

在生活的各個方面,每個人的人際交往能力都得到了觀察和檢驗,因此,具有很強人際交往能力的人在個人和職業領域都取得了成功。人際有效性指的是幫助我們參與和理解人際關係的技能,幫助我們在優先事項和需求之間找到平衡,也就是平衡“想”和“應該”,從而幫助我們形成掌控感和自我尊重感。人際交往能力對於幸福生活至關重要,幸福生活取決於溝通和溝通與人際關係的關係。這篇文章討論了建立和保持有效的人際交往技能非常必要的因素,以及它們必須保持和保持的原因(Geller, & Srikameswaran, 2015)。人際效能是指兩個或多個個體之間成功的溝通。


在人際交往中,衝突的傾向是不可避免的,因為沒有兩個個體是相同的,因為他們都有不同的觀點,不同的心態,所以沖突必鬚髮生在人際交往中,通過人際交往的有效性發生。很多衝突對關係都是破壞性的,但是如果處理得當,很多衝突會對發展關係產生積極的影響。因為它有助於提高個體之間的理解、耐心和寬容,從而加强两個個體之間的聯繫(Langan, Blake, & Lonsdale, 2013)。文化意識是有效溝通的主要支柱,它包括僅從我們自己站起來的能力。它讓我們意識到我們的文化價值觀、觀念和根深蒂固的信仰。文化意識將幫助我在一個跨文化的社會中生存,從而影響我成功的人際關係和職業關係。


In every aspects of life, the interpersonal skills of an individual are observed and tested thus people having strong interpersonal skills succeed in personal and professional fields of life. Interpersonal Effectiveness means the skills that helps us to attend and understand relationships, helps us in balancing between priorities and demands which also refers as balancing ‘wants’ versus ‘should’, thus helping in developing a sense of mastery and self-respect. Interpersonal skills are very essential to live a happy life as happy life depends on communication and communication relates with interpersonal relationship. This writing discusses the factors which are very essential to build and maintain effective interpersonal skills, and what is the cause that they must be kept polished and maintained (Geller, & Srikameswaran, 2015). Interpersonal effectiveness is referred as a successful communication between two or more individuals.

The tendency of conflicts are inevitable in the case of interpersonal communication, as no two individual are same, as they all have different opinion, different mindsets, so conflicts are must in interpersonal communication which happens through interpersonal effectiveness. Much conflict is very disruptive to relationships, but if it has been handled with care, much conflict can contribute very positively in developing a relationship. As it helps in improving understanding, patience, and tolerance amongst individual, thus strengthening the bonding between two individual (Langan, Blake, & Lonsdale, 2013). Cultural awareness is the main pillar of effective communication, and it includes the capability to stand back from only ourselves. And it makes us aware of our cultural values, perceptions, and deep rooted beliefs. Cultural awareness will help me in surviving in a cross cultural society, thus it effects in my successful personal and professional relationships.