

  The number of franchises should be increased, especially in the metro areas. Apart from increasing the franchises in the metro areas, the organization should improve their relationship with the franchises as well. If possible, they should give some powers at the hands of the franchise, which means the power that is already there should be increased. In addition, if it is increased, then it could actually help the firm to gain profit from the global market. Therefore, this is something that is important for the growth of the organization, and in this way, they could actually combat the failure that they meet.

  The firm should also come up with those play lands that are child proof, so that the child may not hurt him/her, and the customer’s expectation of having fun area for the kids are fulfilled. There should be the installation of facilities such as the Wi-Fi, in order to compete with the other players in the market (Raju, Singh and Tariyal, 2015). During the peak hours, the number of cash counters within the outlets should be more. There should be more established and proper system, which would assist to avoid delivery mismatch (Lim and Loh, 2014). Moreover, the organization should try to simplify the menu, if these things were carried out, then it would actually encourage reducing the complaints receive from the customers. The above mentioned things and this particular activity of simplifying the menu would actually help the customers and the crew a lot. They would be given quick and speedy services and there would not be much confusion.

  The organization could come up with the new or rather innovative technologies or they should change the policy of providing speedy and quick delivery of items to the customers in order to meet the ever increasing demand of the customers. Since the customers demand are changing rapidly and this is increasing the waiting times, therefore, it is important that the organization go for the change of the policies because catering to the increase in demand of the consumers could actually help the firm to recover from the failure that they are facing.

  The organization should not homogenize the millennial and this would in turn be helpful for their growth only. The millennial should be treated as heterogeneous community, each of them unique in their way. Therefore, treating them as homogenous should not be the new policy of the firm, and if the organization want to progress, they would have to change their old view point. The new view point in this case would actually assist the customers and in turn the firm to gain success and profitability from the market and would be fruitful for the growth of the organization.

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