

The data analysis that is done is founded on qualitative analysis. It can be found that the best form of comprehension of the requirement in this case needs qualitative analysis. As mentioned earlier, service design and resource management are the two areas that need to be determined. The design in a service refers to the conceptual exercise of creating the functional nature of the process that is created prior to the creation. An ad hoc nature of the service design needs to be revisited and that refers to the service faults. To understand the service-design, the most important aspect is to gain understanding of the outside-in perspective (Freitas and Barros, 2016). These are grounded on the emotional charting and analysis of the consumer experience from this aspect. As an inception step, factoring in of the customer experience analysis has been done. Emotional mapping is a method where there can be highlight the emotions of the patient in cases of a particular service experience. This is an important aspect and is given to the increasing role of the emotions that exist within the healthcare environment. Once it has been completed, the main of the report would be to explore the emotional mapping that is in relationship with the service concept. The customer experience analysis and the emotional mapping are aimed towards drawing the customer and the informal patient interviews. The second factors that stems from the resource management can be stated as a service process that has sufficient aspect to deal with the higher level of customer demand. These are more complex that exists between the service environments. These furthermore are constructed on the public nature that is appropriate in the cases of UK healthcare. In this schema, the demand exceeds through the supply. The overall heuristically process of the patient and the service design have been detailed in the following.
It has been observed that the consumer arrive at the restaurant, and they try to park their car. This is the most important factor that causes the patient to develop comprehension about the services that are rendered (Freitas and Barros, 2016).
The signs are pretty obvious with the signs that have high visibility.
The receptionist tries to address the requirement and ask the concierge to guide the people towards the spaces (Freitas and Barros, 2016).
The consumers are made to wait in a lounge area and are called when the doctor is done with the previous patient.

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