

企业社会责任(Corporate social responsibility)是指企业为保护环境和社会福利所承担的责任。企业社会责任的概念可能比较模糊,但近年来,对企业社会责任评价的重视程度明显提高。例如,2010年11月,社区商界发表了一篇题为“诚信取胜”的文章。“因此,我们提供了资源和材料,帮助企业衡量它们对社会的影响。企业社会责任对组织有不同的好处(Kotter, 2004)。这包括提高销售水平和市场份额,改善企业形象,降低运营成本,提高投资者和分析师的吸引力,提高吸引、激励和留住员工的能力,加强品牌定位。


企业社会责任的实践和原则可以追溯到很久以前,但是对企业行为的兴趣在20世纪六七十年代的美国有所上升。在此期间,民事监管中实施了很多策略,包括自愿行为准则、社会审计、基于公众利益的决议以及环境绩效。自20世纪90年代以来,人们对企业责任的兴趣已大大增加,值得注意的是,有关这一问题的文章有所增加。超过1000家公司建立了一套已经签署的行为准则,规范了他们的行为(Vogel, 2005)。这包括环境、社会、人权等领域,超过2000家公司已经建立了相关网站。企业的道德和可持续性是由各种趋势所驱动的。


Corporate social responsibility is an expression referring to the responsibility taken by an organization to take care of the effects of the company on the environment and social well-being. The concept of corporate social responsibility may be ambiguous, but in the recent period, a considerable rise in the focus on firms on evaluating the social responsibilities has been experienced. For instance, in November of 2010, the publication by business in the community wrote a piece titled “winning with integrity.” Therefore, resources as well as materials, were provided, which assist companies in measuring the impact they have on the society. Corporate social responsibility has various benefits to the organization (Kotter, 2004). These include improved levels in sales and share of the market, improved corporate image, reduction in operational costs, a rise in the appeal of the investors and analysts, increase of the ability to attract, motivate and retain employees, and strengthened brand positioning.

The practices, as well as the principles of corporate social responsibility date way back, but the interest in the corporate behavior rose in the United States, in the 1960s and 1970s. During this period, a lot of strategies were implemented in civil regulation, and this included code of conduct that was voluntary, social audits, resolutions based on the interest of the public, as well as environmental performance. Since the 1990s, the interest on corporate responsibility has considerably grown, and it is also noteworthy to note the increase in articles on the subject. Corporations exceeding 1000 have established a code of conduct that has been signed, which governs their behavior (Vogel, 2005). This includes areas on their environmental, social, human rights, and more than 2000 firms have established websites on the topic. The corporate ethics and sustainability in organizations are driven by various trends.