

  The choice tampons and sanitary napkins is dependent on numerous elements such as favourite maternal attitude, friends making use of specific brands, difference in regions, cultures and ethnicity and climatic conditions (Kotler and Armstrong, 2010). The users of tampon are not restricted to the choices made by their mother or friends, but their favourable attitude or motivation to buy the product are the best predictors for tampon users. The factors which motivate the customers to buy their most preferred products are soft material, low prices, renowned brand name, good will and trust to the company. The company’s unique characteristics also drive the customers to make the purchase (Solomon, Russell-Bennett and Previte, 2012).

  Therefore, this study was conducted to learn about the role the social media plays in marketing the daily products of women by the small and big enterprises. For this purpose, the interview session was conducted by the chief executive officer of ICON Company that is the renowned manufacturer of sanitary pads. Moreover, 9 women of the Asian region were interviewed for the purpose of the study. This research helped in structuring the report using the qualitative study and performed the interview with 10 respondents in all. The inclusion of the real life company named Icon assisted the research in understanding the purpose for which this research was conducted (Best and Kahn, 2014).

  No business can be completed without the customers who are motivated to buy from the same company again and again. It is beneficial for the business as it offers the opportunity to earn huge profits and helps the business to expand both in the national and international market. In the current study, the use of social media has been incorporated to study how small and big enterprises involve social media to market the female daily necessities products for instance, sanitary napkins, moon cups and tampons. The study has primarily focused on the usage of tampons and sanitary napkins, as moon cups still have made their name known in the market and was very rarely utilized by the female customers (Kumar et al., 2010). Besides, myriad females are not even aware of the usage of moon cups. Hence, they opt for either sanitary pads or tampons. Even though moon cups is an easy option for the women to use and is also a very safe option, the usage of the moon cups is still adopted by women worldwide.

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