
基于CND研究和英国压力集团运营的研究,发现压力集团的存在强化了社会偏见。社会阶层的形成将不那么重要,不论教育或工作形式如何,都应该有更多的参与。然而,在CND的情况下,有人注意到,大多数人不是工人阶级,与年平均水平相比,他们受到了更好的教育。同样,有效的治理可能会受到破坏。 接下来代写-CND研究和英国压力集团的研究范文分享如下:

Frank Parkin’s book on “Middle Class Radicals” also highlighted that the protests of the CND at that time would not just have been for the issue of nuclear testing but could have indeed been an amalgamation of many issues, some political and some moral in nature. In this case, the pressure group advocacy can be said to be for many issues rather than one, and thus being fluid led to only confusions in the public on what to uphold (Parkin, 1968). Also the demographic of the CND supporters were mostly the youth and the middle-class white colored workers which once again bring into context the issue of how proper participation might not be available in pressure groups. Based on the CND study and research on pressure groups operating in Britain, it has been observed that there is a reinforcement of social bias because of the pressure groups. Social class formations would be less important and there should be more involvement irrespective of education or the form of work. However, in the case of the CND, it was noticed that the majority were not the working class and had better education compared to the annual average. Similarly, effective governance might get undermined. When reading about the first march of the CND, the reader gets the idea that the people protestors were not exactly collected in what they were protesting for. They were being led forward in protest and they seem to have followed. The protest seemed to lack a sense of professional activism here. As presented in a research article, “The contribution of these citizen groups to the democratic process is substantial. They have, in particular, some successes in challenging and checking the privileged power of business”, (Grant, 2003, p. 56). The media and the general public more often than not end up accepting the power of pressure groups quite blindly and herein could also lay the fault.

A Pluralist democracy has to have political parties and pressure groups as these are both in essence demanding of interest trends for the people. Political parties and pressure groups however, are different as organizations because they might make different forms of demands on the Government. Britain in having a decline of political associations which are more traditional in nature and which influence the representative system is seen to have many organizations external to the system which affect the policy development. These are the pressure groups. However, the power of the pressure groups needs to be checked when it comes to the democracy creation. They might have the ability to distort democracy mainly because of the way the pressure groups are seen to have unlimited veto power. They also tend to increase social demarcations and should actually go down when protesting a cause as seen in the case of the CND. The example and research evidence indicates that some elements of pressure groups, their agenda and more would need to be checked in order to ensure their purpose is met effectively.

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