
以下代写论文-现实主义在动画电影中的应用阅读,其目的 在于探讨如何将电影研究中的理想主义概念应用到动画中,并提供与之相关的视觉实例。 “现实主义”一词肯定可以被认为是关于“关键当前”的最模糊、最复杂和最难以捉摸的术语之一。当现实主义在电影分析中得到应用时,这种复杂性进一步增强,在电影分析中,不仅现实主义的概念发生了变化,而且在大多数情况下被认定为矛盾的。人们可以考虑称赞好莱坞最新的大片,电脑特效对现实主义的应用令人印象深刻。这就如同从现实主义的角度来描述最朴素、最苦行的独立电影缺乏特效一样。从明确的意义上说,观众在观看的过程中,带着不同的主观立场来承载,是对多重现实主义的一种理解。这可以被认为是文件理论中重要发展的主题,最引人注目的是Laura Mulvey(1975)在她的文章《视觉愉悦与叙事电影》中对女性主义的介入。

The most apt example for the reflection of realism in animation is “Red’s Dream” (1987) that is a short computer animation well- known within the domain of famous entertainment. The animation tends to be bringing sophistication at a new level to the tradition of realism in animation. There is a constituency of three main segments in the film. The first segment tends to be establishing the overall motivation, setting and atmosphere for the entire narrative. The second segment is identified as a sequence of fantasy or a dream. The third segment is known to be having two different motivations that is returning to reality along with the reaction of central character to this, and an equilibrium re- developed by returning to the opening location and setting of the film. Altogether, these scenes or segments are known to be comprising a trajectory of quasi- circular movement with the display of different modalities or registers of realism for each.
Fed by the infinite power of imagination across mankind, providing a reflection of fantasies and imagination on the screen, the characters and roles of films in production within the fields of animation and cinema have started to become a part of daily lives than it was ever before. The success enjoyed by produced films is highly dependent on the limit to which audience will be identifying and relating themselves with the characters and events in the film. Together with the development and advancement of technologies, the hyper- realistic characters of human created in films of animation have been doubted for the fact of belief and also has an association with the argument of uncanny valley.

Fed by the infinite power of imagination across mankind, providing a reflection of fantasies and imagination on the screen, the characters and roles of films in production within the fields of animation and cinema have started to become a part of daily lives than it was ever before. The success enjoyed by produced films is highly dependent on the limit to which audience will be identifying and relating themselves with the characters and events in the film. Together with the development and advancement of technologies, the hyper- realistic characters of human created in films of animation have been doubted for the fact of belief and also has an association with the argument of uncanny valley. Assumptions regarding realism in film study has frequent tying with concepts related to indexical prevalence between the photographic images along with its reference. In turn, these are known to be constituting elements of bifurcation between formalism and realism in the theory of film.

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