosure, current legislative reforms had heavily weight the side of audit reform, specifically when considering the independence of auditor (HIH Bankruptcy 2001).It has been stated that poor accounting and bad management end up causing majority of the corporate failures. The testament that was most striking was bad management at the company of HIH that was still considered as a chronic under- reservation. As noted by the Report of Royal Commission, ‘the largest single item on the balance sheet of the general insurer is the provision that sets aside for payment of future claims’ (Marquardt 2010).

personal statement 代写:HIH董事会在传奇中做了什么
In order to make this provision, the board of HIH had a reliability of reports of assessments and independent actuaries of these reports presented by Andersen. The HIH management was busy in following their bad practices and poor accounting procedures. In this context, it can be stated that most of the corporate failures takes place basically due to poor accounting and bad management (HIH Bankruptcy 2001). There was no doubt that the most evident proof for bad management at HIH was its persistent under-reserving. It was the inefficiency of the HIH board that caused the failure of HIH (Marquardt 2010). It was observed from the study that there was absence of clearly defined limits across the jurisdiction of the chief executive and hence, in some areas resulting as the system being out of control and not being appreciated by the board. There was an absence of well- perceived policy on issues by the board remaining reserved with the boards. And hence, the matters seemed to be coming forward at the disposition of the chief executive. The management controlled the schedule for the board (Napier 2010).






Internal candidates can’t always fill the vacant positions in an organization because of the fact that internal recruitment renders the firm with a very limited option of talent which is available in the firm. This stops the arrival of the fresh talent into the organization; this also means that if the firm is solely focusing on internal recruitment then the choice upon the available candidates is quite narrow. The firm might look to bring in new candidates which would render a sense of freshness in the organization. At the same time, another reason behind the same is that the firm might be looking out to hire an expertise into an organization which could lead a certain team and at the same time bring in some new values to the firm. Most of the firms also tend to undertake the method of external recruitment rather than an internal recruitment as there is a huge risk in promoting an employee within the same organization.

This is because of the fact that it might bring in the feeling of professional jealousy amongst the peers who might regard themselves as to be equally deserving, skilled and talented. The feeling of jealousy amongst the employees of the same organization could go a long way and this might also impact the relationships amongst the peers (Alonso 2003). Lastly, the current staff of the organization most of the times lacks an innovative outlook which could be brought in by only an outsider. Hence, an external recruitment could result in different ways of doing the work and also bring in some fresh ideas of the entire organization. By maintaining the status quo, a business is more likely to stagnate. The business could be energized and innovated with the help of the new blood in the organization.



几乎所有的昆虫都有很多天敌。防御共生体可以帮助宿主避免来自自然敌人的攻击。直接地说,由于细菌通常具有致病性基因,并产生具有毒素或阻抑作用的生物活性物质。在共生关系中,昆虫具有这些防御特性。间接地,共生可以刺激宿主启动免疫系统抵御入侵或“争夺”有限的宿主资源。这一领域是当前研究的热点。因为昆虫和共生体之间的相互作用可以用更高的营养水平来解释。汉密尔顿氏体防御已被确定为一种防御共生体之间的联系。pisum和寄生蜂Aphidius ervi。H.defensa降低了A.ervi的寄生率。对共生体基因型进行了分子水平的分析;说明毒性直接对拟寄生物幼虫产生负面影响。蚜虫携带h.s aphid的抗性是通过引起拟寄生物发育幼虫的死亡而获得的,而拟寄生物幼虫的死亡通常是由拟寄生物幼虫死亡引起的。

尽管有些蚜虫能成功地发育成成虫,但与没有防御系统的无共生蚜虫相比,它们的健康状况有所下降。大多数H. defensa菌株被认为对A. ervi具有保护作用。防御工蜂是一种生活在蚜虫共生体内的细菌。描述了昆虫王域菌与Photorhabdus之间的关系。与其他内共生体一致,它的重点是为蚜虫提供针对拟寄生物的保护。它也因烟粉虱的栖息地而闻名。这表明H. defensa保护蚜虫不受A. ervi的侵害。不同的H.defensa菌株具有不同程度的保护作用,从减少寄生小到完全覆盖。从克拉西沃拉蚜虫中分离出一株H.防御菌株,对A.ervi也有抗性。我们已经知道,一些直接的保护途径是通过毒素杀死蚜虫的寄生性幼虫。但有关诱导植物防御的间接保护途径会降低寄生蜂的引诱力的研究还很少。


Virtually all insects have a lot of natural enemies. Defensive symbionts can help their host avoid attacking from nature enemies. Directly, since bacteria usually possess pathogenicity genes and produce bio-active contents that function as toxins or deterrents. During symbiotic associations, insects will have these defensive properties. Indirectly, symbiont can stimulate to start the host immune system against invasions or “fight for” limited host resources. This area is real hot in current research. For the interactions between insects and symbionts can be explained in higher trophic levels.Hamiltonella defensa has been identified as a defensive symbiont in the association between A.pisum and parasitoid Aphidius ervi. The H.defensa reduced the rate of parasitism of A.ervi. The analyses of symbiont genotype on molecular level have been shown; it suggested that toxicity is directly giving negative impact to the parasitoid larva. The resistance of aphid carrying H.defensa is conferred by causing mortality of developing larvae of the parasitoid, which usually kill the parasitoid larva.

