

  Some species of ants are known to be farming aphids, while providing protection to them across the plants they are eating. Ants eat the honeydew released by aphids by terminating their alimentary canals. This is considered as a mutualistic relationship. As these ants can be seen dairying, the aphids are milked by them while stroking their back with their own antennae. Some species of ant farming are known to be storing and gathering the eggs of aphid within the nests keeping them warm during winter. During the spring season, the newly hatched aphids are carried by the ants to the place. Some of these species such as the yellow meadow ants succeed in managing aphids in large herds while they fulfil their purpose of feeding in the colony of ant under the roots of the plants.

  Queens who leave their previous colony to form a new one take an egg of aphid for locating a new herd of aphids at underground level within the new colony. These ants which farm help in the protection of aphids as they fight off the predators of aphid. Some colonies of aphid are known to be harboring the symbionts of other bacteria known as secondary symbionts because of their considerably facultative status. There is a vertical transmission of these even though some researches have stated the chance of horizontal transmission. This takes place from one lineage to the other and probably being transmitted from species to others. In the overall context, 89.3 per cent of females were known to be showing behaviour of flight in the tunnel of wind. Out of the females showing behaviour of flying, the share that performed a flight in orientation had been significantly greater in comparison with the share which did not. According to the analysis, the share was 64.2 per cent vs. 35.8 per cent, and hence, X2 = 8.99, d.f. = 1, P< 0.05. Among the females performing an oriented response of flight, a significant variation had been found in the location of landing between the real plants and dummy. According to this analysis, the ratio is 5 per cent vs. 95 per cent as a result of which X2 = 71.09, d.f. = 1, P< 0.05. Among the females landing over real plants, there seems to be no significant variation between uninfested and infested plants, although a trend to land over infested plants had been noted. There seems to be a significant variation in the rate at which there are oriented flights among the two species of wasp.

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