

布达拉宫位于拉萨市布达拉山的山顶,始建于公元7世纪,是为西藏国王宋坦贡波和唐朝公主文成公主举行盛大婚礼而建。宫殿自建成以来,经过多次扩建,现已成为西藏的政治中心(公元132年)。1645年,清朝任命第五世达赖喇嘛为西藏的宗教领袖和地方世俗领袖。1653年,第五世达赖喇嘛从哲蚌寺迁往大昭寺(Coaldrake 260)。布达拉宫曾是宗教和世俗管理的中心,与文成公主、松赞干布、几代达赖喇嘛等西藏历史上的重要人物有着密切的联系。这座宫殿被认为是国家的象征,象征着净化过程中所面临的宗教斗争。众所周知,这一神圣的象征符号受到了意想不到的、古老的影响,它以石头般的形式与整个世界联系在一起,成为任何社会和政治社会建筑语言的经典基础。1950年,中国以共产主义形式入侵布达拉宫,并派出84,000多名士兵(Roberts et al. 50)。

自从1959年西藏自治区的政府官员被流放以来,大约有100万人在镇压中被杀害。宝贵的历史记录已经丢失,而布达拉宫的财宝也被洗劫一空。然而,尽管毛的文化大革命摧毁了6000座寺庙,布达拉宫还是保存了下来。这座宫殿一直是hub和达赖喇嘛(Dalai Lama)政治领导层的中心,在该地区拥有近1000座房屋;然而,目前,宫殿包括几个房间,包括会议室、学校、办公室、娱乐场所和住宅(Coaldrake 253)。政府权杖的最高权力是通过整合园林、佛塔、寺院、城堡和宫殿而发展起来的。布达拉宫最引人注目的特点是,它的墙壁与悬崖完美地融合在一起,似乎是建筑庞大地基的一部分。已知的结构是利用自然特征和坡度在环境中混合。有淹没的细节,在巨大的墙壁上的陡峭的截断的金字塔与楼梯复制的模式zig- zag横跨山脊。在建筑中没有使用钉子(第130章)。有简单的石墙和夯土与铜的钢筋,主要似乎是自然的。


Located at the top of Potala Mountain in Lhasa, the Potala Palace was built first in the 7th century, for a grand wedding of Songstan Gompo, the Tibetan King and Wencheng, the Princess of Tang Empire. Since its completion, there has been an expansion of the palace several times, making it a political hub of Tibet (Ching 132). In the year 1645, there had been an appointment of 5th Dalai Lama by the Qing Dynasty as the religious leader and local temporal of Tibet. In the year 1653, from Drepung Monastery, the 5th Dalai Lama moved to the palace (Coaldrake 260). The Potala Palace had been a center for both, religious and temporal administration having a close connection with several significant figures in the Tibetan history like Princess Wencheng, Songtsan Gompo and a number of generations of Dalai Lama. The palace is considered as symbolizing the nation, and illustrating the religious struggle faced in the process of purification. Unexpected and ancient influences are known to be relating this sacred symbolism in stoned form for the entire world, having a classic fundamental of architectural language to any social and political society. The Potala Palace had a scene of major protests after China, in its communism form invaded in the year 1950 with an army of more than 84,000 soldiers (Roberts et al. 50).

Approximately 1 million populations have been killed from the suppression of China since the government officials of Tibet had been exiled in the year 1959. The priceless records of history had been lost, while there had been a looting of treasures of Potala. However, even though there had been a destruction of 6,000 monasteries by the cultural revolution of Mao, there had been a preservation of Potala Palace. The palace had been serving as a hub to the political leadership of Hub and Dalai Lama with almost 1,000 houses in the area; however, currently, the palace is inclusive of several rooms that include meeting halls, schools, offices, entertainment venues, and residence (Coaldrake 253). The supreme power of the government scepter had been developed by integrating gardens, stupas, monasteries, castle and palace. The most noticeable attribute of the Potala Palace is how the walls seamlessly blend across the cliffs, appearing to be a part of the massive foundations of the building. The structure is known to be utilizing natural features and slopes for blending within the environment. There are swamped detailed of the craggy truncated pyramid in the giant walls with stairways reproducing the patterns of zig- zag across mountain ledges. There had been no use of nails within construction (Ching 130). There had been a reinforcement of simple stone walls and rammed earth with copper that main appeared to be natural.