
在該病例中,安娜·雷是一名中年婦女,患有腸道腫瘤並接受了手術。從病人過去的記錄可以明顯看出,她曾在2005年因血栓導致踝關節骨折,並在1993年出現膀胱吊帶問題。因此,對於膀胱唱歌的患者來說,在腹腔鏡手術中對她的bowler腫瘤需要格外的注意。因此,從Anna Ray的病例研究中可以看出,患者需要適當的護理,以滿足術後的需要,幫助她恢復。從病例研究中發現的主要問題是,儘管知道病人過去的健康史,但為預防安娜·雷而開的一些藥並不那麼合適。這反映在安娜手術後服用昂丹司瓊靜脈10ml的情況下,這符合被調查患者的具體要求,有助於防止在手術過程中噁心嘔吐。然而,在安娜·雷的病例中,儘管給她注射了10毫升昂丹司瓊IV,病人還是明顯感到噁心。

此外,在給她提供昂丹司瓊劑量之前,還需要確定她的家族長QT綜合徵史。因此,這可能對病人的健康更加不利。此外,從患者手術過程中給予Moxlon IV 20ml的劑量可以看出,這主要是為了治療膝關節疼痛。安娜患有壓力性尿失禁,為此她用了膀胱吊帶,但經常給她服用生理鹽水。這影響了病人在接受靜脈鹽水注射的後期,並進一步導致她的尿量減少。因此,可以說沒有考慮到她的具體需求(Loftus, 2012)。病人花了很長時間才穩定下來,因為給她的藥物給她的膀胱加壓,因此缺乏有效的醫療和臨床干預措施。因此,從Anna的案例中可以看出這三個主要的問題。


In the given case of the patient, Anna Ray is a middle age woman and suffering from bowel tumour and went through surgery. From the past records of the patient, this has been evident that once she had the problem of broken ankle with a blood clot during 2005, and she had the problem of bladder sling during 1993. Therefore, for the patient having bladder sing, this is all the more required to take extra care during the laparoscopic operations for her bowler tumour. Therefore, from the case study of Anna Ray, it is evident that the patient needs proper care in order to help her to recover by meeting with the post-surgical needs. The main problem which are being identified from the case study is that despite the knowing the past health history of the patient, some of the medicines which are being prescribed in case of Anna Ray was not that suitable. This is reflected from the case of Anna during the post-surgical period that she was given a dose of Ondansetron IV 10ml, and this is in line with the person’s specific requirements of the patient under investigation and help prevent nausea and vomiting during the process. However, in the case of the Anna Ray, this is evident despite giving her the dose of Ondansetron IV 10ml, the patients were having nausea.

Moreover, before providing her the dose of Ondansetron, this was required to determine her family history of long QT syndrome. Therefore, this might have turned out to be more adverse for the health of the patient. Moreover, further apparent from the case that the patient was given with the dose of Moxlon IV 20ml during the process of surgery but, this was mainly meant for the knee pain treatment purpose.Anna was suffering from the problem of stress urinary incontinence, for which she had bladder sling but providing her with the frequent doses of saline. This affected the patient in the post stages of being subjected to intravenous saline and further resulted in her less urine output. Therefore, this can be said that her specific need were not taken into consideration (Loftus, 2012). The patient took ample time to get stabilized as the medicines given to her pressurised her urinary bladder and thus, there was lacking of effective medical and clinical interventions. Therefore, these are the three main issues that can be identified from the case of Anna.