

The relationship between the business corporations and global community is historical as there is interdependence between them. The businesses are concentrating on making a profit and this possible only when they show that is responsible for giving the best to the society. In present days, customers are concerned about the ingredients of which the goods are made up. Investors focus on the ways in which companies handle social issues. This helps to spread goodwill thereby increasing profitability. Moreover, companies need raw material for manufacturing which came from the community, and hence, the corporations need to take of the communities to encourage them thrive (Theaustralian.com.au, 2017).

Lemus (2016) commented that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as the importance which is guided by essential policies to enable the global businesses to work in different cultural setting and create benefit for the entire community and the environment. CSR is the universal language of business compliance that offers social benefit to the business and community. Kellogg’s in its CSR statement clearly claimed that following this universal language by making a commitment to provide healthy and nutritious products, which enable the people to lead a healthy life and the enable the company to meet the ethical standards.
However, as the test initiated by Food Commission and the report of consumer magazine Choice, the breakfast items of Kellogg’s contain a high level of sugar and little dietary fibre. The ingredients that are used by Kellogg’s are harmful to saturated fats (Day, 2016). Hence, it is clear that Kellogg’s CSR statement is not true to the fact, but merely tries to convince the stakeholders. As per the Triple Bottom Line Theory (TPL), people, planet and profit are important factors for organizations to consider. TBL has become quite essential for Australian business as it helps to gain sustainability (Christofi, Christofi, and Sisaye, 2012). Kellogg’s in their CSR statement claims these three factors to be effective and socially responsible, but actually, they are simply trying to make profits disregarding other two factors namely people and planet. Other important aspects of CSR include sustainability, accountability and transparency. In this case, it is evident that Kellogg’s has failed to maintain transparency of product ingredients thereby violating CSR policies. Moreover, this has resulted in their inefficiency to remain accountable and sustainable to the stakeholders.

Fair trade is the exchange between the companies of the developed countries with the producers of the developing countries in which fair prices are paid to the producers. Apart from providing fair returns to the farmers, Fair Trade has created a better working condition for the farmers and has led to the improvement of the terms of trade for the workers and farmers in the developing countries. The farmers are able to control their future and can protect the environment in which they live and work. When the consumers buy goods with the Fair Trade Mark, they are supporting the farmers to improve their livelihoods. Fair Trade helps to safeguard the right of the workers and presence the environment. In 2014, Pacific producers earned $21 million from Fair Trade. This has assisted to social and environmental improvement and Fair Trade Premium Funds are now focused on tackling illiteracy among adults (Fairtrade.com.au, 2017).

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