

天文學家為了從沒有到達地球表面的光中收集數據,依靠了高空氣球、高空飛行的飛機、深空和地球軌道上的衛星以及安裝在航天飛機貨艙裡的望遠鏡。由於能夠在太空中發射望遠鏡和技術的迅速進步,多波長天文學的前景極為光明。在未來的時間裡,人們可能會聽到在這個光譜中觀察到的各種各樣的新發現。核光譜望遠鏡陣列允許天文學家在高能x射線中研究宇宙,是一項探索者任務。 2012年6月發射的NuSTAR是地球軌道上第一個聚焦硬x射線的望遠鏡(Chaisson 1995)。與已經觀測到這一電磁頻譜區域的最大的地面天文台相比,預計NuSTAR的性能將大大超過它們。天體物理學任務的重點是探索光譜中其他區域的宇宙;NuSTAR對他們來說是一個非常有用的設備。


Why astronomers put telescope in space?It is all across all the electromagnetic spectrum that the Universe keeps on sending us light. However, most of this radiation or light does not reach the surface of the Earth. Certain kinds of radiations are blocked by our atmosphere and it allows only certain kinds of rays. Our atmosphere for survival of beings on earth blocks out high-energy harmful radiation like gamma rays, X-rays and majority of UV rays. Most of the infrared radiations are absorbed by atmosphere. However, the atmosphere of the earth is transparent to most of the radio waves, visible lights and small windows in the infrared regions. Valuable information for long-term studies of objects in space is provided by these ground-based observatories. However, the light which passes through the atmosphere is only detected by these observatories. Most of the times, our leaning about the universe is from the light which is emitted by the objects in the space. It is essential to examine all of the lights so as to get the completed picture of the mysterious and amazing universe, by utilizing the data sent to us from all the wavelengths. Hence, it is essential to send observatories in the space in order to get above the atmosphere of the Earth which does not allow most of the data to reach us.

Astronomers, in order to gather data from the light which does not reach the surface of the earth, have relied on high-altitude balloons, airplanes flying at high altitudes, satellites in the deep space and orbit of the earth and on telescopes mounted in the cargo bay of the Space Shuttle. The future is extremely bright for the multi-wavelength astronomy because of the ability to send telescopes in the space and rapid advancements of technology. In the time to come, one might be able to hear about various kinds of new discoveries being observed in this spectrum.The Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescopic Array allows astronomers to research and study about the universe in the high energy X-rays and is an Explorer mission. NuSTAR which was launched in June 2012 is the first telescope in the orbit of the Earth which focuses hard X-ray (Chaisson 1995). As compared to the largest observatories based on ground which have seen this region of the electromagnetic spectrum, it is expected that NuSTAR would greatly exceed in terms of performance. The astrophysics missions focus on exploring the cosmos in the other regions of the spectrum; NuSTAR is a very useful device to them.