Although some will develop into adults successfully, compared to regular growth from the symbiont- free aphids without H.defensa, they suffer reducing fitness. Most strains of H. defensa are conferred to have protective function against A. ervi. H. Defensa is a bacteria living in a symbiont of aphids. It depicts the relationship between Regiella insecticola and Photorhabdus. In alignment with other endosymbionts, it focuses on providing protection to aphids against parasitoids. It is also well known for the habitation of Bemisia tabaci. This shows H. defensa protect aphids from A. ervi. Different H.defensa strains have different level of protecting effect, from small reduction of parasitism to being completely covered. One strain of H. defense have been isolated from aphids craccivora, also have resistance to A.ervi.21 It is already known that some about the direct protect pathway is via toxin to kill parasitoid larva in the aphids. But about indirect protect pathway of inducing plant defenses will reduce attraction of parasitoid wasps is known little.



与独裁政权相比,民主创造了与文化进步和经济增长相关的更好机会(Streeck, 2011, p-20)。财富和米尔顿·弗里德曼等学者也提出,经济发展是通过更高程度的权利来促进的,经济自由化也是通过民主来促进的(Henderson, Appelbaum, and Ho, 2013, p.1245)。为了实现可持续的长期增长,民主受到各国的青睐。关于经济增长与民主之间的关系,目前还没有形成具体的共识(Kai-Shek, 2012)。当考虑到中国的经济增长与民主,那么可以看到,中国不存在民主党派,政府官员的选择没有选举(Brown, 2011)。尽管如此,中国多年来仍在经历强劲的经济增长,这也是许多西方国家好奇中国成功背后的确切原因(Garver, 2011)。

中国一直是其他发展中国家研究中国经济增长背后的各种因素的鼓舞人心和宝贵的榜样(Guthrie, 2012)。中国采用“中国式社会主义”来提高经济增长率(Liu, and Chen, 2012, p-45)。另一方面,中国的政府也发起了经济改革。中国的政府在资源配置中发挥着重要作用(Breslin, 2011, p-1333)。相反,中国共产党否认市场机制在中国适用,尽管许多专家一致认为中国市场对自由贸易和企业开放(Naughton, 2010, p-453)。在一定程度上,很难将政治与国家的经济增长区分开来(Stockmann, 2013)。中国政府全力支持中国保持经济增长速度,但同时保持对特定贸易和交易的绝对干预权力(Breslin, 2013, p-623)。


In contrast to the authoritarian regimes better opportunities related to cultural progress and economic growth are created by democracy (Streeck, 2011, p-20). It is also suggested by scholars such as Wealth and Milton Friedman that economic development is fostered through the higher degree of rights and economic liberalization is also promoted by the democracy (Henderson, Appelbaum, and Ho, 2013, p.1245). For a sustainable long term growth democracy is preferred by the various nations. Still no concrete consensus is established on the correlations between economic growth and democracy (Kai-Shek, 2012). When China is considered for economic growth with democracy then it is observed that there are no democratic parties existing in China and for selection of government officials no elections takes place (Brown, 2011). Still china is experiencing strong economic growth since years and it has also been a reason of curiosity for many of the Western countries of knowing the exact reason behind the success of China (Garver, 2011).

China has always been an inspiring and valuable example for other developing nations for studying the various factors behind the economic growth of the country (Guthrie, 2012). The “Chinese style Socialism” is adopted by China for increasing the rate of economic growth in the country (Liu, and Chen, 2012, p-45). On the other hand the Government of China also initiates the economic reforms. An important role is played the government of China in resource allocation (Breslin, 2011, p-1333). On the contrary it is denied by the Communist Party of China that the market mechanisms are applied in the country although it is agreed by many of the experts that Chinese markets are opened for free trade and businesses (Naughton, 2010, p-453). It is difficult up to certain to separate politics from the economic growth of the country (Stockmann, 2013). Full support is provided by the government of China for maintaining the pace of economic growth in the country but at the same time they maintain their absolute power of intervening in specific trades and transactions (Breslin, 2013, p-623).