

近年来,关于影子银行的相关问题已经有了大量的文献。影子银行这个术语是McCulley(2007)首次提出的,Tucker(2010)等政策制定者也曾使用过。关于影子银行的第一篇文章是由Pozsar(2008)和Adrian & Shin(2008)提出的。此外,Pozsar, Adrian, Ashcraft and Boesky(2012)对影子银行问题进行了研究。此外,Adrian和Ashcraft(2012)对影子银行这一主题进行了大量的研究。此外,学术研究由Gorton和Metrick(2011, 2012)进行。除此之外,金融经济学家、法律学者也进行了大量的学术研究,如Schwarcz(2012)和Ricks(2010)的研究。

国际影子银行工作组的成立是由金融稳定委员会(Financial Stability Board, 2011, 2012)完成的。金融稳定委员会的主要目标是加强对影子银行的监管,对整个银行系统进行监督。这项工作由金融稳定委员会领导,因为他们在全球范围内都有类似的机构。不同类型的影子银行集团可以分为货币市场和共同基金以及与证券化相关的其他不同实体的活动。行业组织也对影子银行进行了研究。国际金融协会(Institute of International Finance)也提出了影子银行政策。此外,证券业和金融市场协会(SIFMA)在影子银行相关问题上有许多工作流程。


In the recent times, a large amount of literature has been written on the issue related to the shadow banking. The Shadow banking is a term which was coined for the very first time by McCulley (2007) and was used by the policymakers such as Tucker (2010). The very first articles on the subject of shadow banking were given forward by Pozsar (2008) and Adrian & Shin (2008). Further, the research on the issue of Shadow Banking was done by Pozsar, Adrian, Ashcraft and Boesky (2012). Further, the number of research on the subject of Shadow Banking has been done by Adrian and Ashcraft (2012). Further, the academic studies were conducted by Gorton and Metrick (2011, 2012). In addition to this, a number of academic researches were conducted by the financial economists, legal scholars such as the research conducted by Schwarcz (2012) and Ricks (2010).

The initiation of the international working groups on shadow banking was done by Financial Stability Board (2011, 2012). The primary objective of FSB is to enhance the regulation related to the shadow banking and to have an oversight of the entire banking system. This work has been led by FSB because they have a global reach of the same. Different types of shadow banking groups can be classified into money market and mutual funds and different other entities related to the securitization of the activities. Study on the shadow banking is also conducted by the industry groups. The policy for the shadow banking has also been put forward by the Institute of International Finance. Further, the security industry and the Financial Market Association (SIFMA) has many work streams on the issues related to shadow banking.