

Such images include the phenomenon of the simultaneous contrast. The contrast of the same color makes the image more powerful and thus influences the perception of people looking towards it. Same colors can look different in different backgrounds. Black and white color in the peter and paul goblet crates more perception for the audiences. The perception can be towards the vase or it can be towards the two faces. “Insight into the ways in which these design elements can be harnessed to improve the effectiveness of visual communications design” (O’Connor, 2015). Black and white colors are completely opposite colors thus they make the image more perceptual and appealing. The Gestalt perception theory increases the emphasis on the phenomenon of the ground and surface colors.
In the cultural context, theorists believed that perception is experienced as whole and it could not be experienced in parts. “Edgar Rubin’s figure Peter and Paul Goblet, may appear as two faces in white staring at each other, or a goblet in black framed by two white shapes. It illustrates the interdependence of figure and ground and the way they may flip back and forth with shifts in viewer’s attention” (Kern, 1983). The figure is striking, but ground also plays an important role. Thus the ground plays an important role in other two images as well. Which means, according to cultural context everything element of nature is meant to provide support and to interact with each other.
Gestalt theory of perception was given by the first group of psychologists, who provided the systematic study of the human visual perception. With the advent of modernism in the world, the art, literature and social organizations has transformed to provide the different view towards everything. The philosophers and psychologist, developed new theories to understand human perception towards realism. These theories were concluded from art works, writings and even poetries. This essay explored the theory of Gestalt towards perception of the visual images. It was developed in the modern era to provide a different view of how people perceive reality and illusion. The major contribution has been given by Koffka, Wertheimer, Köhler and Lewin in the emergence of Gestalt theory of perception. This theory could be divided in six different principles that explain the visual perception of humans towards visual arts.
The essay explored the famous Peter and Paul Goblet illusion, My Wife and My Mother-In-Law and My Husband and My Father-In-Law ambiguous illusions as the best examples of Gestalt theory, which also informs about semantics and color perceptions. These images are presented in black and white colors and provides figure and ground perceptions. The first image shows one vase in black color and two faces in white color. The other two illusions also display two faces, one is old and other one is young. According to the theory of perception, a visual image is looked as whole and not in parts. When audience looks at peter and paul goblet, and the faces in My Wife and My Mother-In-Law and My Husband and My Father-In-Law, they could either figure or ground. Both the images could not be seen at once. The mind moves back and forth to see both images. When the vase is seen in the image, the two faces disappear into the background, but when faces are seen, the vase disappears. Same way when the young girl or young boy faces are seen the old faces disappear in the background. According to cultural context, every element of nature is meant to interact with each other and to support each other, like that in the images figure is supported by ground and ground is also supported by the figure.

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