
  在本篇代写essay-Descanso花园的维护和管理中,Descanso花园的维护和管理部门在提升花园的美丽方面扮演着重要的角色,从而吸引人们定期参观这个地方。同样,维修部门也面临着各种各样的问题,比如如何确定合适的鲜花质量,让游客满意(Descanso, 2017)。目前,Descanso花园的管理人员面临着公众的质疑,因为他们忽略了花园里的3000朵玫瑰。这一行动主要是为了改善花园的排水系统,进一步帮助保存水,减少25%的水费。Descanso花园的管理每年产生的维护费约为65 112美元,其中一般包括种植新花和改善整个Descanso花园的房舍。空间管理者在合理利用每年拨给Descanso花园的预算方面扮演着重要角色,因为他们负责为游客开发新的景点(Ghose和Pettygrove, 2014)。据观察,最初的预算通常是通过捐赠、费用、洛杉矶县的支持、会员和慈善家等方式累积而来,大约是640万美元,2015年花园的最终成本约为1717209美元。接下来有关代写essay-Descanso花园的维护和管理提供给大家阅读。

  The various projects which are generally undertaken by the space managers in Descanso Gardens are in collaboration with different clients which play a major role in attracting private and public bodies to use the space in the garden to develop new projects (Crossan et al., 2016). For example, one of the most successful projects of Descanso Gardens was undertaken by The Portico Group which mainly focused on enhancing the sustainability of the garden. The value of the project launched by The Portico Group was huge as it helped to turn the garden into a source of recycling and disposing of waste materials from the garden. The key elements associated with this project are to improve the water storage level of the garden so that it can be beneficial during dry seasons (Descanso, 2017). The members of The Portico Group majorly focused on all the major areas of the garden and implemented their latest applications and technologies to maintain the mission and vision of the garden. The project of the Portico Group initially started in 2009 and it took around 1 year to finally complete the project. During the process of completion of the project, the members as well as the community surrounding the Descanso Gardens were largely benefited as the sustainable project helped in controlling the amount of waste which was generated from the gardens and also assisted in recycling them for future use. According to Drake and Lawson (2014), it was observed that community gardens in US plays a major role in attracting government and other gardeners to focus on develop the vacant role into greenery in order to improve the eco-system of the country (Drake and Lawson, 2014).

  It can be concluded by saying that Board of Members of Los Angeles County have focused on enhancing the efficiency of the Descanso Gardens in order to improve the revenue of the state. The limitation of this garden is that the maintenance department does not take initiatives to clean the garden during off-seasons as it is owned by the government. Thus, it can be recommended to the management of Descanso Garden to introduce as a decorative garden. This aspect of decorative garden would pave the path for ornamental plants and initiate the landscape design project. Researches have proved that the ornamental plants for decorative garden have no value expect for being attractive and producing distinctive aromas. There are other groups of researchers who believe that the shape, size, color and aroma of the ornamental plants provide distinct values to the public. Moreover, the maintenance department of Descanso Gardens must also consider implementing the concept of garden management which would allow the gardeners to focus on open spaces to use it for horticulture.

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