

  This article was presented by the researcher with the combination of both primary and secondary data through complementing the experimentation with the wide range of previous studies and relevant literature on the topic. The article was rich in terms of readability and enabled the understanding about the way in which the performance of cell was impacted by the existence of the liquid water particularly at the increased present densities (PARK et al., 2008). The liquid water production rate was modelled mathematically for the analysis of the role played by the drop in pressure and the operating temperature of cell in the formation of liquid water within the cell.

  At the end of the report, the very matter of leadership agility is the main context to produce the developmental planning within the organization Cleveland Clinic. The specific developmental activities have been specifically mentioned in the body part of the report. Accessing of the leadership agility is the main concern to develop the leadership agility and then clarify the servant leadership theory into the present organization are the two very developmental planning mentioned in this report as per the leadership agility (Williams, 2006). Then the management has decided to develop an executive team to rectify the issues of leadership agility. Based on these developmental planning, the management of Cleveland Clinic’s would clearly define their improvement and progress parameter which must help the organization to achieve the immediate success of healthcare organizations in the United Kingdom. Those mentioned developmental planning would carry the success path for the organization Cleveland Clinic as the management has decided to improve the collaboration and team building to promote the interactive innovations and creativity. In this way, the leaders of the organization can feel more self-confident and open to develop their individual skills and behaviours.

  The three research article were reviewed and analysed in this paper related to the topic of water distribution in PEMFC. These articles were related to the issue of liquid water’s presence in the fuel cells of PEM nature. The primary nature of the investigation was to determine the manner in which the liquid water is formed and accumulated in the fuel cells of operating nature. Therefore, the wide range of techniques were discussed in these articles ranging from the conventional to the modern techniques. The newly emerged technique of the neutron radiography was used in two of the three selected articles that can provide with the effective and accurate measurement about the quantity and amount of liquid water present in the fuel cells. It was further established by these researches that the presence of the liquid water deteriorates the performance of the fuel cells.

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