

国家计划的出版政策框架做了更换前的唯一议程系统以某种形式或其他存在自1947年的城乡规划法案的引入而简化的实际过程计划(Cullingworth & Nadin,2006)。取得了稳定和平衡的形式通过各种方法如:约1000页的简化规划政策声明这是40文档在一个文档组成的50 – 60页,删除重复的政策并删除不必要的数据导致的系统有时自相矛盾。虽然英语计划系统相当稳定和平衡,但一些改革已使通过可以通过地方主义法案,这将减少中央控制通过改变国家计划生育政策。此外,它还将帮助简化程度的指导和更多的权力将回归当地社区。地方主义作为一个例子,政府引入了自底向上的方法使当地社区决定水平的住房要求的地区,开发共享的好处。这是作为政府采取必要措施取消区域空间战略。


The publication of the National Planning Policy Framework was done with the sole agenda of replacement of the previous system which in some form or the other was in existence since the Town and Country Planning Act of 1947’s introduction while streamlining the actual process of planning (Cullingworth & Nadin, 2006). The stability and the balance has been achieved in this form by various methods like: the simplification of about 1000 pages of planning policy statement which is of 40 documents in a single document comprising of just 50-60 pages, removal of the duplication from the policy and also the removal of unnecessary data which led to the system that at sometimes contradicted itself.  Although the English planning system is quite stable and balanced, but some of the reform which have been brought through could help to pass the Localism Act and it would reduce the level of central control by changing the national planning policy. Moreover, it would also help in the simplification of level of guidance and more power would be handed back to the local communities. Localism Act as an example, the government has introduced a bottom up approach which enables the local communities to decide the level of housing which is required in the area and the benefits of the development are shared. This has been done as the government has taken necessary steps to scrap off the Regional Spatial Strategies.