

  在本篇代写演讲稿-管理变更的过程中,管理变更的过程也是集体进行的,所有的利益相关者都被对齐到一个单一的集体目标上,这个目标将在变更完成后满足所有人(Gleeson和Low, 2000)。所有利益相关者共同参与的任务将是最乏味的,需要小心处理,并且在变革过程中需要集体行动的成果。地方政府的组织结构很简单,并提供行政权力,谁可以在城市的变化过程中作出贡献,使变化可能的一块土地确定。接下来有关代写演讲稿-管理变更的过程分享给大家阅读。

  The change that was managed came to be executed with proper application of the theories of mixed use development and environmental concerns to be prevented. The change execution was more of the combined implementation drive that took place with all the agents and turned the project on paper as a reality on land (Green, 2010). The urban change thus developed was rigorously assessed for its impact and the execution was reassessed for its risk exposure, consequences, and community concerns to be accommodated. This provided a full range implementation plan where all stakeholders were involved and it provided with the minimum likelihood of error arising in the development and also after the development was finished. The area now has about 10,000 people coming to work every day with the major multinational companies and banks moving to the area, and by 2020 the area is expected to host more than 17,000 residents in the dockland area itself.

  The development was only the result of the combined effort of all change agents, without which the development of such a standard on a wasteland could not have been possible. The process of managing the change was also conducted collectively and all stakeholders were aligned to a single piece of collective objectives that would satisfy all after its completion (Gleeson and Low, 2000). The task of all stakeholders coming together would be the most tedious which was handled with care and had all the requisites of the fruitfulness of collective action presented in the process of change. The local government’s organizational structure was simple and provided for executive powers who could contribute in the urban change process and make the change possible on the piece of land identified.

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