

Easy Jet組織需要根據其外部和內部的業務環境,在更多的地區擴展其服務或領土,以進一步增長。為了提高盈利能力,該組織有各種不同的選擇,它可以遵循這些選擇來增長,贏得更多的消費者和收入。以下所遵循的不同的選項,可以簡單的飛機運營組織在歐洲航空業:開發一個優化資源利用計劃,確保公司利用其各種有形和無形的資源最優水平得到大多數來自這些資源輸出,降低成本和增加效益。通過提供更多創新設計的產品,通過提高易捷達組織提供的服務質量,將易捷達的消費基礎擴大到更多的消費者。改變組織的營銷策略,以吸引更多忠實於其他航空公司或使用高級航空公司的消費者。 Easy Jet還可以根據市場情況對併購等不同的擴張方式進行評估,選擇將服務擴展到歐洲更多的地區(Enz, 2010)。 Easy Jet利用其戰略業務方法為員工創造一個令人鼓舞的、積極的工作環境,作為提高員工生產力的一種方式。這樣的方法對組織來說是非常成功的,因為這些方法使得Jet組織能夠利用其資源和運營獲得極大的效率。
對於簡單的Jet組織,有許多不同的策略可以用於行業的增長。對於Easy Jet來說,提高其在歐洲航空業的市場份額,以進一步擴大其在該行業的市場份額,其主要策略之一就是吸引高端航空公司的市場份額。自成立以來,這一基礎就不是Easy Jet組織的目標。然而,現在歐洲航空業市場已經飽和,這對Easy Jet organisation來說既是機遇,也是挑戰,它要讓自己的服務吸引業內富裕的消費者群體,以提高自己的市場份額。易捷航空自成立以來,其品牌形象和營銷策略一直聚焦於低收入人群和更願意使用廉價航空服務的人群。然而,損失的成本肯定是一個吸引人的因素,而且簡易的Jet組織可以使其服務對高收入人群也有吸引力。這樣的戰略不僅可以讓簡單的噴氣機組織能力增加其市場份額,而且可以通過向高端消費者銷售更多的服務,提高該組織的收入(Cherunilam, 2010)。


On the basis of its external and internal business environment, Easy Jet organisation needs to expand its services or territory in more regions in order to grow further. For its aim of increasing its profit making abilities, there are various different options available to the organisation, which it can follow to grow and earn more consumers and revenues. Following are the different options which can be followed by Easy Jet organisation for its operations in European airline industry:Developing an optimum resource utilization plan which ensures that the company makes use of its various tangible and intangible resources on optimum level to get most output from these resources, cutting-costs and increasing benefits. Expanding the consumer base of Easy Jet to more consumers by offering more innovatively designed products and by enhancing quality of services provided by Easy Jet organization. Changing marketing strategy of the organization to appeal to more consumers who are either loyal to other airline companies or make use of premium airlines. Easy Jet can also select the option of expanding its services to more territories in Europe by making assessment of different expansion methods such as merger and acquisition based on market conditions (Enz, 2010).Easy Jet organisation makes use of its strategic business approaches to create an encouraging and positive workplace scenario for its employees, as a way of enhancing productivity among its employees. Such methods have been highly successful for the organisation as these led to Easy Jet organisation achieving great efficiency with its resources and operations.
For Easy Jet organisation, there are many different strategies to grow in the industry which can be used by the organisation.One of the primary strategies for the Easy Jet organisation to increase its market share in European airline industry to grow further in the industry is by appealing to the premium airline market segment. This is the base that has not been a target for Easy Jet organisation since its inception. However, now that the European market for airline industry has saturated, this presents an opportunity as well as a challenge to Easy Jet organisation to make its services appealing to the affluent group of consumers in the industry in order to increase its own market share. Since inception, the brand image and marketing tactics of Easy Jet has been focused on the lower-income people and people who prefer to use services of low-cost airlines. However, lost cost is certainly an appealing factor, and Easy Jet organisation can make its services sound appealing to the higher-income group of people as well. Such a strategy would not just allow Easy Jet organisation ability to increase its market share but also to enhance the revenues earned by the organisation, by selling more services to premium consumers (Cherunilam, 2010).