

学校的氛围促进了师生之间人际关系的发展。应该有多样化的教育经验,并让学生接触到各种各样的教学工具,让学生获得对问题的全面看法(Anyon 137)。应该增加课堂教学材料,兼收并蓄的社会阶层背景,以及接触高等学校的教育模式。教师应该花更多的时间在准备上,教育委员会应该向教师灌输关于教学方法的密集和详尽的要求,以及教师的热情和积极态度(Anyon 138)。罗斯在《我只想做个普通人》(I Just want to Be ordinary)一书中提出的意识形态支持了这一观点。罗斯的观点是,他在职业学校接受早期教育时,认为自己是一个“普通”学生。他把他的学术能力归功于他的低水平学校的环境。罗斯说,由于文化和社会的细微差别,他对世界及其问题的看法局限于学校的模式。这进一步说明,学生所在社区的社会经济地位与他们接受的教育质量成正比。
换句话说,精英社会可以获得更好的教育和学术设施。在《我只想做个普通人》中,迈克·罗斯讲述了他在职业学校的教育经历和知识获取过程。这也被修辞上称为底层阶级。罗斯不小心被这所学校录取了,但是他继续和低年级的学生一起学习。他写道,“我被安排在职业轨道上,这是底层的委婉说法”(Rose 124)。在这所学校里,老师们想要避免教室里的暴力和肢体冲突。他举了一个例子,他的二年级英语老师Mitropetros先生说,“他几乎没有接受过英语培训,所以他的日常工作课程计划让我们阅读了地区要求的课文”(Rose 125)。他引用了另一个弟弟迪尔的例子,他的大一英语老师是一个“不稳定”和“麻烦”的人(Rose 124),因为经常当课堂失去控制时,他会对学生大喊大叫(Rose 125)。


School’s climate fosters the development of interpersonal relations between teachers and students. There should be diversity in the educational experience and exposure of the students to the various teaching tools for the student to gain comprehensive view of the issues (Anyon 137). There should be increase in the teaching material in classrooms, eclectic social class background, and exposure to the higher rating schools education patterns. There should be more time spent by teachers on preparation, intensive and exhaustive requirements of the board of education about teaching methods should be instilled in the teacher along with passionate positive attitudes of teachers (Anyon 138). This is bolstered by the ideology of Rose’s work, in “I Just Wanna Be Average”. The argument made by Rose is that he considered him to be an “average” student during his early education at vocational school. He attributed his scholastic capabilities to the environment of his low-level school. Rose states that owing to the cultural and the social nuances, his view of the world and its issues become limited to the paradigm in the school. This further states that socioeconomic status of the community a student lives in is directly proportional to the quality of education they receive.
In other words, elite society can gain access to better educational and scholastic facilities. In I Just Wanna Be Average, Mike Rose narrates his educational experience and knowledge gaining process in the vocational school. This also rhetorically called bottom-level class. Rose was accidentally enrolled in this school, nevertheless, he continued his education with lower class students. He wrote that “I was placed in the vocational track, a euphemism for the bottom level” (Rose 124). In this school, the teachers wanted to avoid violence and physical fighting in the classroom. He gave an example of his Sophomore English teacher, Mr. Mitropetros stating “he had little training in English, so his lesson plan for his day work had us reading the district’s required text” (Rose 125). He quoted another example of Brother Dill, his freshman English teacher as was “unstable” and “troubled” man (Rose 124) because very often when the class was out of his control, he would scream at the students (Rose 125).