

  students stated that they have volunteered in their home country; one of the respondents did not record their answer for this question. While most of the other questions were either closed ended or partially closed ended, the final question was drafted to be open ended. In this question, the students were asked as to what would make their experience of volunteering in EAP worthwhile for them. Students answered that the experience of helping African children, the unique difference that the charity was creating and more motivates them. Some answered that they had associated degrees in child management and studies and were also continuing internships and thus they would be motivated to volunteer. Some of them associated the lifestyle of children in their own country and then go on to indicate why they would want the same for the children in Uganda.

  Data Analysis based on Existing Literature Research Themes: The question where volunteers were asked on what motivates them to work for EAP, they responded with different answers. Some stated they wanted to know more about a different culture, some stated it was because of their experience and others stated that it was because of their studies or as related to a work experience. Only a few of the participants stated that they were doing it out of charity because it had a good cause. According to the research works presented by the Volunteer Forever, (2011) organization and also the Cnaan, & Goldberg-Glen, (1991) research works, students do get motivated when they believe that their volunteer experience would also serve them somehow. With so much pressure on students, it is hence critical that volunteer organizations should understand the ways students can be motivated to join them. EAP by working with university programs would be able to better attract international student volunteers.

  In the data collected, it is seen that students have had prior volunteering experience and are also shown to have an active interest in volunteering. However, as one student indicated (student said he had never been to Africa and was hence worried about security in the place) there might still be some fears which might deter them from choosing international volunteering. In such cases it is necessary to inform students of opportunities and also of the ways security is provided for volunteers by EAP. EAP has training programs for volunteers and also would handle other arrangements for the volunteers. As Smith et al (2014) indicated the absence of information could lead to demonization of volunteers and hence this situation had to be counteracted with better information sharing.

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