

One of the articles that were published by the Associated Press on the NY Times indicated the accusation made by Nikki Haley, U.S. Ambassador. The acquisition suggested that the Iran and Herzbollah which is its ally are conspiring to widely spread extremist ideologies across the Middle East (The Associated Press). The article suggested that Haley, being the president of Security Council, had asked the members to maintain focus on the conflict causing factors within the region during the meeting that takes place on a monthly basis for mitigation of the Middle East’s situation (The Associated Press). This indicates that the US media is deliberately portraying terrorism and subsequent terrorism concerns for the population. Another article reported that the organizations from China and Iran are signing the initial commercial contract for the Iranian nuclear plant’s redesign (Reuters). The nation of Iran has indicated as per the reports that the 40 megawatt nuclear plant is used for the development of isotopes required for the medical treatments like cancer and that any of the nuclear activities that takes place is not for the developing weapons. The third article established that the United States has triggered the Security Council of United Nations to concentrate on the dangerous and illegal behavior depicted by the Hezbollah group with Lebanese and Iranian origin within the Middle East (Reuters). As indicated by one of the above discussed reports, Iran has dismissed the accusations. The reporting identifies that it was the United States that attempted to lead the meeting against the Iran (Reuters). Another article indicated a warning issued by Syria, Iran and Russia to US for the launching any strikes in Syria (The Associated Press) indicating the development of terrorism through media.
One of the researchers utilized current news flow theory in order to undertake systematic survey of variables from the varied groups for explaining the underlying reason of nation being mentioned across the international news across the globe (Segev 200-222). The collection of data over three years identified that the patterns of news reporting are remarkable common across range of countries. The news flow theory identified that the economic power remained the most prominent variable linked with the frequency of nation’s discussion amid international news. Apart from this, the trade of bilateral nature was identified along with recognition of relatedness. The geographical and social spheres were seen to be common amid the nations (Segev 200-222). This is particularly related to the thesis since the geographical orientation of Iran being a Muslim nation and social spheres of international military and politics conflict serves as a steady source of high reader engagement for the newspaper organizations. However, it is critical to note that the political reporting was given more preference since the variables identified were event based. The intensity of conflict differed significantly for similar reporting for two kinds of nations. The research argued that the international conflicts that comprised of Muslims in the Non-Muslim nations were given attention and coverage. The thesis of the paper can be addressed with identification that Muslim nations are considered as more newsworthy by the media operations across the globe than the other nations. It was found that Iran has remained a constant reporting area regardless of the conflicts that take place (Segev 200-222). Therefore, the variable of relatedness and the variable of number of Muslims are identified. Since Iran is a Muslim nation, the interactions that commonly take place across the nations further become the topic of interest due to the preference given to these variables.

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