
1901年為統一所有島嶼而制定了澳大利亞憲法。在這一框架內,有意將土著居民和托雷斯海峽島民排除在《憲法》之外。原住民被認為是土地的原始所有者(Williams, 2014)。然而,人民一直生活在這片土地上,憲法不承認他們的存在。這是一個被廣泛討論的問題。澳大利亞人民一直在討論如何把被排斥的群體包括進來。然而,還沒有一個有凝聚力的政治行動來改變這一共識。公民投票被提議通過修改澳大利亞憲法來包括並賦予原始居民土地的權利(Williams, 2014)。可行性將由人民來決定。他們將通過投票來做出選擇。本代寫論文費用-澳大利亞憲法修改的分析目的在於瞭解澳洲公民投票修改憲法以承認原住民與托列斯海峽諸島。

The legal document came into effect on 1st January 1901 and the only way to make changes in the constitution is to ensure that the voices of the citizens are heard in this process. For a referendum to be passed, there must be a support of the majority of the states in the nation and the overall national majority of the people. Of the 44 referendum proposals in Australia, only 8 have been passed (Royer, 2014). In the 8, only 4 have had separate elections. One of the successful referendums was the referendum in 1967 to include the Australian and Torres Strait islander people to be included in the population count. The federal government made specific laws for the indigenous people. In this, more than 90% of the Australians voted to bring change in the laws and the system (Royer, 2014). Many of the people in Australia assumed that equal rights have been touted in this successful referendum of 1967 (Williams, 2014). They are not aware of the specific clauses in the constitution.
In spite of these changes, there is no specific reference that has been made with respect to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. The advocates argue that the recognition of the Indigenous people is important both symbolically and practically. There are a number of references to race in the documents that enable the government to discriminate against indigenous Australians. Specifically, Section 51 states that
“The Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have power to make laws for the peace, order, and good government of the Commonwealth with respect to:- …(xxvi)” (Williams, 2014)
Section 127 states that
“In reckoning the numbers of the people of the Commonwealth, or of a State or other part of the Commonwealth, aboriginal natives shall not be counted’. Both of these sections were changed in 1967 after 90.77% of eligible voters voted in a referendum to change the Constitution to remove the words ‘… other than the aboriginal people in any State…’ from section 51(xxvi)” (Williams, 2014)
In the current times, many of the Australians are not aware of the laws in the Constitution that permits the tenets of racial discrimination. Australia is the only country that allows the people to discriminate against the native people simply based on their race.

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