

The social influence generally comes from the reference groups like discussion forums on an internet, web site links and contact links related to that particular product or virtual communities. Different people’s outlook, view and experiences, have shown to affect consumers. Family is one of social group which influence the individual’s decision-making process.
Personal factors influence the decision-making process which includes gender, occupation, age, education, life style and income status. Younger individuals are mostly interested in online shopping than older ones because of familiarity with the internet. They are more interested in new technologies and search more information and assess other alternatives. Older adults are more traditional shopper and they consider the online shopping as risky business. Cross shopping is stronger in younger generation. Men are more familiar with online shopping than women
Psychological factors like personality of the customer, attitude, motivation and perception influence the online shopping behavior. It makes consumers examine the quality of the product and security of the web site. The consumers ask themselves, whether they should buy online more often or look for a better price. The organization’s success depends upon by providing a confidence to the customers. The personality factor and attitudes may impel consumers to buy things which are suitable to them. It helps the consumer to decide about the products that are suitable to them.
The extended 7 factors are followed below:
People: The staffs of the company play a vital part in running an organization. They must be knowledgeable and supportive and must have excellent skills in handling the customers. Experienced customer support team and knowledgeable staff regarding the product will give value-added benefit about the selling of a product. Customer satisfaction is the key to success in any organization. Therefore, hiring the experienced staff, training and teamwork will add a greater advantage in the smooth running of the business.
Processes: The Company’s policies, services and products are an important aspect in marketing. Customers want to know more about the company before buying. The back office staff must help the customers to give detail analysis of the products before buying and even judge their satisfaction role after buying the products.
Physical Evidence: This is an important factor in maintaining professionalism insurance of the product, bar code and experimentally tested packaging is necessary. It should be visually presented in the packages. It must be fall along with other alternative products. Interaction with the customer through e-chat can assure the physical presence of the staff. A nice layout of the product and company, clear instruction about the equipment or system is necessary.

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